Houdini 20.5 Expression functions

ltrim expression function

Trims white sapce from the front of a string.

Since 20.0


Returns the provided string with any white space (space, tab, or line feeds) stripped the front it.

See also

Expression functions

  • abs

    Returns the absolute value of the argument.

  • abspath

    Returns the full path of a file.

  • acos

    Returns the arc-cosine of the argument.

  • angvel

    Returns the angular velocity required to rotate an object from one orientation to another in a certain period of time.

  • arclen

    Returns the arc length of a curve between two U positions.

  • arclenD

    Returns the arc length of a curve between two U positions and number of divisions.

  • arg

    Returns an argument from a list of HScript-style arguments.

  • argc

    Returns the number of arguments in an HScript-style list of arguments.

  • asin

    Returns the arc-sine of the argument.

  • atan

    Returns the arc-tangent of the argument.

  • atan2

    Returns the arc-tangent of y/x.

  • atof

    Converts a string to a float.

  • attriblist

    Returns a space-separated list of attribute names.

  • bbox

    Returns bounding box information for a surface node.

  • bezier

    Channel segment function: Bezier interpoloation spline

  • bitand

    Combines two numbers with bitwise-and.

  • bitor

    Combines two numbers with bitwise-or.

  • bitset

    Sets or clears a bit in a number.

  • bittest

    Returns if a given bit is set.

  • bitxor

    Combines two numbers with bitwise-xor.

  • boneangle

    Returns the angle at the joint between two bone objects.

  • ceil

    Returns the smallest integer not less than the value passed in.

  • centroid

    Returns centroid information for a surface node.

  • ch

    Returns the value of a parameter.

  • chexist

    Returns 1 if the specified channel exists, 0 if it doesn’t.

  • chexpr

    Evaluates a channel with a new segment expression.

  • chexprf

    Evaluates a channel with a new segment expression at a given frame.

  • chexprt

    Evaluates a channel with a new segment expression at a given time.

  • chf

    Evaluates a parameter at a given frame.

  • chgroup

    return a string containing all of the channels contained in a group.

  • chop

    Evaluates a channel within a CHOP at the current time.

  • chopcf

    Evaluates a channel within a CHOP at a given time.

  • chopci

    Evaluates a channel within a CHOP at a specified sample point.

  • chopct

    Evaluates a channel within a CHOP at a specified time.

  • chope

    Returns the end index of the channels in a CHOP.

  • chopf

    Evaluates a channel within a CHOP with at a given frame.

  • chopi

    Evaluates a channel within a CHOP at a given sample point.

  • chopl

    Returns the length of the channels in a CHOP, in samples.

  • chopn

    Returns the number of data channels within a CHOP.

  • chopnames

    Returns the names of all the data channels within a CHOP.

  • chopr

    Returns the sample rate of a CHOP.

  • chops

    Returns the start index of a CHOP.

  • chopstr

    Returns the string value of a channel within a CHOP at the current time.

  • chopt

    Returns the value of a channel within a CHOP at a specified time.

  • chramp

    Returns the value of a ramp parameter at a specific position.

  • chrampf

    Returns the value of a ramp parameter at a specific position and frame.

  • chrampt

    Returns the value of a ramp parameter at a specific position and time.

  • chs

    Evaluates the string value of a parameter at the current time.

  • chsop

    Evaluates the parameter at the current time as a node path string.

  • chsoplist

    Evaluates the parameter at the current time as a node path list string.

  • chsraw

    Returns the raw (unexpanded) expression value of a parameter as a string.

  • cht

    Returns the value of a parameter at a specified time.

  • clamp

    Returns a value clamped between a minimum and maximum.

  • clamptosphere

    Clamps a vector to always end between a minimum and maximum sphere.

  • constant

    Channel segment function: constant value.

  • contextoption

    Returns the value of context option as a floating point value.

  • contextoptions

    Returns a cook context option as a string value.

  • cophasmeta

    Tests if metadata exists on a compositing node.

  • cophasplane

    Tests if a plane exists on a compositing node.

  • copmeta

    Returns numeric metadata from a compositing node.

  • copmeta

    Returns string metadata from a compositing node.

  • cos

    Returns the cosine of the argument.

  • cosh

    Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the argument.

  • cross

    Computes the cross-product of two vectors.

  • cubic

    Channel segment function: cubic spline.

  • cucwc

    Deprecated: current working container for custom panels.

