Houdini 20.5 Import and export

Supported file formats

On this page

Available formats

External vs. internal file formats

External formats are implemented by standalone converter programs piped to Houdini. Internal formats are built into Houdini. Internal formats are slightly faster. You can create new external formats without using the Houdini Developer’s Kit.

How to write a custom importer/exporter

If you have a format that you would like to be able to read and/or write, you can write a converter from your file format to the equivalent native Houdini format and/or a converter from the equivalent native format to your format. Then, add an entry to the appropriate IO table in $HFS/houdini/support. The converter program can appear anywhere in the Houdini search path.

Data type Intermediate format I/O table






Image Any supported image format



You should generally not modify files in $HFS/houdini. Copy the files under $HOME/houdiniX.Y and modify them there.

Each line of an I/O table file contains the filename suffix, the command to read the custom format (in quotes), and the command to write the custom format (in quotes). Use %s to represent the filename in the quoted commands.

Future formats will be added using this method.

Import and export