Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Biome Attributes to Terrain 1.0 geometry node

Assign the base biome attributes onto the terrain

On this page

This nodes takes the default attributes and/or the dictionary attribute biome_definition of the second input and transfers them to the terrain depending on the biome regions of the third input.




Input: The terrain mask input in the node.

Temperature: A remapped preview of the temperature attribute on the terrain.

Precipitation: A remapped preview of the precipitation attribute on the terrain.

Soil: A preview of the soil attribute on the terrain.

Biome Color: A preview of the color attribute on the terrain.

Auto Remap

Use Real-World Range: Show a remapped preview of the Display following real-world preset values.

Auto Normalize Range: Show a normalized preview of the Display following the minimum and maximum volume values.

Manual Range: Show a remapped preview of the Display following Min and Max values.


Compute Range

Click to fill in the Min and Max parameters with the current minimum and maximum values in the input layer.


The lowest value in the input to map from.


The highest value in the input to map from.


Default Attributes


Color that is applied to the visualizer.


Average annual temperature (in °C) of this biome.


Average annual precipitation (in mm) of this biome.


HeightField Layers


Name of temperature mask.


Name of precipitation mask.


Name of soil mask.

Biome ID

Name of biome ID mask.

Biome Color R

Name of the red channel of the biome color mask.

Biome Color G

Name of the green channel of the biome color mask.

Biome Color B

Name of the blue channel of the biome color mask.

Biome Average Height

Name of average height mask.


See also

Geometry nodes