  • cudatatype

    Deprecated: data type of a gadget, for custom panels.

  • cumenuadd

    Deprecated: adds a menu entry on a custom panel.

  • cuquery

    Deprecated: returns a value from a custom panel.

  • curvature

    Returns the curvature of the surface at the given UV coordinates.

  • cutype

    Deprecated: Returns the type of a gadget on a custom panel.

  • cycle

    Channel segment function: repeats animation from previous frames.

  • cycleoffset

    Channel segment function: repeats the animation between frames f1 and f2, accumulating the value.

  • cycleoffsett

    Channel segment function: repeats the animation between times t1 and t2, accumulating the value.

  • cyclet

    Channel segment function: repeats animation from previous frames.

  • decode

    Decodes a variable name that was previously encoded.

  • decodeattrib

    Decodes a geometry attribute name that was previously encoded.

  • decodeparm

    Decodes a node parameter name that was previously encoded.

  • deg

    Converts from radians to degrees.

  • degree

    Returns the degree a specified face or hull.

  • detail

    Returns the value of a detail attribute.

  • detailattriblist

    Returns a space-separated list of detail attribute names.

  • detailattribsize

    Returns the number of components in a detail attribute.

  • detailattribtype

    Returns the type of a detail attribute.

  • details

    Returns the string value of a detail attribute.

  • detailsmap

    Returns a string from a list of strings in a detail attribute.

  • detailsnummap

    Returns the number of unique strings bound to a detail attribute.

  • detailvals

    Returns components of a string array attribute.

  • determinant

    Returns the determinant of a matrix.

  • dihedral

    Computes the dihedral matrix between vectors v0 and v1.

  • distance

    Returns the distance between two 3D points.

  • dopallfields

    Returns a space separated list of all the field names that can be passed to the dopfield function.

  • dopcontextgeo

    Returns the full path of the node connected to a dopnetwork.

  • dopcountslices

    Returns the number of records of a given type in a piece of dynamics data.

  • dopfield

    Returns the value of a field as a float.

  • dopfieldname

    Returns the name of a DOP field.

  • dopfields

    Returns the value of a DOP field as a string.

  • dopfieldtype

    Returns the type of a DOP field.

  • dopframe

    Returns the current frame of the simulation.

  • dopframetost

    Returns the simulation time equivalent of a simulation frame.

  • dopgrouphasobject

    Returns 1 if a specified DOP group contains a specified object.

  • dopgroupismutual

    Returns 1 if a specified DOP group is mutually affecting.

  • dopgrouplist

    returns a string containing a list of all object groups for the current time in a specified DOP Network.

  • dophasfield

    Returns 1 if a specified DOP field exists.

  • dophassubdata

    Returns 1 if a dynamics object has the specified subdata.

  • dopnodeobjs

    Returns the list of objects processed by a DOP in the latest timestep.

  • dopnumfields

    Returns the number of fields in a DOP record type.

  • dopnumobjects

    returns the number of objects in a simulation.

  • dopnumrecords

    Returns the number of records of a given type in a piece of dynamics data.

  • dopnumrecordtypes

    Returns the number of types of record in a piece of dynamics data.

  • dopnumsubdata

    Returns the number of subdata items attached to an object or data.

  • dopobjectlist

    Returns all objects matching the an object specification.

  • dopobjectsareaffectors

    Tests whether a set of objects has an affector relationship with another object.

  • dopobjscreatedby

    Returns the list of objects created by a particular DOP node.

  • dopoption

    Returns the value of a DOP field as a float.

  • dopoptions

    Returns the value of a DOP field as a string.

  • doprecordtypename

    Returns the name of a record in DOPs data given its index.

  • dopsolvedopnet

    Script solver support function.

  • dopsolvenewobject

    Script solver support function.

  • dopsolvenumnewobjects

    Script solver support function.

  • dopsolvenumobjects

    Script solver support function.

  • dopsolveobject

    Script solver support function.

  • dopsolvetimestep

    Script solver support function.

  • dopsttoframe

    returns the simulation frame of a given simulation time.

  • dopsttot

    Returns the global time of a given simulation time.

  • dopsubdataname

    Returns the name of a subdata of a given DOP object.

  • doptime

    Returns the current time of a simulation.

  • doptransform

    Returns a transformation matrix associated with a piece of data.

  • dopttost

    Returns the simulation time equivalent to a given global time.

