Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Intersection Stitch geometry node

Composes triangle surfaces and curves together into a single connected mesh.

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Since 16.0

This low-level node can be used to build higher-level tools dealing with intersecting geometry, such as the Boolean node. If you just want to merge polygonal geometry, use Boolean.


Connect a triangle mesh to the first input and a curve mesh to the second input (or the reverse). This node composes the inputs together into a single connected mesh.

If you don’t connect the third input, the node uses the functionality from Intersection Analysis to automatically find intersections in the meshes.

Optionally, you can connect the third input with point geometry with attributes as created by Intersection Analysis or the Scatter node. This lets you edit the intersection points before using them to connect the meshes.


Group A

A list of primitives to check from the first input. If this is blank, the node checks all primitives.

Group B

A list of primitives to check from the second input. If this is blank, the node checks all primitives.

Proximity Tolerance

How close points have to be (in Houdini units) for the node to connect them.

Split Curves

When enabled, a new primitive is created after each intersection point, instead of the intersection points being inserted into previously existing primitives.

See also

Geometry nodes