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PcpCache Class Reference

#include <cache.h>

Public Member Functions

PCP_API PcpCache (const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &layerStackIdentifier, const std::string &fileFormatTarget=std::string(), bool usd=false)
PCP_API ~PcpCache ()
PCP_API PcpLayerStackRefPtr ComputeLayerStack (const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &identifier, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
PCP_API PcpLayerStackPtr FindLayerStack (const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &identifier) const
PCP_API bool UsesLayerStack (const PcpLayerStackPtr &layerStack) const
PCP_API const PcpPrimIndexComputePrimIndex (const SdfPath &primPath, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel (const SdfPath &path, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred)
template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel (const SdfPath &path, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred, const char *mallocTag1, const char *mallocTag2)
template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel (const SdfPathVector &paths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred)
template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel (const SdfPathVector &paths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred, const char *mallocTag1, const char *mallocTag2)
PCP_API const PcpPrimIndexFindPrimIndex (const SdfPath &primPath) const
template<class Callback >
void ForEachPrimIndex (const Callback &callback) const
PCP_API const PcpPropertyIndexComputePropertyIndex (const SdfPath &propPath, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
PCP_API const PcpPropertyIndexFindPropertyIndex (const SdfPath &propPath) const
PCP_API void ComputeRelationshipTargetPaths (const SdfPath &relationshipPath, SdfPathVector *paths, bool localOnly, const SdfSpecHandle &stopProperty, bool includeStopProperty, SdfPathVector *deletedPaths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
PCP_API void ComputeAttributeConnectionPaths (const SdfPath &attributePath, SdfPathVector *paths, bool localOnly, const SdfSpecHandle &stopProperty, bool includeStopProperty, SdfPathVector *deletedPaths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
PCP_API SdfLayerHandleSet GetUsedLayers () const
 Returns set of all layers used by this cache. More...
PCP_API size_t GetUsedLayersRevision () const
PCP_API SdfLayerHandleSet GetUsedRootLayers () const
 Returns set of all root layers used by this cache. More...
PCP_API const
PcpLayerStackPtrVector & 
FindAllLayerStacksUsingLayer (const SdfLayerHandle &layer) const
 Returns every computed & cached layer stack that includes layer. More...
template<class Callback >
void ForEachLayerStack (const Callback &callback) const
PCP_API PcpDependencyVector FindSiteDependencies (const PcpLayerStackPtr &siteLayerStack, const SdfPath &sitePath, PcpDependencyFlags depMask, bool recurseOnSite, bool recurseOnIndex, bool filterForExistingCachesOnly) const
PCP_API PcpDependencyVector FindSiteDependencies (const SdfLayerHandle &siteLayer, const SdfPath &sitePath, PcpDependencyFlags depMask, bool recurseOnSite, bool recurseOnIndex, bool filterForExistingCachesOnly) const
PCP_API bool CanHaveOpinionForSite (const SdfPath &localPcpSitePath, const SdfLayerHandle &layer, SdfPath *allowedPathInLayer) const
PCP_API std::vector< std::stringGetInvalidSublayerIdentifiers () const
PCP_API bool IsInvalidSublayerIdentifier (const std::string &identifier) const
PCP_API std::map< SdfPath,
std::vector< std::string >
, SdfPath::FastLessThan
GetInvalidAssetPaths () const
PCP_API bool IsInvalidAssetPath (const std::string &resolvedAssetPath) const
PCP_API bool HasAnyDynamicFileFormatArgumentFieldDependencies () const
PCP_API bool HasAnyDynamicFileFormatArgumentAttributeDependencies () const
PCP_API bool IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentField (const TfToken &field) const
PCP_API bool IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentAttribute (const TfToken &attributeName) const
PCP_API const
GetDynamicFileFormatArgumentDependencyData (const SdfPath &primIndexPath) const
PCP_API const SdfPathVectorGetPrimsUsingExpressionVariablesFromLayerStack (const PcpLayerStackPtr &layerStack) const
PCP_API const
< std::string > & 
GetExpressionVariablesFromLayerStackUsedByPrim (const SdfPath &primIndexPath, const PcpLayerStackPtr &layerStack) const
Change handling
PCP_API void Apply (const PcpCacheChanges &changes, PcpLifeboat *lifeboat)
PCP_API void Reload (PcpChanges *changes)
PCP_API void ReloadReferences (PcpChanges *changes, const SdfPath &primPath)
PCP_API void PrintStatistics () const
 Prints various statistics about the data stored in this cache. More...