  • dopvelatpos

    Returns the velocity that a point at a location in simulation space would have if it were attached to a DOP object.

  • dot

    Computes the dot product of two vectors.

  • ease

    Channel segment function: ease-in and -out.

  • easein

    Channel segment function: ease-in.

  • easeinp

    Channel segment function: ease-in with configurable acceleration.

  • easeout

    Channel segment function: ease-out

  • easeoutp

    Channel segment function: ease-out with configurable acceleration.

  • easep

    Channel segment function: ease-in and -out with configurable acceleration.

  • edgegrouplist

    Returns the list of edge groups in a surface node.

  • edgegroupmask

    Returns the list of edge groups matching a pattern in a surface node.

  • efit

    Fits a value from one range to another.

  • encode

    Encodes any string into a valid variable name.

  • encodeattrib

    Encodes any string into a valid geometry attribute name.

  • encodeparm

    Encodes any string into a valid node parameter name.

  • eval

    Evaulates a string as an expression returning a float.

  • evals

    Evaulates a string as an expression returning a string.

  • execute

    Runs a string as an HScript command and returns the command’s output.

  • executeb

    Runs a string as an HScript command and returns the command and error output.

  • executee

    Runs a string as an HScript command and returns any error output.

  • exp

    Returns the logarithmic exponentiation of the argument.

  • explodematrix

    Explodes a 3×3 or 4×4 matrix into the euler rotations required to rebuild it.

  • explodematrixp

    Explodes a 3×3 or 4×4 matrix into the euler rotations required to rebuild it.

  • explodematrixpr

    Explodes a 3×3 or 4×4 matrix into the euler rotations required to rebuild it.

  • findfile

    Searches the Houdini path for a file.

  • findfiles

    Searches the Houdini path for a file or directory.

  • fit

    Fits a value from one range to another.

  • fit01

    Fits a value to the 0-1 range.

  • fit10

    Fits a number in the 0-1 range.

  • fit11

    Fits a number to the -1 to 1 range.

  • floor

    Returns the largest integer not greater than a number.

  • fpadzero

    Returns a string padding a number to a given length with zeros.

  • frac

    Returns the fractional part of a floating-point number.

  • ftoa

    Converts a number to a string.

  • ftrim

    Converts a number to a string, with rounding.

  • groupbyval

    Returns a string describing the set of elements with a given value for an integer attribute.

  • groupbyvals

    Returns a string describing the set of elements with a given value for a string attribute.

  • hascontextoption

    Returns a non-zero value if the specified context option exists.

  • hasdetailattrib

    Returns 1 if a specified detail attribute exists.

  • haspdgattrib

    Returns 1 if the active PDG work item has the specified attribute.

  • haspoint

    Returns 1 if a specified point is in a specified group.

  • haspointattrib

    Returns 1 if a specified point attribute exists.

  • hasprim

    Returns 1 if a specified primitive is in a specified group.

  • hasprimattrib

    Returns 1 if a specified primitive attribute exists.

  • hasvertexattrib

    Returns 1 if a specified vertex attribute exists.

  • hextoint

    Converts a hexadecimal argument string into an integer.

  • hsv

    Converts RGB values to HSV components.

  • ic

    Evaluates a CHOP’s input channel at a specific index.

  • ice

    Returns the end index of a CHOP’s input.

  • icl

    Returns the length of a CHOP’s input, in samples.

  • icmax

    Evaluates a CHOP’s input channel’s maximum value.

  • icmin

    Evaluates a CHOP’s input channel’s minimum value.

  • icn

    Returns the number of channels in a CHOP’s input.

  • icr

    Returns the sample rate of a CHOP’s input.

  • ics

    Returns the start index of a CHOP’s input.

  • identity

    Creates an identity matrix.

  • if

    Returns the value of the second or third argument depending on the truth of the first argument.

  • ifs

    Returns the string value of the second or third argument depending on the truth of the first argument.

  • index

    Finds the first occurrence of a pattern in a string.

  • instancepoint

    Returns the point number currently being instanced onto.

  • int

    Converts a number to an integer by truncating any fractional part.

  • inttohex

    Converts a number into a hexadecimal string.

  • invert

    Inverts a matrix.

  • iprquery

    Queries numeric (floating point) data from an interactive render pane.

  • iprquerys

    Queries textual (string) data from an interactive render pane.

  • isclosed

    Returns 1 if a primitive is closed.

