| PDG_BatchWorkItem (PDG_GraphContext *context, bool is_static=true, PDG_WorkItemID item_id=theInvalidId, int batch_size=0) |
| ~PDG_BatchWorkItem () override |
void | memoryInfo (PDG_MemoryInfo &memory_info, bool inclusive) const override |
int | batchStart () const |
int | batchSize () const |
| Returns the size of the batch. More...
const PDG_WorkItemArray & | batchItems () const |
| Returns the list of sub items in the batch. More...
UT_StringHolder | batchName () const |
| Returns the batch name; the prefix given to all sub items. More...
void | resetOwner () override |
| Resets the work item's dependency objects. More...
PDG_WorkItem * | subitem (int index) const |
void | insertSubitem (int index, PDG_WorkItem *item) |
| Inserts a subitem at a specific index. Used for deserialization. More...
void | initBatchItems (PDG_WorkItemArray &items, int count) |
void | initBatchItems () |
void | setPendingDirty (PendingDirty pending) override |
| Sets the pending dirty flag on all sub items. More...
void | setIsPartialCook (bool is_partial) |
| Sets the partial batch flag. More...
void | setIsDynamicBatch (bool is_dynamic) |
| sets the is dynamic batch flag More...
bool | setCommand (const UT_StringHolder &command, bool shell=false) override |
bool | setPlatformCommands (const UT_StringHolder &linux, const UT_StringHolder &mac, const UT_StringHolder &windows, bool shell=false) override |
bool | isPartialCook () const |
| Returns the partial batch flag. More...
bool | isDynamicBatch () const |
void | setOffset (int offset) |
| Sets the batch offset. More...
int | offset () const |
void | setActivationMode (PDG_BatchActivation mode) |
| Sets the activation mode of the batch. More...
void | setActivationCount (int activation_count) |
PDG_BatchActivation | activationMode () const |
| Gets the activation mode of the batch. More...
int | activationCount () const |
| Gets the activation count. More...
void | setStartIndex (int index) |
| Sets the start index of the batch. More...
fpreal | setTimeStat (PDG_WorkItemStats::StatType stat, bool batched) override |
| Sets a stat on the batch item, and the subitems if requested. More...
PDGE_Dependency * | notCachedDep () |
| Returns the can cook dependency object for this work item. More...
void | tryNotCached (PDGE_Resolutions &resolutions, PDG_WorkItem *work_item) |
| Tries marking the not cached dep as resolved. More...
const PDG_WorkItem * | activeBatchItem () const |
| Returns the active batch sub item, if any. More...
const PDG_WorkItem * | setActiveBatchIndex (int index) const |
PDG_WorkItem * | appendSubItem (UT_WorkBuffer &errors) |
| Dynamically adds a new work item to the batch. More...
PDG_WorkItemCacheState | outputCacheState () const override |
| Returns the output file cache state of this work item. More...
| PDG_WorkItem (PDG_GraphContext *context, bool is_static=true, PDG_WorkItemType type=PDG_WorkItemType::eRegular, PDG_WorkItemID id=theInvalidId) |
| ~PDG_WorkItem () override |
const PDG_EventFilter & | supportedEventTypes () const override |
| Returns the list of supported event types. More...
int64 | getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const override |
| Returns memory usage for this work item. More...
UT_RWLock * | attribGlobalLock () const override |
| Returns the owning node's attribute lock. More...
bool | attribCanWrite (const PDG_EvaluationContext *ctx) const override |
| Returns true if the work item's attributes are writeable. More...
void | attribUnlock (bool modified) const override |
| Called when the attributes have been unlocked. More...
void | attribModify (PDG_AttributeType attrib_type, const UT_StringHolder &attrib_name) const override |
| Called when an attributed owned by the work item is modified. More...
void | attribWarn (const UT_StringHolder &message) const override |
| Called when an attribute operation produces a non-fatal warning. More...
UT_StringHolder | attribOwnerName () const override |
| Returns a descriptive name of the attribute owner. More...
void | resetOwner () override |
| Resets the work item's dependency objects. More...
UT_StringHolder | debugName () const override |
UT_StringHolder | debugGroup () const override |
PDGE_Dependency * | canCookDep () |
| Returns the can cook dependency object for this work item. More...
PDGE_Dependency * | isCookedDep () |
| Returns the is cooked dependency object for this work item. More...
