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IMX_Layer Class Reference

#include <IMX_Layer.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for IMX_Layer:

Public Types

 Camera. More...

Public Member Functions

 IMX_Layer ()
 IMX_Layer (const IMX_Layer &a, bool)
 "copy constructor" that does not copy the buffer pixels More...
 IMX_Layer (int width, int height, CE_Image::StorageType storage, int channels)
 Initialize the IMX_Buffer. More...
 IMX_Layer (const PXL_Raster &rp)
 Construct a layer from a PXL_Raster. More...
void setName (const UT_StringHolder &name)
const UT_StringHoldergetName () const
const UT_DimRectdataWindow () const
 The dataWindow surrounds all the pixels. More...
int x () const
int y () const
UT_Vector2I xy () const
int width () const
int height () const
UT_Vector2I wh () const
int r () const
int t () const
UT_Vector2I rt () const
fpreal64 pixelAspectRatio () const
 Distortion in image->pixel space transform. More...
const UT_Vector2DdisplayWindowSize () const
 Aperture in pixels. More...
UT_Vector2D displayWindowXY () const
UT_Vector2D displayWindowRT () const
fpreal64 apertureAspect () const
 width / height of the aperture / displayWindow More...
Projection projection () const
bool isOrtho () const
bool isPerspective () const
fpreal64 apertureMax () const
UT_Vector2D apertureOffset () const
fpreal64 focalLength () const
fpreal64 fStop () const
fpreal64 lensDiameter () const
const UT_Vector2DclippingRange () const
fpreal64 focusPlane () const
const UT_Vector3DcameraPosition () const
fpreal64 cameraZ () const
const UT_Vector2Dshutter () const
UT_Matrix4D projectionXform () const
 Transform from camera space to image space. More...
UT_Matrix4D projectionXformVk () const
 Transform from camera space to texture space for Vulkan rasterization. More...
const UT_Matrix4Dtransform () const
 Transform from image space to world space. More...
const UT_Matrix4DimageToWorldXform () const
UT_Matrix4D inverseCameraXform () const
const UT_Vector2DimageToPixelScale () const
 Coordinate transforms. More...
const UT_Vector2DimageToPixelTranslate () const
const UT_Vector2DbufferToPixelScale () const
UT_Vector2D bufferToTextureScale () const
UT_Vector2D textureToBufferScale () const
const UT_Vector2DpixelScale () const
bool isPixelScale () const
const UT_Vector2DbufferToPixelTranslate () const
UT_Vector2D imageToBufferScale () const
UT_Vector2D imageToBufferTranslate () const
UT_Vector2D bufferPixelSize () const
UT_Vector2D imageToPixel (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
 Image <-> Pixel. More...
UT_Vector2D pixelToImage (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D pixelToBuffer (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
 Pixel <-> Buffer. More...
UT_Vector2D bufferToPixel (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D imageToBuffer (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
 Image <-> Buffer. More...
UT_Vector2D bufferToImage (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D bufferToTexture (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D textureToBuffer (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D imageToTexture (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D textureToImage (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D textureToPixel (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Vector2D pixelToTexture (const UT_Vector2D &v) const
UT_Matrix4D bufferUVToWorldXform () const
void setBufferUVToWorldXform (UT_Matrix4D xform)
template<typename T >
void initFromVoxels (const UT_VoxelArray< T > &src, bool data_too)
void setDefault ()
 Modifications to layer metadata, in approximate order you call them. More...
void copyMetadata (const IMX_Layer &a)
void setPixelAspectRatio (fpreal64 pa)
 Set pixel aspect ratio. This must be done before setDataWindow. More...
void setDataWindow (int w, int h)
 Set both dataWindow and displayWindow to the same rectangle. More...
void setDataWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h)
void setDataWindowOnly (int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Set dataWindow w/o changing displayWindow. More...
void setDisplayWindow (int w, int h)
 Set the displayWindow w/o changing dataWindow. More...
void setDisplayWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h)
void setDisplayWindow (const UT_Vector2D &xy, const UT_Vector2D &wh)
void setApertureAspect (int n, int d)
void setApertureAspect (fpreal64 a)
void setProjection (Projection p)
void setOrtho ()
void setPerspective ()
void setCameraPosition (const UT_Vector3D &p)
void setCameraZ (fpreal64 z)
void setAperture (fpreal64 mm)
void setApertureOffset (const UT_Vector2D &p)
void setApertureCenter (const UT_Vector2D &p)
void setFocalLength (fpreal64 mm)
void setFStop (fpreal64 f)
void setLensDiameter (fpreal64 mm)
void setClippingRange (const UT_Vector2D &v)
void setFocusPlane (fpreal64 f)
void setShutter (const UT_Vector2D &v)
void setTransform (const UT_Matrix4D &m)
 set the imageToWorld transform. This can be done at any time More...
void transform (const UT_Matrix4D &m)
void preTransform (const UT_Matrix4D &m)
void setInverseCameraXform (const UT_Matrix4D &m)
void setBufferSize (int w, int h)
void setPixelScale (const UT_Vector2D &)
void setBufferToPixels ()
void setAligned (const IMX_Layer &src)
void setBufferToPixelScale (const UT_Vector2D &p)
void setBufferToPixelTranslate (const UT_Vector2D &p)
void setAttributes (const UT_OptionsHolder &attrib)
UT_OptionsHolder attributes () const
template<typename OP >
void updateAttributes (const OP &op)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IMX_Buffer