  • iscollided

    Returns 1 if a specified point has collided with something.

  • ishvariable

    Returns 1 if a specified Houdini environment variable exists.

  • ispdgeval

    Returns 1 if the parameter is being evaluated as part of a PDG cook, else 0

  • isspline

    Returns 1 if a specified primitive is a NURBs or Bezier curve or surface.

  • isstuck

    Returns 1 if a specified point is a stuck particle.

  • isvariable

    Returns 1 if a specified Houdini or system environment variable exists.

  • iswrapu

    Returns 1 if a specified primitive is wrapped in U.

  • iswrapv

    Returns 1 if a specified primitive is wrapped in V.

  • length

    Returns the length of a vector.

  • linear

    Channel segment function: linear interpolation.

  • listbyval

    Returns a list of elements with a given value for an integer attribute.

  • listbyvals

    Returns a list of elements with a given value for a string attribute.

  • lock

    Returns a value that cannot be changed.

  • log

    Returns the natural logarithm of the argument.

  • log10

    Returns the base 10 logarithm of the argument.

  • lopinputprim

    Returns the path of the USD primitive last modified by an input to a LOP node.

  • lopinputprims

    Returns the paths of the USD primitives last modified by an input to a LOP node.

  • loplastmodifiedprim

    Returns the path of the USD primitive last modified by a LOP node.

  • loplastmodifiedprims

    Returns the paths of the USD primitives last modified by a LOP node.

  • lopparentprims

    Returns the paths of the parents of the supplied list of USD primitives.

  • loprelativeprims

    Returns the paths at a particular location relative to the supplied list of USD primitives.

  • ltrim

    Trims white sapce from the front of a string.

  • match

    Channel segment function: matches the incoming and outgoing values.

  • matchin

    Channel segment function: matches the incoming slope.

  • matchout

    Channel segment function: matches the outgoing slope.

  • matrix

    Converts a string specification into a matrix.

  • matrixtoquat

    Converts a rotation matrix to a quaternion.

  • max

    Returns the larger of two values.

  • mcols

    Returns the number of columns in a matrix.

  • metaweight

    Returns the weight of a metaball at a specific location.

  • min

    Returns the smaller of two values.

  • mindist

    Finds the smallest distance between a point and a primitive.

  • mlookat

    Computes the transformation matrix of a lookat from one vector to another.

  • mlookatup

    Computes the transformation matrix of a lookat from one vector to another, with an up vector.

  • mobjlookat

    Computes the transformation matrix of a lookat from one object to another.

  • modblend

    Blends the two modular values.

  • morient

    Computes the transformation matrix to orient along specific Z and Y axes.

  • mousepane

    Returns the full name of the pane currently under the mouse pointer.

  • mousepath

    Returns the node path of the pane currently under the mouse pointer.

  • mrows

    Returns the number of rows in a matrix.

  • mzero

    Returns a matrix with all values set to 0.

  • nearpoint

    Finds the point in a geometry nearest to specific 3D coordinates.

  • noise

    Generates 3D noise.

  • normal

    Returns the components of the surface normal specific UV coordinates.

  • normalize

    Normalizes a vector.

  • npoints

    Returns the number of points in a geometry.

  • npointsgroup

    Returns the number of points in the specified group.

  • nprims

    Returns the number of primitives in a surface node.

  • nprimsgroup

    Returns the number of primitives in the specified group.

  • nuniquevals

    Returns the number of unique values for an integer or string attribute in a surface node.

  • nvertices

    Returns the number of vertices in a geometry.

  • nverticesgroup

    Returns the number of vertices in the specified group.

  • objkinoverride

    Returns the current global kinematic override setting for bone objects.

  • objlightmask

    Returns a list of lights matching an object’s light mask.

  • objlookat

    Computes the rotation vector of a lookat from one object to another.

  • objpretransform

    Returns an object’s pre-transform matrix.

  • oc

    Returns the value of a CHOP’s output at a specific sample index.

  • ocldeviceinfo

    Queries the current OpenCL device with the provided flag

  • oldrand

    Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.

  • opblist

    Returns the full paths of all operators in a bundle.

  • opcreator

    Returns the creator of this node.

  • opdigits

    Returns the numeric suffix of a node name.

  • opexist

    Returns 1 if the specified node, group, or bundle exists.

  • opflag

    Returns a list nodes with a particular flag set.

  • opfullpath

    Returns the full path of a node.

  • opfullpathfrom

    Returns the path of a node relative to another node.

  • opid

    Returns the unique ID of a node.

  • opinput

    Returns the name of the node connected to a given input.

  • opinputpath

    Returns the full path of the node connected to a given input.

  • opinputstring

    Returns the value associated with a key string on node connection.

  • opisloading

    Returns 1 if Houdini is currently loading a scene file.

  • opisquitting

    Returns 1 if Houdini is currently shutting down.

  • oplightmask

    Returns a list of lights matching an object’s light mask.

  • oplistsort

    Sorts a list of node paths based on node input/outputs order.

  • opname

    Returns the name of a node given its path.

  • opnchildren

    Returns the number of nodes inside a container node.

  • opninputs

    Returns the maximum number of connected inputs.

  • opnodigits

    Returns the alphanumeric prefix of a node name eliminating trailing digits.

  • opnoutputs

    Returns the number of nodes connected to a node’s output.

  • opoutput

    Returns the name of a node connected a given node’s output.

  • opoutputpath

    Returns the full path of a node connected a given node’s output.

  • oppinput

    Deprecated: replaced by opinput.

  • oppwd

    Returns the path of the current network.

  • oppwf

    Prints the path of the current network.

  • oprelativepath

    Returns the relative path from one node to another.

  • opselect

    Returns a list of the selected nodes.

  • opselectpath

    Returns a list of the full paths of selected nodes.

  • opselectrecurse

    Returns a recursive list of the selected nodes.

  • opselectrecursepath

    Returns a recursive list of the full paths of selected nodes.

  • opstreamname

    Computes the active stream of a node.

  • opsubpath

    Returns the full path of a node including any containing subnets.

  • optransform

    Returns the transformation matrix of an object at the current time.

  • optype

    Returns the type of a node.

  • optypeinfo

    Returns type information about a node.

  • origin

    Returns components of an object’s transforms.

  • originoffset

    Returns components of an object’s offset transforms.

  • padzero

    Returns a string padding a number to a given length with zeros.

  • param

    Deprecated: use stamp instead.

  • parmisstring

    Returns 1 if a specified parameter is a string.

  • pdgattrib

    Returns the value of a PDG work item attrib

  • pdgattriblist

    Returns a space-separated list of attribute names on the active PDG work item.

  • pdgattribs

    Returns the string value of a PDG work item attribute

  • pdgattribsize

    Returns the number of components in a PDG work item attribute.

  • pdgattribtype

    Returns the type of a PDG work item attribute.

  • pdgattribute

    Deprecated: replaced by pdgattrib.

  • pdgattributes

    Deprecated: replaced by pdgattribs.

  • pdgattribvals

    Returns the space separated list of values for a PDG work item attribute

  • pdginput

    Returns a work item input file for the specified file index and tag

  • pdginputsize

    Returns the number of input files on the active PDG work item

  • pdginputtag

    Returns the file tag for the input file at the specified index.

  • pdginputvals

    Returns a space separated string of all work item input files for the specified tag

  • pdgmappath

    Maps the given path to the local Zone

  • pdgoutput

    Returns a work item output file for the specified file index and tag

  • pdgoutputsize

    Returns the number of output files on the active PDG work item

  • pdgoutputtag

    Returns the file tag for the output file at the specified index.

  • pdgoutputvals

    Returns a space separated string of all work item output files for the specified tag

  • pic

    Returns the color of a pixel in a compositing node.

  • picni

    Returns the non-interpolated color of a pixel in a compositing node.

  • pluralize

    Converts an English noun to its plural.

  • point

    Returns the value of a point attribute.

  • pointattriblist

    Returns a space-separated list of point attribute names.

  • pointattribsize

    Returns the number of components in a point attribute.

  • pointattribtype

    Returns the type of a point attribute.

  • pointavg

    Returns the average of an attribute across all points in a geometry.

  • pointdist

    Returns the distance between a point and a primitive.

  • pointgrouplist

    Returns the list of point groups in a surface node.

  • pointgroupmask

    Returns the list of point groups matching a pattern in a surface node.

  • pointlist

    Returns a list of all points in a point group.

  • pointneighbours

    Lists points that share a minimum number of primitives with a specified point.

  • pointpattern

    Returns a list of points that match a specified pattern.

  • points

    Returns the string value of a point attribute.

  • pointsmap

    Returns a string from a list of strings in a point attribute.