PDG_WorkItemType | type () const |
| Returns the work item type. More...
PDG_WorkItemExecutionType | executionType () const |
| Returns the work item execution type. More...
PDG_WorkItemCookType | cookType () const |
| Returns the work item cook type. More...
PDG_WorkItemID | id () const |
| Returns the id of the work item, guaranteed to be unique. More...
UT_StringHolder | name () const |
| Returns the name of the work item, guaranteed to be unique. More...
bool | hasCommand () const |
bool | hasPlatformCommand () const |
const UT_StringHolder & | command () const |
| Returns the generic command associated with the work item. More...
const UT_StringHolder & | platformCommand (PDG_Platform platform=PDG_Platform::eUndefined) |
bool | shouldRunInShell () const |
| Returns true if the command should run in the shell. More...
UT_StringHolder | label () const |
| Returns the label assocaited with the work item. More...
bool | hasLabel () const |
| Returns true if the work item has a custom label. More...
const UT_StringHolder & | customState () const |
bool | hasCustomState () const |
| Returns true if the work item has a custom state string. More...
PDG_Node * | node () const |
| Returns the node that owns the work item. More...
PDG_GraphContext * | context () const |
| Returns the context that owns the work item. More...
PDG_Graph * | graph () const |
| Returns the graph that the work item belongs to. More...
PDG_BatchWorkItem * | batchParent () const |
const PDG_WorkItem * | cloneTarget () const |
const PDG_WorkItem * | parent () const |
| Const acessor to the work item's parent. More...
const PDG_WorkItem * | attributeSource () const |
int | index () const |
| Returns the work item index. More...
int | internalIndex () const |
| Returns the work item's internal index. More...
int | batchIndex () const |
int | priority () const |
| Returns the work item priority. More...
PDG_CacheID | cacheId () const |
| Returns the cache id of the work item. More...
fpreal | frame () const |
| Returns the work item frame. More...
bool | hasFrame () const |
| Returns true if the frame has been set. More...
fpreal | frameStep () const |
| Returns the work item step size, primarily used with batch items. More...
bool | hasWarnings () const |
| Returns true if the work item has any warning log messages. More...
bool | isStatic () const |
| Returns true if the item is a static work item. More...
bool | isRegular () const |
| Returns true if the work item is a regular item or batch item. More...
bool | isPartition () const |
| Returns true if the work item is a partition type. More...
bool | isDynamic () const |
| Returns true if the work item is a dynamic, regular work item. More...
bool | isBatch () const |
| Returns true if the work tiem is a batch. More...
bool | isFrozen () const |
| Returns true if the work item is frozen. More...
bool | isInProcess () const |
| Returns true if the work item is in process. More...
bool | isServiceMode () const |
| Returns true if the work item is marked as a service task. More...
bool | isOutOfProcess () const |
| Returns true if the work item is scheduled out of process. More...
bool | isScheduled () const |
bool | isPostCook () const |
| Returns true if the work item has post-cook logic. More...
bool | isNoGenerate () const |
bool | isCloneOutputFiles () const |
bool | isMainThread () const |
PDG_WorkItemState | state () const |
| Returns the work item cook state. More...
PDG_WorkItemState | dependencyState () const |
bool | isCooked () const |
| Returns true if the work item is in a cooked state. More...
bool | isSuccessful () const |
| Returns true if the work item is in a successful cooked state. More...
bool | isUnsuccessful () const |
| Returns true if the work item is in a unsucessful cooked state. More...
bool | isUncooked () const |
| Returns true if the work item is uncooked. More...
bool | isUnsuccessfulDep () const |
| Returns true if the work item has an unsucessful dependency. More...
bool | isProcessing () const |
| Returns true if the work item is an cooking/scheduled state. More...
bool | isLongRunning () const |
| Returns true if the work item is long running. More...
