Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Capture Override geometry node

Overrides the capture weights on individual points.

On this page

This causes any changes to the affected capture weights in the input to be ignored.

Capture Override applies the current operation to the stored overrides. To store the current operation and start a new one, click the Start new weight button.

Using Edit Capture Weights

To...Do this

Modify point capture weights using a spreadsheet

  1. Select the points to adjust capture weights.

  2. Click the Edit Capture Weights tool on the Rigging tab.

  3. Click the Spreadsheet button on the operation controls toolbar and modify the weight values.


The sum of the capture weights cannot be greater than 1. To automatically balance these values, click the Normalize button.

Modify point capture weights using slider handles

  1. Select the points to adjust capture weights.

  2. Click the Edit Capture Weights tool on the Rigging tab.

  3. Drag the bone handles to modify the bone’s contribution to the selected points.


If you change the point numbers you will alter the capture weights since this tool is based on point numbers.


Clicking on the column header of the Edit Capture Weights tool spreadsheet will select the column instead of sorting. To sort, use the menu on the column header.



The points to modify.

Default Skeleton Root Path

The value used for the skeleton root path when no existing pCaptSkelRoot detail attribute exists. This value is used as the base for the bone paths stored within the boneCapture attribute.

Capture Regions

A string composed of the paths to the capture regions to affect. Quotes are necessary around individual paths. For example, chain_bone1/cregion 0 specifies use of primitive 0 in the operation named cregion in the chain_bone1 object.


The operation to perform on the stored overrides. mode will read the attribute from the surface into the foreground/background color.


Do nothing.

Replace Existing Override

Replaces the weight of the specified capture regions in the override. Creates an override if none exists.

Add to Existing Override

Adds the weight to the weights of the specified capture regions in the override. Creates an override if none exists.

Create Override

Create an override by recording the current capture weights.

Remove Override

Remove an existing override.

Normalize Existing Override

Normalize the capture weights relative to the specified capture regions. Creates an override if none exists.


The weight of the capture region to use in all of the points. The operation parameter affects how this is interpreted.

Normalize Weights

Scale the weights of the other capture region to maintain weights which sum to 1.

Start new weight

Applies the current operation as defined by the parameters to the stored overrides and resets the parameters to allow the start of a new operation.

Reset All Overrides

Restores geometry to initial state.

Update point colors

Adds diffuse point colors to the geometry to show the effect of the modified capture weights.

Zero Weight Point Color

Specifies the color to use for zero weighted points when Update point colors is on.

See also

Geometry nodes