  • pointsnummap

    Returns the number of unique strings bound to a point attribute.

  • pointvals

    Returns components of a string array attribute.

  • pow

    Raises a number to an exponent.

  • prim

    Returns the value of a primitive attribute.

  • primattriblist

    Returns a space-separated list of primitive attribute names.

  • primattribsize

    Returns the number of components in a primitive attribute.

  • primattribtype

    Returns the type of a primitive attribute.

  • primdist

    Returns the minimum distance and closest points between two primitives.

  • primduv

    Returns the partial derivatives of a primitive attribute.

  • primgrouplist

    Returns the list of primitive groups in a surface node.

  • primgroupmask

    Returns the list of groups matching a pattern in a surface node.

  • primlist

    Returns a list of all primitives in a surface node.

  • primneighbours

    Lists primitives that share a minimum number of points with a specified primitive.

  • prims

    Returns the string value of a primitive attribute.

  • primsmap

    Returns a string from a list of strings in a primitive attribute.

  • primsnummap

    Returns the number of unique strings bound to a primitive attribute.

  • primuv

    Returns the value of a primitive attribute at a certain UV location.

  • primvals

    Returns components of a string array attribute.

  • print

    Prints a message to the console.

  • property

    Similar to ch(), but for render properties, with a default if the property doesn’t exist.

  • propertyf

    Evaluates a render property at a given frame.

  • propertys

    Evaluates the string value of a render property at the current time.

  • propertysop

    Evaluates a render property at the current time as a node path string.

  • propertysraw

    Evaluates the raw (unexpanded) string value of a render property at the current time.

  • propertyt

    Evaluates a render property at a given time.

  • pulse

    Returns 1 when a value is within a certain range.

  • pythonexprf

    Evaluates a Python expression, returning a float result.

  • pythonexprs

    Evaluates a Python expression, returning a string result.

  • qlinear

    Channel segment function: uses quaternions to interpolate.

  • quattomatrix

    Converts quaternion to a 3×3 rotation matrix.

  • quintic

    Channel segment function: smoothly interpolates slopes and accelerations.

  • rad

    Converts from degrees to radians.

  • rand

    Returns a pseudo-random number from 0 to 1.

  • raw

    Channel segment function.

  • realuv

    Converts unit UV to real UV.

  • relpath

    Returns the relative path of a file.

  • repeat

    Channel segment function: repeats animation from previous frames.

  • repeatt

    Channel segment function: repeats animation from previous frames.

  • res

    Returns the natural resolution of the image in a compositing node.

  • rgb

    Converts HSV values to RGB components.

  • rindex

    Finds the last occurrence of a pattern in a string.

  • rint

    Rounds to the nearest integer.

  • rotate

    Returns a 4×4 rotation matrix from an axis and angle.

  • rotaxis

    Returns a 4×4 rotation matrix from an angle and a vector.

  • round

    Rounds a number to the nearest integer.

  • rtrim

    Trims white sapce from the end of a string.

  • run

    Runs a string as an HScript command and returns the command’s output.

  • runb

    Runs a string as an HScript command and returns the command and error output.

  • rune

    Runs a string as an HScript command and returns any error output.

  • scale

    Takes three scaling values and returns a scale matrix.

  • scalefrommks

    Returns the scale factor converting from MKS units to the Houdini units.

  • scaletomks

    Returns the scale factor converting to MKS units from the Houdini units.

  • seampoints

    Lists all seam points in a surface node.

  • seqanim

    Returns 1 if a specified compositing node has an animated sequence.

  • seqend

    Returns the end frame of a compositing node’s image sequence.

  • seqlength

    Returns the number of frames in a compositing node’s image sequence.

  • seqstart

    Returns the start frame of a compositing node’s image sequence.

  • shopstring

    Returns the shader string generated by a shader.

  • sign

    Returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on the sign of the argument.

  • sin

    Returns the sine of the argument.

  • sinh

    Returns the hyperbolic sine of the argument.

  • smooth

    Takes a value and range and returns a smooth interpolation between 0 and 1.

  • snoise

    Generates sparse convolution 3D noise.

  • spknot

    Returns a knot value on a spline curve or surface.

  • spline

    Channel segment function: fits a curve to the keyframes.

  • sqrt

    Returns the square root of the argument.

  • stamp

    Returns a copy stamping floating point value.

  • stamps

    Returns a copy stamping string value.