 IMX_Buffer ()
 Creates a new buffer. You must call setSize to make this buffer usable. More...
 IMX_Buffer (int width, int height, CE_Image::StorageType storage, int channels)
 Create and call setSize. More...
 IMX_Buffer (const IMX_Buffer &other)
 IMX_Buffer (IMX_Buffer &&other) noexcept
 IMX_Buffer (const PXL_Raster &rp)
 ~IMX_Buffer ()
void copyMetadata (const IMX_Buffer &source)
void copyStorageType (const IMX_Buffer &i)
 Set storesIntegers, bytes, channels. More...
void setStorageType (CE_Image::StorageType storage, int channels)
 Set storesIntegers, bytes, channels. More...
void setStorageType (CE_Image::StorageType storage)
 Set storesIntegers, bytes. More...
void setStorageBytes (int)
 Set number of bytes per channel, don't change storesIntegers or channels. More...
void setChannels (int channels)
 Set channels, don't change storesIntegers or bits. More...
CE_Image::StorageType getStorageType () const
 Get the data type used to store pixel data for each channel. More...
bool storesIntegers () const
 Does this buffer store integers? More...
int getChannels () const
 Get the number of channels per pixel. More...
int getStorageBytes () const
 Number of bytes per channel. More...
void setBufferSize (int width, int height)
 Sets size of this buffer. More...
int bufferWidth () const
 Get width (number of columns in a row) of the buffer. More...
int bufferHeight () const
 Get height (number of rows) of the buffer. More...
int64 getBufferSize () const
 Returns the number of bytes required to store the entire buffer. More...
void setBufferXforms (const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_image_scale, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_image_xlate, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_from_image_scale, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_from_image_xlate, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_pixel_scale, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_pixel_xlate, const UT_Matrix4F &image_to_world, const UT_Matrix4F &world_to_image)
 Set transform between image and buffer space. More...
void setBorder (IMX_BorderType border)
 Sets the border type of this image. Constant means it is zero. More...
IMX_BorderType getBorderType () const
 Returns type of the border. More...
void setTypeInfo (IMX_TypeInfo typeinfo)
 Sets the semantic type info of this image. More...
IMX_TypeInfo getTypeInfo () const
 Returns type of the border. More...
void setDefaultColor (const UT_Vector4F &)
UT_Vector4F getDefaultColor () const
UT_Vector4I getDefaultColorI () const
 return the current integer value, which might be different More...
void copy (const IMX_Buffer &other)
IMX_Bufferoperator= (const IMX_Buffer &other)
void deepCopy (const IMX_Buffer &other)
void swap (IMX_Buffer &other)
IMX_Bufferoperator= (IMX_Buffer &&other)
bool stealable () const
void setStealable (bool v) const
bool isAligned (const IMX_Buffer &src) const
 True if the buffer pixels line up: width and the transforms from image space match. More...
void copyBuffer (const IMX_Buffer &other)
 Only copy the buffer pointers, the stat data is left unchanged. More...
void moveBuffer (IMX_Buffer &src)
 Move the buffer to this from src, src is left dirty. More...
void makeBufferUnique ()
void adoptRaster (PXL_Raster &raster, bool convert_colorspace)
void copyOrConvert (const IMX_Buffer &other)
UT_UniquePtr< TIL_RasterbuildRaster () const
const UT_SharedPtr
< IMX_CPU_Image > & 
CPUBufferPtr () const
 for debugging More...
const UT_SharedPtr< CE_Image > & GPUBufferPtr () const
void setPixelV4 (int x, int y, const UT_Vector4F &c)
 Sets an individual pixel. More...
void setPixelF (int x, int y, fpreal32 i)
void setPixelI (int x, int y, int i)
UT_Vector4F getPixelV4 (int x, int y) const
 Fetches the value of an individual pixel. More...
int getPixelI (int x, int y) const
UT_Vector4F getPixelV4 (fpreal64 x, fpreal64 y) const
const fpreal16getCPUBufferRF16 () const
fpreal16getCPUBufferWF16 ()
const fpreal32getCPUBufferRF32 () const
fpreal32getCPUBufferWF32 ()
const unsigned char * getCPUBufferRI8 () const
unsigned char * getCPUBufferWI8 ()
const int16getCPUBufferRI16 () const
int16getCPUBufferWI16 ()
const int32getCPUBufferRI32 () const
int32getCPUBufferWI32 ()
voidgetCPUBuffer (bool read, bool write)
template<CE_Image::StorageType STORAGE>
const CE_StorageTypeTraits
< STORAGE >::DataType * 
getCPUBufferR () const
template<CE_Image::StorageType STORAGE>
CE_StorageTypeTraits< STORAGE >
::DataType * 
getCPUBuffer (bool read, bool write)
CE_ImagegetGPUBuffer (bool read, bool write)
const CE_ImagegetGPUBufferR () const
CE_ImagegetGPUBufferW ()
bool isOnGPU () const
 Returns true if this buffer's data is currently on the GPU. More...
bool isOnCPU () const
bool isInUseGPU () const
void setInUseGPUFlag () const
void clearInUseGPUFlag () const
cl::Buffer getGPUStat () const
bool isDirty () const
 False if there are computed pixels in the CPU or GPU buffer. More...
void setDirty ()
 Turn on isDirty(). It is turned off by getCPU/GPUBuffer with write=true. More...
void freeBuffers ()
 Frees the pixel memory (also does setDirty()) More...
void destroy ()
 Frees all the memory used by buffer. More...
bool allocated () const
 True if getCPU/GPUBuffer has been done since last freeBuffers() More...
void setConstantV4 (const UT_Vector4F &i)
void setConstantV3 (const UT_Vector3F &i)
void setConstantF (fpreal32 i=0.0f)
void setConstantI (int32 i=0)
void setUninitialized ()
bool isConstant () const
template<typename T >
void matchAndCopyToVoxels (UT_VoxelArray< T > &dest) const

