Houdini 20.5 Shelf tools

Edit Capture Weights shelf tool

Individually modifies point capture weights using slider handles on bones or via a spreadsheet.

On this page


This is useful when you want to set specific capture weights. You can also edit the capture weights interactively by using the Paint Capture Layer tool.

Using Edit Capture Weights

To...Do this

Modify point capture weights using a spreadsheet

  1. Select the points to adjust capture weights.

  2. Click the Edit Capture Weights tool on the Rigging tab.

  3. Click the Spreadsheet button on the operation controls toolbar and modify the weight values.


The sum of the capture weights cannot be greater than 1. To automatically balance these values, click the Normalize button.

Modify point capture weights using slider handles

  1. Select the points to adjust capture weights.

  2. Click the Edit Capture Weights tool on the Rigging tab.

  3. Drag the bone handles to modify the bone’s contribution to the selected points.


If you change the point numbers you will alter the capture weights since this tool is based on point numbers.


Clicking on the column header of the Edit Capture Weights tool spreadsheet will select the column instead of sorting. To sort, use the menu on the column header.

For specific parameter help see the Edit Capture Weights node help.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.