PDG_WorkItemEvalState | evaluationState () const |
UT_TBBSpinLock & | edgeLock () const |
| Returns the edge lock for the work item. More...
const PDG_WorkItemIDMap & | dependenciesUnsafe () const |
const PDG_WorkItemIDMap & | dependentsUnsafe () const |
void | dependencies (PDG_WorkItemConstArray &dependency_array) const |
| Returns a copy of the dependencies in an array. More...
void | dependencyIds (PDG_WorkItemIDSet &dependency_ids) const |
| Returns the dependency ids in a set. More...
int | dependencySize () const |
| Returns the number of dependencies. More...
void | dependents (PDG_WorkItemConstArray &dependent_array) const |
| Returns a copy of the dependents in an array. More...
void | dependentIds (PDG_WorkItemIDSet &dependent_ids) const |
| Returns the dependent ids in a set. More...
void | failedDependencies (PDG_WorkItemConstArray &dependecies) const |
void | visualDependencies (PDG_WorkItemSet &deps, bool expand, PDG_Scheduler *filter) const |
void | visualDependents (PDG_WorkItemSet &deps, bool expand, PDG_Scheduler *filter) const |
| Inverse of the above. More...
const PDG_WorkItemIDBoolMap & | requiredDependencies () const |
bool | partitionItems (PDG_WorkItemConstArray &components) const |
void | sortedDependencies (PDG_WorkItemConstArray &sorted_depencies, bool only_upstream=false) const |
bool | addDependency (PDG_WorkItem *work_item, bool required=false, bool user_defined=false) |
void | addRequiredDependency (const PDG_WorkItem *work_item, bool user_defined) |
bool | hasDependency (const PDG_WorkItem *work_item) const |
| Checks if the work item has a given item as a dependency. More...
bool | removeDependency (PDG_WorkItem *work_item) |
void | pushLoopInfoStack (const PDG_WorkItem *parent_item) |
| Updates the loop stack, with the specified parent. More...
void | setLoopInfoStack (const PDG_LoopInfo::Stack &loop_stack) |
| Sets the loop stack contents. More...
PDG_WorkItem * | loopInfoStackEntry (int index) const |
| Returns the loop stack entry at the specified index;. More...
int | loopInfoIteration () const |
| Returns the loop iteration of the work item. More...
int | loopInfoNumber () const |
| Returns the loop number of the work item. More...
int | loopInfoSize () const |
| Returns the size of the loop that contains the work item. More...
int | loopInfoDepth () const |
| Returns the loop depth of the work item. More...
PDG_WorkItemID | loopInfoLock () const |
| Returns the loop service lock ID of the work item. More...
const PDG_LoopInfo::Stack & | loopInfoStack () const |
| Returns the loop stack for this work item. More...
bool | compareLoopInfoStack (const PDG_WorkItem *other) const |
void | setIsPostCook (bool postcook) |
| Sets the is post cook flag. More...
void | setIsNoGenerate (bool no_gen) |
| Sets the work item no generate flag. More...
void | setIsCloneOutputFiles (bool clone) |
| Sets the work item's clone output files flag. More...
bool | setState (PDG_WorkItemState state, bool emit=true, bool update_node=true) |
| Sets the work item state. More...
void | setIsFrozen (bool is_frozen) |
| Sets the frozen flag on the work item. More...
void | setExecutionType (PDG_WorkItemExecutionType execution_type) |
| Sets the execution type of the work item. More...
void | setCookType (PDG_WorkItemCookType cook_type) |
| Sets the cook type for the work item. More...
bool | wasModified () const |
| Returns the work item's modified flag. More...
void | setIndex (int index) |
| Sets the work item index. More...
void | setInternalIndex (int index) |
| Sets the work items internal index, used for dirtying. More...
void | setPriority (int priority, bool emit=true) |
| Sets the work item priority. More...
void | boostPriority () |
bool | clearFrame () |
bool | setFrame (fpreal frame) |
bool | setFrame (fpreal frame, fpreal frame_step) |
void | setNode (PDG_Node *node, bool emit) |
| Sets the work item node. More...
void | startRegenerating () |
| Called when the work item should begin regenerating. More...
PendingDirty | doneRegenerating () |
void | setCloneTarget (const PDG_WorkItem *clone_target) |
void | setBatchInfo (PDG_BatchWorkItem *item, int index, int batch_index, int priority) |
void | setLoopInfo (int iteration, int number, int size, PDG_WorkItemID service_lock=theInvalidId) |
void | setLabel (const UT_StringHolder &label) |
| Sets the work item label. More...
void | clearLabel () |
| Clears the work item label. More...
void | setCustomState (const UT_StringHolder &state) |
void | clearCustomState () |
| Clears the custom state string. More...