Detailed Description

This is the object read/written by IMX_Node. It is (usually) one AOV (a Vec4f per pixel) of an image.

Definition at line 25 of file IMX_Layer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation



Definition at line 82 of file IMX_Layer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMX_Layer::IMX_Layer ( )

Definition at line 29 of file IMX_Layer.h.

IMX_Layer::IMX_Layer ( const IMX_Layer a,

"copy constructor" that does not copy the buffer pixels

Definition at line 32 of file IMX_Layer.h.

IMX_Layer::IMX_Layer ( int  width,
int  height,
CE_Image::StorageType  storage,
int  channels 

Initialize the IMX_Buffer.

Definition at line 35 of file IMX_Layer.h.

IMX_Layer::IMX_Layer ( const PXL_Raster rp)

Construct a layer from a PXL_Raster.

Definition at line 42 of file IMX_Layer.h.

Member Function Documentation

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::apertureAspect ( ) const

width / height of the aperture / displayWindow

Definition at line 78 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::apertureMax ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::apertureOffset ( ) const

Definition at line 87 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_OptionsHolder IMX_Layer::attributes ( ) const

Definition at line 305 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::bufferPixelSize ( ) const

Definition at line 131 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::bufferToImage ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 149 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::bufferToPixel ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 143 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::bufferToPixelScale ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::bufferToPixelTranslate ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::bufferToTexture ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 154 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::bufferToTextureScale ( ) const

Definition at line 119 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Matrix4D IMX_Layer::bufferUVToWorldXform ( ) const

Transform 0,0 to lower-left of buffer in world space, 1,1 to upper-right of buffer in world space. This is used to convert the layer to a volume.

const UT_Vector3D& IMX_Layer::cameraPosition ( ) const

Definition at line 93 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::cameraZ ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::clippingRange ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::copyMetadata ( const IMX_Layer a)

Copy everything except the buffer allocations, leaving the result dirty. This avoids any chance that writing this layer will modify the original layer. It also avoids shared pointer overhead and keeping buffers around longer than needed.

