Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Tree Leaf Generator geometry node

Generates leaves on branches

This node generates leaves on branches created with the Tree Branch Generator or Tree Branch Placer.




Creates an attribute and group for the leaf geometry/curve under this name (node name by default)

Branch on Group

Generate leaves on a specific curve group. If blank, branches are generated on curves of the previous branch level

Delete Previous Levels

Delete geometry and curves from all previous branch levels


Random seed value

Pack and Instance

Pack and instance leaves (does not allow editing of tropism or noise but is faster)

Treat as Atlas

Enable this if using the Quixel Atlas Splitter (or a similar method) to create multiple leaf cards from an atlas. This will generate new cards with the same UVs and dimensions and randomly scatter each variation

Use Variant

Use if inputting multiple leaf types to be scattered separately. Each variation must have a variation integer attribute starting at 0



Leaf Node Distance

Distance between leaf points

Use Distribution Ramp

Distribute points with a ramp based on attributes

Distribute By

Select attribute by which to distribute points if using distribution ramp

  • Length of parent

  • Radius of parent

  • Height of parent

Distribution Ramp

Adjust leaf point density based on selected attribute

Up Vector

The vector by which to orient the created leaves

  • None - no specific orientation

  • Parent - orient by tangentu of parent

  • Custom - orient by custom vector

Custom Up

Available if using custom up vector. Orient leaves by this vector

Branching Pattern

Rotation around parent at which to create new branch points

  • 137.5 degrees

  • 90 degrees

  • 180 degrees Type of branching from leaf points

  • Alternate - one leaf per branch point

  • Opposite - two leaves per branch point (mirrored)

Uniform Scale

Uniform leaf scale

Uniform Scale Variation

Random uniform leaf scale variation amount

Size Ramp

Controls placement and size of leaves along parent

Inherit Branch Radius

Take into account parent branch radius to calculate leaf size

Inherited Radius Profile

Adjust influence of parent branch radius on leaf size along parent length of parent branch


Random Threshold

Randomly delete leaves

Prune by Light Availability

Remove leaves and branches based on how much light they are receiving from a light source

Light Source

Input an object or light to use as a light source

Light Direction

If no input object is specified this vector can be used to set a custom light direction


Visualize amount of light hitting leaves


Method of calculating amount of light hitting a leaf

  • Average

  • Maximum


Threshold of light amount before removing leaves and branches


Light direction bias


Accurate Leaf Placement

Snap leaf points to edges of parent branch

Offset From Branch

Amount to offset leaves from parent branch

Grid Behavior

Options for how leaves intersecting with the grid plane will be handled

  • Constrain - snap leaves along grid

  • Clip - delete leaves beneath grid

  • None - do nothing when leaves intersect with grid

Normal Method

Method to calculate normals on leaf geometry

  • Default - regular normals consistent with face direction

  • Spherical - normals inherited from a sphere around the scattered leaves

  • Origin - normals pointing away from world origin



Amount to rotate all leaves around axis

Use Roll Ramp

Use ramp to adjust leaf roll along parent branch

Roll Profile

Adjusts leaf roll along parent branch


Amount to rotate leaf

Randomize Yaw

Random amount to rotate leaf

Use Yaw Ramp

Use ramp to adjust leaf yaw along parent branch

Yaw Profile

Adjusts leaf yaw along parent branch

Pitch Angle

Amount to rotate leaf

Randomize Pitch

Random amount to rotate leaf

Use Pitch Ramp

Use ramp to adjust leaf pitch along parent branch

Pitch Profile

Adjusts leaf pitch along parent branch


Amount to rotate leaf

Randomize Twist

Random amount to rotate leaf

Use Twist Ramp

Use ramp to adjust leaf twist along parent branch

Twist Profile

Adjusts leaf twist along parent branch


Bend Along Parent

Bends the leaf along the axis of its parent branch Enable

Enable bend along parent


Amount to bend the leaf along its parent


Adjusts the bend amount along the length of the leaf


Bends the leaf along the axis of the specified direction to simulate gravity Enable

Enable gravitropism


Direction of gravity


Amount to bend the leaf by gravity


Adjusts the bend amount along the length of the leaf


Bends the leaf along the axis of the specified direction to simulate growth towards light Enable

Enable phototropism


Direction of light


Amount to bend the leaf towards light


Adjusts the bend amount along the length of the leaf



Enable line noise

Intensity Ramp

Adjusts noise amplitude along the length of the branch


“”“ Curl Noise ”“” Noise Type

Type of curl noise


Noise amplitude


Amount of noise repetitions


Amount of jitter in noise

Step Size

Noise resolution

Randomize Offset

Randomly generate an offset number based on random seed


Amount to move noise through space


“”“ Anti-Aliased Noise ”“” Intensity

Noise amplitude


Amount of noise repetitions


Amount of jitter in noise

Randomize Offset

Randomly generate an offset number based on random seed


Amount to move noise through space



Number of edge rows on leaf cards


Number of edge columns on leaf cards


Enable Visualization Color

Enable color visualization


Set visualization color

Geometry nodes