class PcpChanges
class Pcp_Dependencies
class Pcp_Statistics
const PcpPrimIndexPcp_ComputePrimIndexWithCompatibleInputs (PcpCache &cache, const SdfPath &path, const PcpPrimIndexInputs &inputs, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)


using PayloadSet = std::unordered_set< SdfPath, SdfPath::Hash >
 Returns the payloads requested for inclusion. More...
PCP_API const
GetLayerStackIdentifier () const
 Get the identifier of the layerStack used for composition. More...
PCP_API PcpLayerStackPtr GetLayerStack () const
bool HasRootLayerStack (PcpLayerStackRefPtr const &layerStack) const
PCP_API bool HasRootLayerStack (PcpLayerStackPtr const &layerStack) const
PCP_API bool IsUsd () const
 Return true if the cache is configured in Usd mode. More...
PCP_API const std::stringGetFileFormatTarget () const
 Returns the file format target this cache is configured for. More...
PCP_API PcpVariantFallbackMap GetVariantFallbacks () const
PCP_API void SetVariantFallbacks (const PcpVariantFallbackMap &map, PcpChanges *changes=NULL)
PCP_API bool IsPayloadIncluded (const SdfPath &path) const
 Return true if the payload is included for the given path. More...
PCP_API PayloadSet const & GetIncludedPayloads () const
 Returns the payloads requested for inclusion. More...
PCP_API void RequestPayloads (const SdfPathSet &pathsToInclude, const SdfPathSet &pathsToExclude, PcpChanges *changes=NULL)
PCP_API void RequestLayerMuting (const std::vector< std::string > &layersToMute, const std::vector< std::string > &layersToUnmute, PcpChanges *changes=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > *newLayersMuted=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > *newLayersUnmuted=nullptr)
PCP_API const std::vector
< std::string > & 
GetMutedLayers () const
PCP_API bool IsLayerMuted (const std::string &layerIdentifier) const
PCP_API bool IsLayerMuted (const SdfLayerHandle &anchorLayer, const std::string &layerIdentifier, std::string *canonicalMutedLayerIdentifier=nullptr) const
PCP_API PcpPrimIndexInputs GetPrimIndexInputs ()

Detailed Description

PcpCache is the context required to make requests of the Pcp composition algorithm and cache the results.

Because the algorithms are recursive – making a request typically makes other internal requests to solve subproblems – caching subproblem results is required for reasonable performance, and so this cache is the only entrypoint to the algorithms.

There is a set of parameters that affect the composition results:

  • variant fallbacks: per named variant set, an ordered list of fallback values to use when composing a prim that defines a variant set but does not specify a selection
  • payload inclusion set: an SdfPath set used to identify which prims should have their payloads included during composition; this is the basis for explicit control over the "working set" of composition
  • file format target: the file format target that Pcp will request when opening scene description layers
  • "USD mode" configures the Pcp composition algorithm to provide only a custom, lighter subset of the full feature set, as needed by the Universal Scene Description system

There are a number of different computations that can be requested. These include computing a layer stack from a PcpLayerStackIdentifier, computing a prim index or prim stack, and computing a property index.

Definition at line 93 of file cache.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

using PcpCache::PayloadSet = std::unordered_set<SdfPath, SdfPath::Hash>

Returns the payloads requested for inclusion.