Definition at line 196 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_DimRect& IMX_Layer::dataWindow ( ) const

The dataWindow surrounds all the pixels.

Definition at line 58 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::displayWindowRT ( ) const

Definition at line 75 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::displayWindowSize ( ) const

Aperture in pixels.

Definition at line 73 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::displayWindowXY ( ) const

Definition at line 74 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::focalLength ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::focusPlane ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::fStop ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMX_Layer::getName ( ) const

Definition at line 55 of file IMX_Layer.h.

int IMX_Layer::height ( ) const

Definition at line 63 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::imageToBuffer ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Image <-> Buffer.

Definition at line 147 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::imageToBufferScale ( ) const

Definition at line 127 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::imageToBufferTranslate ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::imageToPixel ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Image <-> Pixel.

Definition at line 135 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::imageToPixelScale ( ) const

Coordinate transforms.

Definition at line 115 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::imageToPixelTranslate ( ) const

Definition at line 116 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::imageToTexture ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 160 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Matrix4D& IMX_Layer::imageToWorldXform ( ) const

Definition at line 105 of file IMX_Layer.h.

template<typename T >
void IMX_Layer::initFromVoxels ( const UT_VoxelArray< T > &  src,
bool  data_too 

Initializes this layer from a given voxel array. Number of channels in the image will be set to tuple size of T, and the data type will also be set accordingly. Z-resolution of src must be 1. If data_too is true, the data is also copied from the source array; otherwise, this layer is only appropriate formatted and sized to match the input.

UT_Matrix4D IMX_Layer::inverseCameraXform ( ) const

Transform from world space to camera space. Equal to invert(transform()).translate(-cameraPosition())

bool IMX_Layer::isOrtho ( ) const

Definition at line 84 of file IMX_Layer.h.

bool IMX_Layer::isPerspective ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file IMX_Layer.h.

bool IMX_Layer::isPixelScale ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::lensDiameter ( ) const

Definition at line 90 of file IMX_Layer.h.

fpreal64 IMX_Layer::pixelAspectRatio ( ) const

Distortion in image->pixel space transform.

Definition at line 70 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::pixelScale ( ) const

Definition at line 123 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::pixelToBuffer ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Pixel <-> Buffer.

Definition at line 141 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::pixelToImage ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 137 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::pixelToTexture ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 168 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::preTransform ( const UT_Matrix4D m)

Definition at line 259 of file IMX_Layer.h.

Projection IMX_Layer::projection ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Matrix4D IMX_Layer::projectionXform ( ) const

Transform from camera space to image space.

UT_Matrix4D IMX_Layer::projectionXformVk ( ) const

Transform from camera space to texture space for Vulkan rasterization.

int IMX_Layer::r ( ) const

Definition at line 65 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2I IMX_Layer::rt ( ) const

Definition at line 67 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setAligned ( const IMX_Layer src)

Sets the buffer so isAligned(src) is true. Pretty much the same as copying the pixelScale but this will allow the buffer edges to not match the datawindow at all.

void IMX_Layer::setAperture ( fpreal64  mm)

Definition at line 245 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setApertureAspect ( int  n,
int  d 

Set the aspect ratio of displayWindow exactly, centering the new displayWindow into the old one, two sides will be unchanged, others may be non-integers.

Definition at line 236 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setApertureAspect ( fpreal64  a)
void IMX_Layer::setApertureCenter ( const UT_Vector2D p)

Definition at line 247 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setApertureOffset ( const UT_Vector2D p)

Definition at line 246 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setAttributes ( const UT_OptionsHolder attrib)

Definition at line 303 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setBufferSize ( int  w,
int  h 

One of these functions must be called after changing the display or dataWindow. This will correctly set up the buffer size and transformations. Directly set the buffer size. The bufferToPixel transform is set so this rectangle is mapped to the dataWindow. Note this overrides the IMX_Buffer method.

void IMX_Layer::setBufferToPixels ( )

