| IMX_Layer () |
| IMX_Layer (const IMX_Layer &a, bool) |
| "copy constructor" that does not copy the buffer pixels More...
| IMX_Layer (int width, int height, CE_Image::StorageType storage, int channels) |
| Initialize the IMX_Buffer. More...
| IMX_Layer (const PXL_Raster &rp) |
| Construct a layer from a PXL_Raster. More...
void | setName (const UT_StringHolder &name) |
const UT_StringHolder & | getName () const |
const UT_DimRect & | dataWindow () const |
| The dataWindow surrounds all the pixels. More...
int | x () const |
int | y () const |
UT_Vector2I | xy () const |
int | width () const |
int | height () const |
UT_Vector2I | wh () const |
int | r () const |
int | t () const |
UT_Vector2I | rt () const |
fpreal64 | pixelAspectRatio () const |
| Distortion in image->pixel space transform. More...
const UT_Vector2D & | displayWindowSize () const |
| Aperture in pixels. More...
UT_Vector2D | displayWindowXY () const |
UT_Vector2D | displayWindowRT () const |
fpreal64 | apertureAspect () const |
| width / height of the aperture / displayWindow More...
Projection | projection () const |
bool | isOrtho () const |
bool | isPerspective () const |
fpreal64 | apertureMax () const |
UT_Vector2D | apertureOffset () const |
fpreal64 | focalLength () const |
fpreal64 | fStop () const |
fpreal64 | lensDiameter () const |
const UT_Vector2D & | clippingRange () const |
fpreal64 | focusPlane () const |
const UT_Vector3D & | cameraPosition () const |
fpreal64 | cameraZ () const |
const UT_Vector2D & | shutter () const |
UT_Matrix4D | projectionXform () const |
| Transform from camera space to image space. More...
UT_Matrix4D | projectionXformVk () const |
| Transform from camera space to texture space for Vulkan rasterization. More...
const UT_Matrix4D & | transform () const |
| Transform from image space to world space. More...
const UT_Matrix4D & | imageToWorldXform () const |
UT_Matrix4D | inverseCameraXform () const |
const UT_Vector2D & | imageToPixelScale () const |
| Coordinate transforms. More...
const UT_Vector2D & | imageToPixelTranslate () const |
const UT_Vector2D & | bufferToPixelScale () const |
UT_Vector2D | bufferToTextureScale () const |
UT_Vector2D | textureToBufferScale () const |
const UT_Vector2D & | pixelScale () const |
bool | isPixelScale () const |
const UT_Vector2D & | bufferToPixelTranslate () const |
UT_Vector2D | imageToBufferScale () const |
UT_Vector2D | imageToBufferTranslate () const |
UT_Vector2D | bufferPixelSize () const |
UT_Vector2D | imageToPixel (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
| Image <-> Pixel. More...
UT_Vector2D | pixelToImage (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | pixelToBuffer (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
| Pixel <-> Buffer. More...
UT_Vector2D | bufferToPixel (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | imageToBuffer (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
| Image <-> Buffer. More...
UT_Vector2D | bufferToImage (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | bufferToTexture (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | textureToBuffer (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | imageToTexture (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | textureToImage (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | textureToPixel (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Vector2D | pixelToTexture (const UT_Vector2D &v) const |
UT_Matrix4D | bufferUVToWorldXform () const |
void | setBufferUVToWorldXform (UT_Matrix4D xform) |
template<typename T > |
void | initFromVoxels (const UT_VoxelArray< T > &src, bool data_too) |
void | setDefault () |
| Modifications to layer metadata, in approximate order you call them. More...
void | copyMetadata (const IMX_Layer &a) |
void | setPixelAspectRatio (fpreal64 pa) |
| Set pixel aspect ratio. This must be done before setDataWindow. More...
void | setDataWindow (int w, int h) |
| Set both dataWindow and displayWindow to the same rectangle. More...
void | setDataWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | setDataWindowOnly (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
| Set dataWindow w/o changing displayWindow. More...
void | setDisplayWindow (int w, int h) |
| Set the displayWindow w/o changing dataWindow. More...
void | setDisplayWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | setDisplayWindow (const UT_Vector2D &xy, const UT_Vector2D &wh) |
void | setApertureAspect (int n, int d) |
void | setApertureAspect (fpreal64 a) |
void | setProjection (Projection p) |
void | setOrtho () |
void | setPerspective () |
void | setCameraPosition (const UT_Vector3D &p) |
void | setCameraZ (fpreal64 z) |
void | setAperture (fpreal64 mm) |
void | setApertureOffset (const UT_Vector2D &p) |
void | setApertureCenter (const UT_Vector2D &p) |
void | setFocalLength (fpreal64 mm) |
void | setFStop (fpreal64 f) |
void | setLensDiameter (fpreal64 mm) |
void | setClippingRange (const UT_Vector2D &v) |
void | setFocusPlane (fpreal64 f) |
void | setShutter (const UT_Vector2D &v) |
void | setTransform (const UT_Matrix4D &m) |
| set the imageToWorld transform. This can be done at any time More...
void | transform (const UT_Matrix4D &m) |
void | preTransform (const UT_Matrix4D &m) |
void | setInverseCameraXform (const UT_Matrix4D &m) |
void | setBufferSize (int w, int h) |
void | setPixelScale (const UT_Vector2D &) |
void | setBufferToPixels () |
void | setAligned (const IMX_Layer &src) |
void | setBufferToPixelScale (const UT_Vector2D &p) |
void | setBufferToPixelTranslate (const UT_Vector2D &p) |
void | setAttributes (const UT_OptionsHolder &attrib) |
UT_OptionsHolder | attributes () const |
template<typename OP > |
void | updateAttributes (const OP &op) |
| IMX_Buffer () |
| Creates a new buffer. You must call setSize to make this buffer usable. More...
| IMX_Buffer (int width, int height, CE_Image::StorageType storage, int channels) |
| Create and call setSize. More...
| IMX_Buffer (const IMX_Buffer &other) |
| IMX_Buffer (IMX_Buffer &&other) noexcept |
| IMX_Buffer (const PXL_Raster &rp) |
| ~IMX_Buffer () |
void | copyMetadata (const IMX_Buffer &source) |
void | copyStorageType (const IMX_Buffer &i) |
| Set storesIntegers, bytes, channels. More...
void | setStorageType (CE_Image::StorageType storage, int channels) |
| Set storesIntegers, bytes, channels. More...
void | setStorageType (CE_Image::StorageType storage) |
| Set storesIntegers, bytes. More...
void | setStorageBytes (int) |
| Set number of bytes per channel, don't change storesIntegers or channels. More...
void | setChannels (int channels) |
| Set channels, don't change storesIntegers or bits. More...
CE_Image::StorageType | getStorageType () const |
| Get the data type used to store pixel data for each channel. More...
bool | storesIntegers () const |
| Does this buffer store integers? More...
int | getChannels () const |
| Get the number of channels per pixel. More...
int | getStorageBytes () const |
| Number of bytes per channel. More...
void | setBufferSize (int width, int height) |
| Sets size of this buffer. More...
exint | bufferWidth () const |
| Get width (number of columns in a row) of the buffer. More...
exint | bufferHeight () const |
| Get height (number of rows) of the buffer. More...
int64 | getBufferSize () const |
| Returns the number of bytes required to store the entire buffer. More...
void | setBufferXforms (const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_image_scale, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_image_xlate, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_from_image_scale, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_from_image_xlate, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_pixel_scale, const UT_Vector2F &buffer_to_pixel_xlate, const UT_Matrix4F &image_to_world, const UT_Matrix4F &world_to_image) |
| Set transform between image and buffer space. More...
void | setBorder (IMX_BorderType border) |
| Sets the border type of this image. Constant means it is zero. More...
IMX_BorderType | getBorderType () const |
| Returns type of the border. More...
void | setTypeInfo (IMX_TypeInfo typeinfo) |
| Sets the semantic type info of this image. More...