Definition at line 170 of file cache.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PCP_API PcpCache::PcpCache ( const PcpLayerStackIdentifier layerStackIdentifier,
const std::string fileFormatTarget = std::string(),
bool  usd = false 

Construct a PcpCache to compose results for the layer stack identified by layerStackIdentifier.

If fileFormatTarget is given, Pcp will specify fileFormatTarget as the file format target when searching for or opening a layer.

If usd is true, computation of prim indices and composition of prim child names are performed without relocates, inherits, permissions, symmetry, or payloads, and without populating the prim stack and gathering its dependencies.

PCP_API PcpCache::~PcpCache ( )

Member Function Documentation

PCP_API void PcpCache::Apply ( const PcpCacheChanges changes,
PcpLifeboat lifeboat 

Apply the changes in changes. This blows caches. It's up to the client to pull on those caches again as needed.

Objects that are no longer needed and would be destroyed are retained in lifeboat and won't be destroyed until lifeboat is itself destroyed. This gives the client control over the timing of the destruction of those objects. Clients may choose to pull on the caches before destroying lifeboat. That may cause the caches to again retain the objects, meaning they won't be destroyed when lifeboat is destroyed.

For example, if blowing a cache means an SdfLayer is no longer needed then lifeboat will hold an SdfLayerRefPtr to that layer. The client can then pull on that cache, which could cause the cache to hold an SdfLayerRefPtr to the layer again. If so then destroying changes will not destroy the layer. In any case, we don't destroy the layer and then read it again. However, if the client destroys lifeboat before pulling on the cache then we would destroy the layer then read it again.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::CanHaveOpinionForSite ( const SdfPath localPcpSitePath,
const SdfLayerHandle &  layer,
SdfPath allowedPathInLayer 
) const

Returns true if an opinion for the site at localPcpSitePath in the cache's layer stack can be provided by an opinion in layer, false otherwise. If true and allowedPathInLayer is not NULL then it's set to a path in layer that would provide an opinion.

This returns false if no prim index has yet been computed for localPcpSitePath.

PCP_API void PcpCache::ComputeAttributeConnectionPaths ( const SdfPath attributePath,
SdfPathVector paths,
bool  localOnly,
const SdfSpecHandle &  stopProperty,
bool  includeStopProperty,
SdfPathVector deletedPaths,
PcpErrorVector allErrors 

Compute the attribute connection paths for the attribute at attributePath into paths. If localOnly is true then this will compose attribute connections from local nodes only. If stopProperty is not NULL then this will stop composing attribute connections at stopProperty, including stopProperty iff includeStopProperty is true. If not NULL, deletedPaths will be populated with connection paths whose deletion contributed to the computed result. allErrors will contain any errors encountered while performing this operation.

PCP_API PcpLayerStackRefPtr PcpCache::ComputeLayerStack ( const PcpLayerStackIdentifier identifier,
PcpErrorVector allErrors 

Returns the layer stack for identifier if it exists, otherwise creates a new layer stack for identifier. This returns NULL if identifier is invalid (i.e. its root layer is NULL). allErrors will contain any errors encountered while creating a new layer stack. It'll be unchanged if the layer stack already existed.

PCP_API const PcpPrimIndex& PcpCache::ComputePrimIndex ( const SdfPath primPath,
PcpErrorVector allErrors 

Compute and return a reference to the cached result for the prim index for the given path. allErrors will contain any errors encountered while performing this operation.

template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void PcpCache::ComputePrimIndexesInParallel ( const SdfPath path,
PcpErrorVector allErrors,
const ChildrenPredicate &  childrenPred,
const PayloadPredicate &  payloadPred 

Compute PcpPrimIndexes in the subtree rooted at path in parallel, recursing to children based on the supplied childrenPred. Also include payloads not already in this cache's included payloads (see GetIncludedPayloads()) according to payloadPred.