Make the buffer pixels match the pixels. Same as setPixelScale(1), or setBufferSize(width(), height())

Definition at line 280 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setBufferToPixelScale ( const UT_Vector2D p)

Exactly set pixelScale, however upper-right pixels of buffer may go outside of the dataWindow. Values outside the range 1..width() are not recommended.

void IMX_Layer::setBufferToPixelTranslate ( const UT_Vector2D p)

Adjust the transform so the lower-left corner of the dataWindow and buffer don't match. This value is where the center of the lower-left buffer pixel is in pixel space.

void IMX_Layer::setBufferUVToWorldXform ( UT_Matrix4D  xform)

Sets the world transform such that the given transformation becomes this layer's UV to world.

void IMX_Layer::setCameraPosition ( const UT_Vector3D p)

Definition at line 243 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setCameraZ ( fpreal64  z)

Definition at line 244 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setClippingRange ( const UT_Vector2D v)

Definition at line 252 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setDataWindow ( int  w,
int  h 

Set both dataWindow and displayWindow to the same rectangle.

Definition at line 210 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setDataWindow ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 211 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setDataWindowOnly ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 

Set dataWindow w/o changing displayWindow.

Definition at line 218 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setDefault ( )

Modifications to layer metadata, in approximate order you call them.

reset metadata to default value

void IMX_Layer::setDisplayWindow ( int  w,
int  h 

Set the displayWindow w/o changing dataWindow.

Definition at line 221 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setDisplayWindow ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 222 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setDisplayWindow ( const UT_Vector2D xy,
const UT_Vector2D wh 

Definition at line 224 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setFocalLength ( fpreal64  mm)

Definition at line 249 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setFocusPlane ( fpreal64  f)

Definition at line 253 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setFStop ( fpreal64  f)

Definition at line 250 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setInverseCameraXform ( const UT_Matrix4D m)

set the inverseCameraTransform which will set the transform. Using this avoids multiple inverts of the matrix to get the value back.

void IMX_Layer::setLensDiameter ( fpreal64  mm)

Definition at line 251 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setName ( const UT_StringHolder name)

The name is used to populate channel selector widgets, for VDB channel names, and may be used to distiguish multiple channels on a wire in the future.

Definition at line 54 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setOrtho ( )

Definition at line 241 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setPerspective ( )

Definition at line 242 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setPixelAspectRatio ( fpreal64  pa)

Set pixel aspect ratio. This must be done before setDataWindow.

Definition at line 207 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setPixelScale ( const UT_Vector2D )

Set buffer size so each buffer pixel is approximately this many pixels. Value is adjusted down so the width() and height() are an integer number of buffer pixels. Very tiny numbers are clamped to a minimum.

void IMX_Layer::setProjection ( Projection  p)

Definition at line 240 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setShutter ( const UT_Vector2D v)

Definition at line 254 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::setTransform ( const UT_Matrix4D m)

set the imageToWorld transform. This can be done at any time

Definition at line 257 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Vector2D& IMX_Layer::shutter ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file IMX_Layer.h.

int IMX_Layer::t ( ) const

Definition at line 66 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::textureToBuffer ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 156 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::textureToBufferScale ( ) const

Definition at line 121 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::textureToImage ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 162 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2D IMX_Layer::textureToPixel ( const UT_Vector2D v) const

Definition at line 166 of file IMX_Layer.h.

const UT_Matrix4D& IMX_Layer::transform ( ) const

Transform from image space to world space.

Definition at line 104 of file IMX_Layer.h.

void IMX_Layer::transform ( const UT_Matrix4D m)

Definition at line 258 of file IMX_Layer.h.

template<typename OP >
void IMX_Layer::updateAttributes ( const OP &  op)

Updates the contents of the attributes, first making sure it is unique. The provided operator should take a reference to a UT_Options that it will update. this->update([](UT_Options &opt) { opt.setOptionS("test", "bar"); });

Definition at line 313 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2I IMX_Layer::wh ( ) const

Definition at line 64 of file IMX_Layer.h.

int IMX_Layer::width ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file IMX_Layer.h.

int IMX_Layer::x ( ) const

Definition at line 59 of file IMX_Layer.h.

UT_Vector2I IMX_Layer::xy ( ) const

Definition at line 61 of file IMX_Layer.h.

int IMX_Layer::y ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file IMX_Layer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: