Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Terrain Mesh ROP 1.0 geometry node

The Terrain Mesh Output allows you to convert the plugged in heightfield into (tiled) geometry.

This node converts the input height field into (tiled) geometry. It can also create adaptive meshing based on heightfield details measured using curvature.




Pressing this button will export the heightfield to disk as geometry using the provided settings.


This specifies the output file(s) on disk. Use $(X) and $(Y) to insert the tile number into the filename.

Single File

Enabling this toggle will store all chunks in a single file as sub-objects inside the FBX.

Export in ASCII Format

Controls if the exported FBX should be binary or ASCII format.

FBX SDK Version

This allows you to override the used FBX SDK version for export. Default is usually best.


Height Layer

This allows you to override which layer is used for the height information. Generally this value is “height”.

Tile Count

This allows you to control how many chunks have to be generated from the input heightfield.


When this toggle is enabled, the tool will color code all separate chunks for you.


Base Density

This parameter controls the base density of your generated mesh. A value of 1.0 will generate an equal amount of quads as there are voxels in the heightfield. Lower this value prior to enabling adaptive density.

0-1 UV per segment

Enabling this toggle will force the UVs for all chunks to be distributed from 0-1 in total.

Extrude Base

Enabling this toggle will create a closed extruded chunk rather than an open planar surface. This might be useful if you plan on using this geometry for simulations.


This controls the depth of the extrusion produced by the “Extrude Base” toggle.

Base Normal

This controls the direction of the extruded base.

Flatten Base

This controls if the extruded bottom needs to be flat for all chunks, or if it should keep the shape of the heightfield.

Adaptive Density

Enabling this toggle will have the tool calculate adaptive quad density based on heightfield details.

Num Density Levels

This allows you to control how many levels of adaptive density the tool has to generate. Higher will produce more adaptive detail. Please note that increasing this value will increase the cooking time.

Density Distribution

The density distribution controls smoothing iterations prior to dividing the heightfield into adaptive quads.

Density Falloff

This ramp allows you to control how the adaptive density gets distributed over the heightfield details.

Geometry nodes