This is similar to ComputePrimIndex(), except it computes an entire subtree of indexes in parallel so it can be much more efficient. This function invokes both childrenPred and payloadPred concurrently, so it must be safe to do so.

When a PcpPrimIndex computation completes invoke childrenPred, passing it the PcpPrimIndex. If childrenPred returns true, continue indexing children prim indexes. In this case, childrenPred may provide a list of names of the children prim indexes to compute. If it does not, all children prim indexes will be computed. If childrenPred returns false, stop indexing in that subtree.

If payloads discovered during indexing do not already appear in this cache's set of included payloads, invoke payloadPred, passing it the path for the prim with the payload. If payloadPred returns true, include its payload and add it to the cache's set of included payloads upon completion.

Definition at line 317 of file cache.h.

template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void PcpCache::ComputePrimIndexesInParallel ( const SdfPath path,
PcpErrorVector allErrors,
const ChildrenPredicate &  childrenPred,
const PayloadPredicate &  payloadPred,
const char *  mallocTag1,
const char *  mallocTag2 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. XXX Do not add new callers of this method. It is needed as a workaround for bug #132031, which we hope to tackle soon (as of 6/2016)

Definition at line 330 of file cache.h.

template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void PcpCache::ComputePrimIndexesInParallel ( const SdfPathVector paths,
PcpErrorVector allErrors,
const ChildrenPredicate &  childrenPred,
const PayloadPredicate &  payloadPred 

Vectorized form of ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(). Equivalent to invoking that method for each path in paths, but more efficient.

Definition at line 344 of file cache.h.

template<class ChildrenPredicate , class PayloadPredicate >
void PcpCache::ComputePrimIndexesInParallel ( const SdfPathVector paths,
PcpErrorVector allErrors,
const ChildrenPredicate &  childrenPred,
const PayloadPredicate &  payloadPred,
const char *  mallocTag1,
const char *  mallocTag2 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. XXX Do not add new callers of this method. It is needed as a workaround for bug #132031, which we hope to tackle soon (as of 6/2016)

Definition at line 358 of file cache.h.

PCP_API const PcpPropertyIndex& PcpCache::ComputePropertyIndex ( const SdfPath propPath,
PcpErrorVector allErrors 

Compute and return a reference to the cached result for the property index for the given path. allErrors will contain any errors encountered while performing this operation.

PCP_API void PcpCache::ComputeRelationshipTargetPaths ( const SdfPath relationshipPath,
SdfPathVector paths,
bool  localOnly,
const SdfSpecHandle &  stopProperty,
bool  includeStopProperty,
SdfPathVector deletedPaths,
PcpErrorVector allErrors 

Compute the relationship target paths for the relationship at relationshipPath into paths. If localOnly is true then this will compose relationship targets from local nodes only. If stopProperty is not NULL then this will stop composing relationship targets at stopProperty, including stopProperty iff includeStopProperty is true. If not NULL, deletedPaths will be populated with target paths whose deletion contributed to the computed result. allErrors will contain any errors encountered while performing this operation.

PCP_API const PcpLayerStackPtrVector& PcpCache::FindAllLayerStacksUsingLayer ( const SdfLayerHandle &  layer) const

Returns every computed & cached layer stack that includes layer.

PCP_API PcpLayerStackPtr PcpCache::FindLayerStack ( const PcpLayerStackIdentifier identifier) const

Returns the layer stack for identifier if it has been computed and cached, otherwise returns NULL.

PCP_API const PcpPrimIndex* PcpCache::FindPrimIndex ( const SdfPath primPath) const

Returns a pointer to the cached computed prim index for the given path, or NULL if it has not been computed.

PCP_API const PcpPropertyIndex* PcpCache::FindPropertyIndex ( const SdfPath propPath) const

Returns a pointer to the cached computed property index for the given path, or NULL if it has not been computed.

PCP_API PcpDependencyVector PcpCache::FindSiteDependencies ( const PcpLayerStackPtr &  siteLayerStack,
const SdfPath sitePath,
PcpDependencyFlags  depMask,
bool  recurseOnSite,
bool  recurseOnIndex,
bool  filterForExistingCachesOnly 
) const

Returns dependencies on the given site of scene description, as discovered by the cached index computations.

depMaskspecifies what classes of dependency to include; see PcpDependencyFlags for details
recurseOnSiteincludes incoming dependencies on children of sitePath
recurseOnIndexextends the result to include all PcpCache child indexes below discovered results
filterForExistingCachesOnlyfilters the results to only paths representing computed prim and property index caches; otherwise a recursively-expanded result can include un-computed paths that are expected to depend on the site
PCP_API PcpDependencyVector PcpCache::FindSiteDependencies ( const SdfLayerHandle &  siteLayer,
const SdfPath sitePath,
PcpDependencyFlags  depMask,
bool  recurseOnSite,
bool  recurseOnIndex,
bool  filterForExistingCachesOnly 
) const

Returns dependencies on the given site of scene description, as discovered by the cached index computations.

This method overload takes a site layer rather than a layer stack. It will check every layer stack using that layer, and apply any relevant sublayer offsets to the map functions in the returned PcpDependencyVector.

See the other method for parameter details.

template<class Callback >
void PcpCache::ForEachLayerStack ( const Callback &  callback) const

Run the given callbcack on every layer stack used by prim indexes in the cache. The callback must have the signature: void(const PcpLayerStackPtr&).

Definition at line 467 of file cache.h.

template<class Callback >
void PcpCache::ForEachPrimIndex ( const Callback &  callback) const

Run the given callback on every prim index in the cache. The callback must have the signature: void(const PcpPrimIndex&).

Definition at line 380 of file cache.h.

PCP_API const PcpDynamicFileFormatDependencyData& PcpCache::GetDynamicFileFormatArgumentDependencyData ( const SdfPath primIndexPath) const

Returns the dynamic file format dependency data object for the prim index with the given primIndexPath. This will return an empty dependency data if either there is no cache prim index for the path or if the prim index has no dynamic file formats that it depends on.

PCP_API const std::unordered_set<std::string>& PcpCache::GetExpressionVariablesFromLayerStackUsedByPrim ( const SdfPath primIndexPath,
const PcpLayerStackPtr &  layerStack 
) const

Returns the set of expression variables in layerStack that are used by the prim index at primIndexPath.

PCP_API const std::string& PcpCache::GetFileFormatTarget ( ) const

Returns the file format target this cache is configured for.

PCP_API PayloadSet const& PcpCache::GetIncludedPayloads ( ) const

Returns the payloads requested for inclusion.

PCP_API std::map<SdfPath, std::vector<std::string>, SdfPath::FastLessThan> PcpCache::GetInvalidAssetPaths ( ) const

Returns a map of prim paths to asset paths used by that prim (e.g. in a reference) that didn't resolve to valid assets.

PCP_API std::vector<std::string> PcpCache::GetInvalidSublayerIdentifiers ( ) const

Returns a vector of sublayer asset paths used in the layer stack that didn't resolve to valid assets.

PCP_API PcpLayerStackPtr PcpCache::GetLayerStack ( ) const

Get the layer stack for GetLayerStackIdentifier(). Note that this will neither compute the layer stack nor report errors. So if the layer stack has not been computed yet this will return NULL. Use ComputeLayerStack() if you need to compute the layer stack if it hasn't been computed already and/or get errors caused by computing the layer stack.

PCP_API const PcpLayerStackIdentifier& PcpCache::GetLayerStackIdentifier ( ) const

Get the identifier of the layerStack used for composition.

PCP_API const std::vector<std::string>& PcpCache::GetMutedLayers ( ) const

Returns the list of canonical identifiers for muted layers in this cache. See documentation on RequestLayerMuting for more details.