IMX_TypeInfo | getTypeInfo () const |
| Returns type of the border. More...
void | setDefaultColor (const UT_Vector4F &) |
UT_Vector4F | getDefaultColor () const |
UT_Vector4I | getDefaultColorI () const |
| return the current integer value, which might be different More...
void | copy (const IMX_Buffer &other) |
IMX_Buffer & | operator= (const IMX_Buffer &other) |
void | deepCopy (const IMX_Buffer &other) |
void | swap (IMX_Buffer &other) |
IMX_Buffer & | operator= (IMX_Buffer &&other) |
bool | stealable () const |
void | setStealable (bool v) const |
bool | isAligned (const IMX_Buffer &src) const |
| True if the buffer pixels line up: width and the transforms from image space match. More...
void | copyBuffer (const IMX_Buffer &other) |
| Only copy the buffer pointers, the stat data is left unchanged. More...
void | moveBuffer (IMX_Buffer &src) |
| Move the buffer to this from src, src is left dirty. More...
void | makeBufferUnique () |
void | adoptRaster (PXL_Raster &raster, bool convert_colorspace) |
void | copyOrConvert (const IMX_Buffer &other) |
UT_UniquePtr< TIL_Raster > | buildRaster () const |
const UT_SharedPtr
< IMX_CPU_Image > & | CPUBufferPtr () const |
| for debugging More...
const UT_SharedPtr< CE_Image > & | GPUBufferPtr () const |
void | setPixelV4 (int x, int y, const UT_Vector4F &c) |
| Sets an individual pixel. More...
void | setPixelF (int x, int y, fpreal32 i) |
void | setPixelI (int x, int y, int i) |
UT_Vector4F | getPixelV4 (int x, int y) const |
| Fetches the value of an individual pixel. More...
int | getPixelI (int x, int y) const |
UT_Vector4F | getPixelV4 (fpreal64 x, fpreal64 y) const |
const fpreal16 * | getCPUBufferRF16 () const |
fpreal16 * | getCPUBufferWF16 () |
const fpreal32 * | getCPUBufferRF32 () const |
fpreal32 * | getCPUBufferWF32 () |
const unsigned char * | getCPUBufferRI8 () const |
unsigned char * | getCPUBufferWI8 () |
const int16 * | getCPUBufferRI16 () const |
int16 * | getCPUBufferWI16 () |
const int32 * | getCPUBufferRI32 () const |
int32 * | getCPUBufferWI32 () |
void * | getCPUBuffer (bool read, bool write) |
template<CE_Image::StorageType STORAGE> |
const CE_StorageTypeTraits
< STORAGE >::DataType * | getCPUBufferR () const |
template<CE_Image::StorageType STORAGE> |
CE_StorageTypeTraits< STORAGE >
::DataType * | getCPUBuffer (bool read, bool write) |
CE_Image & | getGPUBuffer (bool read, bool write) |
const CE_Image & | getGPUBufferR () const |
CE_Image & | getGPUBufferW () |
bool | isOnGPU () const |
| Returns true if this buffer's data is currently on the GPU. More...
bool | isOnCPU () const |
bool | isInUseGPU () const |
void | setInUseGPUFlag () const |
void | clearInUseGPUFlag () const |
cl::Buffer | getGPUStat () const |
bool | isDirty () const |
| False if there are computed pixels in the CPU or GPU buffer. More...
void | setDirty () |
| Turn on isDirty(). It is turned off by getCPU/GPUBuffer with write=true. More...
void | freeBuffers () |
| Frees the pixel memory (also does setDirty()) More...
void | destroy () |
| Frees all the memory used by buffer. More...
bool | allocated () const |
| True if getCPU/GPUBuffer has been done since last freeBuffers() More...
void | setConstantV4 (const UT_Vector4F &i) |
void | setConstantV3 (const UT_Vector3F &i) |
void | setConstantF (fpreal32 i=0.0f) |
void | setConstantI (int32 i=0) |
void | setUninitialized () |
bool | isConstant () const |
template<typename T > |
void | matchAndCopyToVoxels (UT_VoxelArray< T > &dest) const |
This is the object read/written by IMX_Node. It is (usually) one AOV (a Vec4f per pixel) of an image.
Definition at line 25 of file IMX_Layer.h.