Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

FBX Skin Import geometry node

Import skin geometry from an FBX file.

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Since 18.5

This is a low-level node that imports skin geometry from an FBX file, which can then be deformed along with an animated skeleton (eg. imported using an FBX Animation Import SOP). Typically, FBX Character Import is used instead.


FBX File

Path to the FBX file to import.

Skin Geometry

By default, all geometry nodes are imported. A pattern can be specified here to filter the geometry nodes that should be imported.

Shape Name Attribute

The name of the primitive attribute to create for holding the imported FBX geometry node name. No attribute is created when this is blank.

When there are duplicate node names in the FBX file, the names put here will be unique, with the original path stored in attribute path.


This attribute must be called name for the exporter.


The node path value for the shop_materialpath primitive attribute. When blank, the shop_materialpath attribute will not be created.

Convert Units

When turned on, the imported scene is scaled to convert from the FBX file’s measurement unit (default centimeters) to the Houdini scene’s measurement unit, as specified in the Houdini preferences Edit ▸ Preferences ▸ Hip File Options (default meters).

Import Invisible Shapes

When turned on, imports geometry from nodes that are not visible. In this case, the invisible shapes will belong to the _3d_hidden_primitives primitive group (similar to using the Visibility SOP).

Compute MikkT Tangents

When turned on, computes MikkT tangents on models with UV and normal data, and stores them as vertex attributes.


Reload from the FBX file.



This point attribute defines the rest transforms and skinning weights for the deformation. It is typically used by Joint Deform's first input.


This primitive attribute holds the name of the material as specified in the FBX file.


This primitive attribute holds the imported material property values suitable for use with Houdini’s viewport and the Principled Shader.


This primitive attribute specifies the path to a shader node used for rendering. When no shader node is available, a value of . tells the viewport to use the default shader with the values in the material_override attribute.

The following detail attributes are provided for efficient creation of a Capture Pose output for the FBX Character Import SOP.


This detail attribute holds a copy of the skin geometry’s bind pose influences from boneCapture.


This detail attribute provides parent indices for every entry in capt_names. An index of -1 means no parent.


This detail attribute holds a copy of the bind pose transforms corresponding to capt_names. The 4×4 matrix values here are inverted from the ones found in boneCapture.


This dictionary detail attribute maps each skinned shape (primitive name attribute values) to the list of attached capture joints.

See also

Geometry nodes