bool | hasCookPercent () const |
fpreal | cookPercent () const |
void | setCookPercent (const fpreal &cook_percent) |
template<typename... Args> |
void | addErrorFmt (const char *fmt, Args &&...args) const |
void | addError (const UT_StringHolder &log, bool timestamp=true) const |
template<typename... Args> |
void | addWarningFmt (const char *fmt, Args &&...args) const |
void | addWarning (const UT_StringHolder &log, bool timestamp=true, int verbosity=0) const |
template<typename... Args> |
void | addMessageFmt (const char *fmt, Args &&...args) const |
void | addMessage (const UT_StringHolder &log, bool timestamp=true, int verbosity=0) const |
| Appends a plain message to the work item's in process log buffer. More...
void | addLog (PDG_WorkItemLogType type, const UT_StringHolder &log, bool timestamp=true, int verbosity=0) const |
| Appends text data to the log with the given log type. More...
const UT_WorkBuffer & | logMessages () const |
| Returns the current in process log buffer. More...
void | appPath (UT_WorkBuffer &buffer) const |
| Returns the application path to the work item, e.g. /node/workitem. More...
void | dirty (bool should_delete, bool remove_outputs) |
PDG_WorkItemDirty | prepareDirty (bool should_delete) |
void | cancel () |
| Cancels the work item's execution, if it's running with a scheduler. More...
void | freeze () |
void | invalidateCache () |
| Invalidates the file cache of this work item. More...
void | syncData (bool force_recursive) |
| Syncs work item data with its parent. More...
PDG_WorkItemData * | data () const |
void | setData (PDG_WorkItemDataPtr data) |
bool | compareDataType (const PDG_BaseType *other_type, bool deep=true) const |
SYS_HashType | hash () const |
PDG_AttributeCast | numericData (fpreal ¶m, exint &query_index, const PDG_AttributeEvaluator &evaluator, fpreal frame, int thread) const |
| Does a numeric data lookup, for use with the @ operator. More...
PDG_AttributeCast | stringData (UT_WorkBuffer &buffer, exint &query_index, const PDG_AttributeEvaluator &evaluator, fpreal frame, int thread) const |
| Does a string data lookup, for use with the @ operator. More...
UT_StringHolder | serializeData () const |
| Serialization of underlying PDG_WorkItemData object. More...
bool | serializeDataToFile (const UT_StringHolder &file) const |
bool | compare (PDG_WorkItem *item) const |
| Compares the work item with another item. More...
bool | uiSelect (bool select) |
| Runs selection logic from selecting a work item in TOPs. More...
bool | hasOutputFiles () const |
| Returns true if the work item has at least one output file. More...
bool | outputFiles (PDG_File::Array &files) const |
bool | localizedOutputFiles (PDG_File::Array &files) const |
UT_StringHolder | tempDir () const |
bool | outputFilesForTag (PDG_File::Array &files, const UT_StringHolder &tag, bool include_expected=false) const |
| Returns all output files that are a substring-match for the given tag. More...
UT_StringHolder | localizePath (const UT_StringHolder &path) const |
UT_StringHolder | firstOutputFileForTag (const UT_StringHolder &tag) const |
bool | expectedOutputFiles (PDG_File::Array &files) const |
| Returns the list of expected output files. More...
void | addExpectedOutputFile (const UT_StringHolder &path, const UT_StringHolder &tag, bool own) |
| Adds an expected output file to the work item. More...
void | addExpectedOutputFiles (const UT_StringArray &paths, const UT_StringHolder &tag, bool own) |
| Adds an array of expected output file paths to the work item. More...
void | addExpectedOutputFile (const PDG_File &file) |
| Adds an expected output file to the work item. More...
void | addOutputFile (const UT_StringHolder &path, const UT_StringHolder &tag, PDG_File::Hash hash_code, bool own) |
| Appends the given output file to the work item. More...
void | addOutputFiles (const UT_StringArray &paths, const UT_StringHolder &tag, const PDG_File::HashArray &hashes, bool own) |
void | addOutputFiles (const UT_StringArray &paths, const UT_StringArray &tags, const PDG_File::HashArray &hashes, bool own) |
void | updateOutputFile (int index, const UT_StringHolder &path, const UT_StringHolder &tag, PDG_File::Hash hash_code, bool owner) |
| Replaces the output file at the given index, if that index is valid. More...
void | inputFiles (PDG_File::Array &files, bool include_expected) const |
| Returns the input files for immediate dependencies. More...
bool | inputFilesForTag (PDG_File::Array &files, const UT_StringHolder &tag, bool include_expected=false) const |
| Returns all input files that are a substring-match for the given tag. More...