PCP_API PcpPrimIndexInputs PcpCache::GetPrimIndexInputs ( )

Returns parameter object containing all inputs for the prim index computation used by this cache.

PCP_API const SdfPathVector& PcpCache::GetPrimsUsingExpressionVariablesFromLayerStack ( const PcpLayerStackPtr &  layerStack) const

Returns the list of prim index paths that depend on one or more expression variables from layerStack.

PCP_API SdfLayerHandleSet PcpCache::GetUsedLayers ( ) const

Returns set of all layers used by this cache.

PCP_API size_t PcpCache::GetUsedLayersRevision ( ) const

Return a number that can be used to determine whether or not the set of layers used by this cache may have changed or not. For example, if one calls GetUsedLayers() and saves the GetUsedLayersRevision(), and then later calls GetUsedLayersRevision() again, if the number is unchanged, then GetUsedLayers() is guaranteed to be unchanged as well.

PCP_API SdfLayerHandleSet PcpCache::GetUsedRootLayers ( ) const

Returns set of all root layers used by this cache.

PCP_API PcpVariantFallbackMap PcpCache::GetVariantFallbacks ( ) const

Get the list of fallbacks to attempt to use when evaluating variant sets that lack an authored selection.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::HasAnyDynamicFileFormatArgumentAttributeDependencies ( ) const

Returns true if any prim index in this cache has a dependency on a dynamic file format argument attribute's default value field.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::HasAnyDynamicFileFormatArgumentFieldDependencies ( ) const

Returns true if any prim index in this cache has a dependency on a dynamic file format argument field.

bool PcpCache::HasRootLayerStack ( PcpLayerStackRefPtr const &  layerStack) const

Return true if this cache's root layer stack is layerStack, false otherwise. This is functionally equivalent to comparing against the result of GetLayerStack(), but does not require constructing a TfWeakPtr or any refcount operations.

Definition at line 134 of file cache.h.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::HasRootLayerStack ( PcpLayerStackPtr const &  layerStack) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsInvalidAssetPath ( const std::string resolvedAssetPath) const

Returns true if resolvedAssetPath was used by a prim (e.g. in a reference) but did not resolve to a valid asset. This is functionally equivalent to examining the values in the map returned by GetInvalidAssetPaths, but more efficient.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsInvalidSublayerIdentifier ( const std::string identifier) const

Returns true if identifier was used as a sublayer path in a layer stack but did not identify a valid layer. This is functionally equivalent to examining the values in the vector returned by GetInvalidSublayerIdentifiers, but more efficient.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsLayerMuted ( const std::string layerIdentifier) const

Returns true if the layer specified by layerIdentifier is muted in this cache, false otherwise. If layerIdentifier is relative, it is assumed to be relative to this cache's root layer. See documentation on RequestLayerMuting for more details.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsLayerMuted ( const SdfLayerHandle &  anchorLayer,
const std::string layerIdentifier,
std::string canonicalMutedLayerIdentifier = nullptr 
) const

Returns true if the layer specified by layerIdentifier is muted in this cache, false otherwise. If layerIdentifier is relative, it is assumed to be relative to anchorLayer. If canonicalMutedLayerIdentifier is supplied, it will be populated with the canonical identifier of the muted layer if this function returns true. See documentation on RequestLayerMuting for more details.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsPayloadIncluded ( const SdfPath path) const

Return true if the payload is included for the given path.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentAttribute ( const TfToken attributeName) const

Returns true if the given attributeName is the name of an attribute whose default value field was composed while generating dynamic file format arguments for any prim index in this cache.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentField ( const TfToken field) const

Returns true if the given field is the name of a field that was composed while generating dynamic file format arguments for any prim index in this cache.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::IsUsd ( ) const

Return true if the cache is configured in Usd mode.

PCP_API void PcpCache::PrintStatistics ( ) const

Prints various statistics about the data stored in this cache.

