Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Feather Deintersect geometry node

Moves intersecting feathers apart.

The Feather Deintersect operator is responsible for resolving intersecting feathers within a feather groom.


Order Mode

Determines the mode for ordering the feathers during the deintersection process. Three options are available:

Automatic (Find Neighbors)

Automatically find neighboring feathers based on their proximity and relative position and orientation.

Layer Attribute

Uses a layer attribute to specify the order of the feathers. Feathers with lower layer values will be forced below feathers with higher values.

Neighbor Arrays

Uses pre-populated neighbor arrays to determine the order of the feathers and perform the deintersection. Use this to find neighbors using your own methods.

Layer Attribute

The name of the layer attribute used for ordering the feathers. It is applicable when the Order Mode is set to “Layer Attribute.”

Front Neighbors Attribute

Specifies the name of the attribute that stores the front neighbors of each feather. It is applicable when the Order Mode is set to “Neighbor Arrays.” The front neighbors are the feathers located in front of the current feather in the ordering.

Rear Neighbors Attribute

Specifies the name of the attribute that stores the rear neighbors of each feather. It is applicable when the Order Mode is set to “Neighbor Arrays.” The rear neighbors are the feathers located behind the current feather in the ordering.


The number of iterations performed to resolve intersecting feathers. Increasing the number of iterations can help in achieving a more accurate separation of intersecting feathers.

Smooth Deformation

Smoothes any deformation applied to the points of each feather. Used this to reduce any undesired distortion of the input feather shapes that might result from the deintersection algorithm.

Smoothing Iterations

Determines how many times smoothing is performed.


Relax the shape of feathers after each deintersection iteration, returning them to their original shape.

Relax Iterations

Determines how many times smoothing is performed.

Search Radius

Specifies the radius within which neighboring feathers are searched. Feathers within this radius will be considered as potential neighbors for deintersection.

Side Cone Angle

Defines the cone angle within which feathers are considered as side neighbors. The layering order of feathers falling within this angle range will be determined according to the Side Layering parameters below.

Side Layering Mode

Determines the mode for side layering during the deintersection process.

Position Attribute

Use a position attribute to determine the side layering of the feathers.

In this mode, if the position of a neighboring feather has a higher X/Y/Z component value (chosen by the Component parameter below), it is considered to be layered below. Use the Reverse Layering parameter to reverse this.

Direction Attribute

Use a direction attribute to determine the side layering of the feathers.

In this mode, if a neighboring feather is down-wind in this direction, it is considered to be layered below. Use the Reverse Layering parameter to reverse this.

Side Layering Position Attribute

The name of the attribute that stores the position values used for side layering. It is applicable when the Side Layering Mode is set to “Position Attribute.”

Side Layering Direction Attribute

The name of the attribute that stores the direction values used for side layering. It is applicable when the Side Layering Mode is set to “Direction Attribute.”


Determines the component of the side layering position attribute to be used. It is applicable when the Side Layering Mode is set to “Position Attribute.”

Use Absolute Value

Controls whether the absolute value of the side layering position attribute should be used during the deintersection process. When enabled, the absolute value is used, allowing for symmetrical side layering.

Reverse Layering

Controls whether the side layering should be reversed. When enabled, the layering rules described above are all reversed.

Feather Geometry

Show Guide Geometry

Show the internally used geometry as a guide.


Determines the thickness of the feathers. It controls the overall size and volume of the feathers as used by the deintersection process.

Resample Shaft

Controls whether the shaft of the feathers should be resampled. Lower shaft resolution results in faster processing and usually increases the quality of the result, as it helps smooth the resulting deformation.

When enabled, the input feathers are resampled internally and deintersection will be performed on this resampled geometry. The resulting deformation is then applied to the original input feathers.

Shaft Segments

The number of shaft base segments to use in the deintersection process.

Barb Rows

The number of shaft segments to use in the deintersection process.

Resample Barbs

Controls whether the barbs of the feathers should be resampled. Lower shaft resolution results in faster processing and usually increases the quality of the result, as it helps smooth the resulting deformation.

When enabled, the input feathers are resampled internally and deintersection will be performed on the resampled geometry. The resulting deformation is then applied to the original input feathers.

Barb Columns

The number of barb segments to use in the deintersection process.

Reduce Barb Segments

Reduce the number of barb segments on narrow parts of the feather. This can improve performance and numerical stability.

Reduce Amount

The amount to barb segments by. At 1, very narrow parts of the feather may be reduced to a single polygon across. Decreasing this number linearly decreases the amount of reduction.


Input 1

Groom Curves

Input 2

Skin Geometry

Input 3

Skin VDB and Texture Primitives


Output 1

Groom Curves

Output 2

Skin Geometry

Output 3

Skin VDB and Texture Primitives

Geometry nodes