  • strcasecmp

    Compares two strings, ignoring case.

  • strcasematch

    Returns 1 if a string matches a pattern, ignoring case.

  • strcat

    Returns the concatenation of two strings.

  • strcmp

    Compares two strings.

  • strdup

    Duplicates a string.

  • stripmatrix

    Strips non-essential characters from the string representation of a matrix or vector.

  • strlen

    Returns the number of characters in a string.

  • strmatch

    Returns 1 if a string matches a pattern, including case.

  • strreplace

    Replaces substrings with a new string.

  • strsplit

    Returns one component of a string split by some separators.

  • strsplitcount

    Returns the number of components in a string split by some separators.

  • sturb

    Generates spatially coherent 3D noise based on sparse convolution.

  • substr

    Returns a substring of a string.

  • surflen

    Returns the length of the 3D curve between two points on a surface.

  • system

    Runs a system command line and returns the output.

  • systemES

    Runs a system command line and returns the exit status.

  • systemRAW

    Runs a system command line and returns the output with no processing.

  • tan

    Returns the tangent of the argument.

  • tanh

    Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the argument.

  • tex

    Returns the interpolated color of a point on an on-disk texture map.

  • texni

    Returns the non-interpolated color of a point on an on-disk texture map.

  • tolower

    Returns the all-lowercase version of a string.

  • toupper

    Returns the all-uppercase version of a string.

  • translate

    Takes X, Y, and Z translation values and returns a translation matrix.

  • transpose

    Transposes a matrix.

  • trim

    Trims white sapce from either side of a string.

  • trunc

    Converts a number to an integer by truncating any fractional part, rounding towards 0.

  • turb

    Generates spatially coherent 3D noise.

  • uniqueval

    Returns a unique value of an integer attribute.

  • uniquevals

    Returns a unique value of a string attribute.

  • unituv

    Converts real UV to unit UV.

  • uvdist

    Returns the distance between parameteric locations on two primitives.

  • vangle

    Returns the angle between two vectors.

  • vector

    Converts a string specification into a vector.

  • vector3

    Converts three values into a 3-component vector.

  • vector4

    Converts four values into a 4-component vector.

  • vertex

    Returns the value of a vertex attribute.

  • vertexattriblist

    Returns a space-separated list of vertex attribute names.

  • vertexattribsize

    Returns the number of components in a vertex attribute.

  • vertexattribtype

    Returns the type of a vertex attribute.

  • vertexgrouplist

    Returns the list of vertex groups in a surface node.

  • vertexgroupmask

    Returns the list of vertex groups matching a pattern in a surface node.

  • vertexs

    Returns the string value of a vertex attribute.

  • vertexsmap

    Returns a string from a list of strings in a vertex attribute.

  • vertexsnummap

    Returns the number of unique strings bound to a point attribute.

  • vertexvals

    Returns components of a string array attribute.

  • vlength

    Returns the length of a vector.

  • vlength2

  • vmatch

    Channel segment function: matches the incoming and outgoing slopes.

  • vmatchin

    Channel segment function: matches the incoming slope.

  • vmatchout

    Channel segment function: matches the outgoing slope.

  • volumeaverage

    Returns the average value of all the voxels in a volume.

  • volumegradient

    Returns the gradient of a volume primitive at a specified location.

  • volumeindex

    Returns the value of a volume primitive at a specified voxel.

  • volumeindextopos

    Converts volume voxel coordinates to world-space coordinates.

  • volumemax

    Returns the maximum value of all voxels in a volume.

  • volumemin

    Returns the minimum value of all voxels in a volume.

  • volumepostoindex

    Converts world space coordinates to volume voxel coordinates.

  • volumeres

    Returns the resolution of a volume.

  • volumesample

    Returns the value of a volume at a specified position.

  • volumevoxeldiameter

    Returns the approximage diameter of a volume voxel in world space.

  • vorigin

    Returns a vector of an objects' transforms.

  • vpname

    Takes a viewer name and a viewport number and returns the viewport’s name.

  • vrorigin

    Returns a vector of an object’s rotations.

  • vscale

    Multiplies a vector by a scaling factor.

  • vset

    Creates a vector with each component set to the same value.

  • vsize

    Returns the number of elements in a vector.

  • vtorigin

    Returns a vector of an object’s translations.

  • wrap

    Wraps a value between a minimum and maximum.

  • xyzdist

    Returns the distance between a 3D coordinate and a primitive.