Quite some time ago I was trying to cook up something like the guys at moviebarcode.com: Some setups that’d deconstruct a given movie into its individual colors in a visually pleasing manner. Recently I thought it was time to try another attempt. Instead of linearly mapping the individual frames’ colors on a 2D plane, this time I wanted to create something that took advantage of 3D space.

The idea here is to first read in individual movie frames and then convert the individual pixel’s RGB values into HSV color space and use the hue (converted to Radians) to map the individual pixels in a radial shape with saturation and value driving how far a given pixel can be from the center line of the timeline we’re building. In addition to that I found it quite interesting to get my hands dirty when working with strings in VEX to extract file paths for a movie’s individual frames. Hope you’re having fun with this one!



Still thinks “Space: 1999” is the coolest thing that ever happened on german TV. Be it pixels, hardware, code or cameras – if it’s interesting, Moritz is gonna take it apart. And sometimes even reassemble it. In his spare time he likes to dabble with code and create generative artwork. He claims his early exposure to QBasic is no help at all when working in Houdini, Cinema 4D, Processing or Arduino. But it might have been what started his fascination for the boundaries of code and art. When not wreaking havoc to any intriguing devices around him, he works as a freelance Art Director / Technical Director.

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