bool | validateOutputFiles () |
| Checks if the work items output files are valid, e.g. they exist. More...
bool | transferFiles (bool update_cache) |
void | clearOutputFiles () |
| Clears all output files. More...
void | clearExpectedOutputFiles () |
| Clears expected outputs. More...
void | clearRuntimeOutputFiles () |
void | clearEnvironment () |
bool | addEnvironmentVar (const UT_StringHolder &var_name, const PDGT_Value &value, UT_WorkBuffer &errors) |
| Adds an environment variable and value to this work items env var map. More...
bool | hasEnvironmentVar (const UT_StringHolder &var_name) const |
| Returns true if the work item has the specified env var. More...
void | globEnvironment (PDGT_Value::Map &environment) const |
bool | envLookup (const char *key, PDGT_Value &value) const |
| Looks up a key in the environment, returns true if the key exists. More...
void | addNodeWarning (const UT_StringHolder &message) const |
| Adds a warning to the owning node. More...
bool | startSubItem (bool wait, UT_WorkBuffer &errors) |
bool | checkSubItem (UT_WorkBuffer &errors) |
| Returns true if the sub item is ready. More...
bool | startWorkItem () |
bool | cookSubItem (PDG_WorkItemState state, fpreal duration) |
| Marks the work item as cooked, if it is an in-process batch item. More...
PDG_Scheduler * | scheduler () const |
bool | isScheduledBy (PDG_Scheduler *scheduler) const |
| Returns true if the work item is schduled by the specified schduler. More...
void | performanceEvent () const |
| Reports a performance monitor event for this work item. More...
const PDG_WorkItemStats & | stats () const |
| Returns the perf stats object for the work item. More...
PDG_WorkItemStats & | stats () |
void | varReplace (const char *input, UT_WorkBuffer &output) const |
bool | saveJSONFile (const UT_StringHolder &path, bool pretty_print, bool global_attributes, bool skip_defaults) const |
| Saves the work item to a .json file or string. More...
UT_StringHolder | saveJSONString (bool pretty_print, bool global_attributes, bool skip_defaults) const |
UT_OptionsHolder | saveDict (bool global_attributes, bool skip_defaults) const |
| Saves the work item to a UT_OptionsHolder. More...
UT_StringHolder | createJSONPatch (bool pretty_print) const |
| Creates a JSON patch from the work item as a string. More...
| PDG_EventEmitter (PDG_EventQueue *event_queue, bool block_destruction) |
virtual | ~PDG_EventEmitter () |
int64 | getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const |
| Returns memory usage for this event emitter instance. More...
bool | addEventHandler (PDG_EventHandler *handler) |
| Adds an event handlers that listens for all types of events. More...
bool | addEventHandler (PDG_EventHandler *handler, PDG_EventType event) |
| Adds an event handlers that listens for a specific event. More...
bool | addEventHandler (PDG_EventHandler *handler, const PDG_EventFilter &filter) |
void | removeEventHandler (PDG_EventHandler *handler) |
| Removes an event handler from this emitter. More...
void | removeAllEventHandlers (bool user_handler_only=false) |
void | emitEvent (const PDG_Event &event, bool immediate=false) const |
| Emit an event to all handlers. More...
void | eventHandlers (PDG_EventHandlerArray &handlers) const |
void | setEventQueue (PDG_EventQueue *event_queue) |
void | clearEventQueue () |
bool | shouldEmit (const PDG_Event &event) const |
| PDG_AttributeOwner (bool has_runtime) |
virtual | ~PDG_AttributeOwner () |
PDG_AttributeMap & | attributes () |
const PDG_AttributeMap & | attributes () const |
bool | attribSaveJSON (std::ostream &os, bool binary) const |
bool | attribSaveJSON (const UT_StringHolder &file_path) const |
bool | attribLoadJSON (UT_IStream &istream, PDG_AttributeCollision strategy) |
bool | attribLoadJSON (const UT_StringHolder &file_path, PDG_AttributeCollision strategy) |
bool | hasAttributes () const |
virtual bool | isAttribFlagValid (PDG_AttributeFlag flag) const |
virtual bool | areAttribFlagsValid (uint16 flags) const |
| PDGE_DependencyOwner () |
| Constructs a new dependency owner, which must have a string name. More...
virtual | ~PDGE_DependencyOwner () |