Viewer State: Set Solaris viewport selection via Python

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I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this in, but I'm looking to set ‘selection highlight’ or ‘selected objects’ via Python for a viewer state.

First question, is this possible? Most of the selection methods I found in the docs took Geometry as an argument, I didn't come across anything that dealt with LOPs / stages.

If it's not possible, is there another viewer state method for ‘coloring’ or ‘overlaying’ geometry that I could use instead?

Thanks for any direction you can provide, even if it's vague
Grant Miller
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Ingenuity Studios
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The viewport selection functions specific to Solaris have “SceneGraph” in them. So you'll want setCurrentSceneGraphSelection(), which takes a list of USD paths. There is currently no way to specify an additional highlight though.
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Awesome, thanks for the quick reply.

Here's a link to the docs page: []

Inside a viewer state it's as easy as:

The selection highlight updates and also doesn't trigger an undo which is great for my use case
Grant Miller
VFX Supervisor
Ingenuity Studios
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One minor issue, when I set the viewport selection via python, if I press Alt to tumble the selection highlighting disappears. If I mouse out of the viewport then back over the selection will come back. Bug? Seems to work w/ the default selection tools just not pythonically.
Grant Miller
VFX Supervisor
Ingenuity Studios
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