I have some issues with the Ocean Flat Tank Tool (NOW WITH PROJECT FILE)

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Hey everyone

I am new to Houdini but I could solve most issues I had at start now.
Sadly my ship is still "sinking" but I do not want that. It looks like
the ocean flat tool is going threw the ship hull and then threw the ship deck again (from below).

Any ideas?
Edited by FootlooseCorp - Feb. 23, 2021 07:25:29

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Okay I want to say a little bit more about the issue.

I am using the 'Ocean Flat Tank' to generate the ocean and
the interaction of the ship. I did only change some values in the
'wavetank' node (flattank_initial).

When I lower the particle separation the ocean becomes more detailed, but it does not
change the issue a lot and do not solve it.

The behaviour of the ocean is not really sensefull, as the water rises above the usual
ocean level (compared with the waves peak).

So I do not know the reason, why the ocean act like this.
If there is an reason it is in the usual ocean flat tank nodes or at the
ships model.

There are already particles inside the ship (some small amount directly on the 'hull') at the first frame.

I also tried an other ship hull, this time one I made by myself. It is much more high poly.
Still, the issue is there... Maybe it is .fbx-file related?

Maybe this helps you to help me
Edited by FootlooseCorp - Feb. 22, 2021 15:59:27

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Yes the tutorial is available
Edited by Jerry Jerry - Feb. 22, 2021 22:03:45
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Thanks for posting your tutorial here.
If I can I take a look in it if I can
Anyway, maybe the issue is caused by something it would
also do when I follow your tutorial so I still hope for a solution.

Here you have a
project file. [drive.google.com]
The project file is just my ship hull with a basic ocean flat tank with ps 1.5
and moved to frame 240 (10 seconds) to see the issue.

You can see in the most actual screenshot in this post that the problem is not that big anymore, but still there.

Also I have made a much more simple test scene using a cube, he 'sinks' too...
Edited by FootlooseCorp - Feb. 23, 2021 07:31:24

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I think this looks a lot better now...
Sadly I do not know caused the better result
Edited by FootlooseCorp - Feb. 23, 2021 20:38:09

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