static bool | doCoplanarTriTriOverlap (const bvTriangle &tri1, const bvTriangle &tri2, fpreal tol=0.0f) |
| Returns true if two coplanar triangles overlap. More...
static bool | doTriTriOverlap (const bvTriangle &tri1, const bvTriangle &tri2, fpreal tol=0.0f) |
| Returns true if two triangles overlap. More...
static bool | doTriTriOverlap (const bvTriangle &tri1, const bvTriangle &tri2, bool &coplanar, UT_Vector3 &isectpt1, UT_Vector3 &isectpt2, fpreal tol=0.0f) |
| Returns the intersection points when two triangles overlap. More...
static bool | doCoplanarQuadQuadOverlap (const bvQuad &q1, const bvQuad &q2, fpreal tol=0.0f) |
| Returns true if two coplanar quadrilaterals overlap. More...
static bool | doPlaneBoxOverlap (const UT_Vector3 &normal, const fpreal d, const UT_Vector3 &maxbox, fpreal tol=0.0f) |
| Returns true if a plane and a box overlap. More...
static bool | doTriBoxOverlap (const bvTriangle &tri, const UT_Vector3 &ra, const UT_Matrix3 &R, const UT_Vector3 &T, bool lite=false) |
static bool | doBoxBoxOverlap (const UT_Vector3 &ra, const UT_Vector3 &rb, const UT_Matrix3 &R, const UT_Vector3 &T, fpreal tol=0.f, bool lite=false) |
static void | calcAABB (const UT_Vector3 &ra, const UT_DMatrix4 &xform, UT_Vector3 &rnew, UT_Vector3 &Tnew) |
static void | calcAABB (const UT_Vector3 &ra, const UT_DMatrix4 &xform, const UT_Matrix3 &R, const UT_Vector3 &T, UT_Vector3 &rnew, UT_Vector3 &Tnew) |
static bool | doBoxBoxOverlap (const UT_Vector3 &ra, const UT_Vector3 &rb, const UT_DMatrix4 &xform1, const UT_DMatrix4 &xform2, const UT_Matrix3 &R, const UT_Vector3 &T, fpreal tol, bool lite=false, bool useOBB=true) |
A class for determining if geometry objects overlap.
Definition at line 39 of file BV_Overlap.h.