PCP_API void PcpCache::Reload ( PcpChanges changes)

Reload the layers of the layer stack, except session layers and sublayers of session layers. This will also try to load sublayers in this cache's layer stack that could not be loaded previously. It will also try to load any referenced or payloaded layer that could not be loaded previously. Clients should subsequently Apply() changes to use any now-valid layers.

PCP_API void PcpCache::ReloadReferences ( PcpChanges changes,
const SdfPath primPath 

Reload every layer used by the prim at primPath that's across a reference or payload. Clients should subsequently apply the changes to use any now valid layers.

Note: If a reference or payload was to an invalid asset and this asset is valid upon reloading then this call will not necessarily reload every layer accessible across the reference or payload. For example, say prim R has an invalid reference and prim Q has a valid reference to layer X with sublayer Y. If on reload R now has a valid reference to layer Z with sublayer Y, we will load Z but we will not reload Y.

PCP_API void PcpCache::RequestLayerMuting ( const std::vector< std::string > &  layersToMute,
const std::vector< std::string > &  layersToUnmute,
PcpChanges changes = nullptr,
std::vector< std::string > *  newLayersMuted = nullptr,
std::vector< std::string > *  newLayersUnmuted = nullptr 

Request layers to be muted or unmuted in this cache. Muted layers are ignored during composition and do not appear in any layer stacks. The root layer of this stage may not be muted; attempting to do so will generate a coding error. If the root layer of a reference or payload layer stack is muted, the behavior is as if the muted layer did not exist, which means a composition error will be generated.

A canonical identifier for each layer in layersToMute will be computed using ArResolver::CreateIdentifier using the cache's root layer as the anchoring asset. If an identifier contains a file format target that matches this cache's file format target, that argument will be removed from the identifier. Any layer encountered during composition with the same canonical identifier will be considered muted and ignored.

Note that muting a layer will cause this cache to release all references to that layer. If no other client is holding on to references to that layer, it will be unloaded. In this case, if there are unsaved edits to the muted layer, those edits are lost. Since anonymous layers are not serialized, muting an anonymous layer will cause that layer and its contents to be lost in this case.

If changes is not nullptr, it is adjusted to reflect the changes necessary to see the change in muted layers. Otherwise, those changes are applied immediately.

newLayersMuted and newLayersUnmuted contains the pruned vector of layers which are muted or unmuted by this call to RequestLayerMuting.

PCP_API void PcpCache::RequestPayloads ( const SdfPathSet pathsToInclude,
const SdfPathSet pathsToExclude,
PcpChanges changes = NULL 

Request payloads to be included or excluded from composition.

pathsToIncludeis a set of paths to add to the set for payload inclusion.
pathsToExcludeis a set of paths to remove from the set for payload inclusion.
changesif not NULL, is adjusted to reflect the changes necessary to see the change in payloads; otherwise those changes are applied immediately.
If a path is listed in both pathsToInclude and pathsToExclude, it will be treated as an inclusion only.
PCP_API void PcpCache::SetVariantFallbacks ( const PcpVariantFallbackMap map,
PcpChanges changes = NULL 

Set the list of fallbacks to attempt to use when evaluating variant sets that lack an authored selection.

If changes is not NULL then it's adjusted to reflect the changes necessary to see the change in standin preferences, otherwise those changes are applied immediately.

PCP_API bool PcpCache::UsesLayerStack ( const PcpLayerStackPtr &  layerStack) const

Return true if layerStack is used by this cache in its composition, false otherwise.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

const PcpPrimIndex& Pcp_ComputePrimIndexWithCompatibleInputs ( PcpCache cache,
const SdfPath path,
const PcpPrimIndexInputs inputs,
PcpErrorVector allErrors 
friend class Pcp_Dependencies

Definition at line 660 of file cache.h.

friend class Pcp_Statistics

Definition at line 661 of file cache.h.

friend class PcpChanges

Definition at line 659 of file cache.h.

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