Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Feather Template Assign geometry node

Assigns feather templates from the second input to curves in the first input.

Multiple templates may be assigned by configuring multiple layers. Each of these has an associated mask value, which is used to blend it with previous layer’s (or the input’s) template assignments.


This node doesn’t produce or update feather geometry, you may want to add a Feather Template Interpolate SOP to visualize the resulting template assignments.


Stochastic Sampling

Sample Single Template from Weights

Randomly picks a single template from the templates assigned to each curve, using the relative weight of each template as its likelyhood to be picked.

Global Seed

The global seed for the random picking function.

Use Seed Attribute

Use a seed attribute. If this is disabled or the specified attribute isn’t found, use primitive number as the seed value.

Seed Attribute

The attribute to use for seed values when Use Seed Attribute is enabled.



The template to assign.


A mask for the assignment. The temlpate assignment is blended with any previously assigned templates when the mask value is under 1.0.

See also

Geometry nodes