Pyro / Billowy Smoke Resolution

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Hey there,
I am new to houdini and try to create some nice smoke flipbooks for practice.
If I try to render my smoke sim, the resolution of my smoke is very bad, almost pixelated.

My guess is (from what I've read) that I need to alter the division size but I can't find it in my node setup.
(I did use the configurable billowy smoke houdini offers)

Can someone help a beginner?


smoke_test.hipnc (1.2 MB)

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Yes very low resolution volumes.
After vdbcombine1, insert a VDB Resample SOP
Define Transform: Using Voxel Scale Only
Voxel Scale: 0.5
That will double the voxel resolution.

Then append a VDB Smooth SOP
Operation: Median Value (seemed to look the best here)
Iterations: 1

That gives you a smoother result for sure.

smoke_test_jw.png (367.6 KB)

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Thanks, thats awesome!

So for to get this straight for me what division size did in older houdini versions is now voxel size?
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