Peter Mcmullan

Peter McMullan

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Houdini Engine


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Recent Forum Posts

Stitches on a surface? 2017年11月18日12:00

Hi, I have a curved surface (a car dashboard) where I have placed stitches for the materials, They are placed along a curve with the ray sop projecting the curve to the surface.

How can I indent the surface between the rows of stitches similarly to the attached image. Is there a way to tesselate just the immediate area along the curve, using the curve procedurally?


Point cloud attributes 2015年11月9日7:38

Hi Guys, I have a point cloud finding some points which is working as I expect.

How can I access the attributes of the individual points found in vops?



Which points are on my primitives? 2015年2月2日9:11

Please can someone tell me how I can access the point numbers of all the points attached to my prims. I have a grid - facet - primitive setup to split the grid into its polygons and want to displace each primitive on the grid by the average luminance of its 4 corners (or of the center of each polygon).

File attached if you want a look

