Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Biome Curve Label (Alpha) 1.0 geometry node

This node sets the necessary attributes on curves created in Houdini to use with Labs Biome Region Assign SOP.

Instead of the biome interface handled through Labs Biome Region Assign for all other region assignment methods, this node assigns the necessary attributes to curves as they are created. The first input is the corresponding curve, and the second input is the Previous Biome Curve Label SOP in the chain. For curves that can share a biome assignment, it is possible to merge them together first before wiring into the first input.


Path to Biomes

Node path to the last Labs Biome Define SOP in a chain of nodes or a Biome Definitions File SOP set to create geometry from a biome definitions file. A list of biomes defined by this path will populate the Biome ordered menu.

Curve Setup

Biome Name

The biome to assign this region. To adjust biome names, settings, or add/delete biomes, see Labs Biome Define.

Biome Hierarchy

The priority to assign to the associated curve(s). A higher number will give the biome priority when using Resolve Overlaps by Hierarchy on the Labs Biome Region Assign SOP.

Create Next

Creates the Biome Curve Setup node for the next curve region and connects the related wires.

See also

Geometry nodes