How to Up-res FLIP TANK sim?

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When i try to apply up-res from container tools, i get a error

'NoneType' object has no attribute ‘set’

it occur even on a fresh new scene with shelf created default FLIP TANK!

on manual say it is possible to up-res flip liquids..look:

“This solver can scale a low-resolution smoke, file, or even liquid simulation into a higher-resolution container”

i´m on H13, windows…
it´s a bug?
(i already deleted HOU user folder to try fix, but has no effect on error!)

i´m trying to upres a flip liquid simulation, but i don´t know how to manually wire nodes to up-res FLIP sim.

Does anyone have a solution, or a tip to do it manually?

Thanks in advance!
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Is there any special reason to go for upres rather than just decreasing Particle Separation.
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Yes, because the overall behaviour of simulation change to much when i decrease particle separation, and i have a already “approved” look.
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Malcolm Zaloon
Yes, because the overall behaviour of simulation change to much when i decrease particle separation, and i have a already “approved” look.

If you don't want to change look and want to increase particle count, then you can use “pointreplicate” sop.
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Or wedge a few more FLIP sims with the same settings but increment the Jitter Seed in the Initial Data tab on the FLIP Object DOP.

Merge the point cloud results and surface that.
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Answering my own question i finally found an example of FLIP up-res. []

but the video don´t clarify the workflow exact, just indicate a direction…

“- simulating low res
- extracting and reshaping VDBs for hires-emission and collision
- simulating hires layer of water on top of lowres”

Does anyone try this with success?
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