Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Spline Cap geometry node

Closes open areas with flat or rounded coverings.

On this page

This node caps meshes by extending the mesh in either the U or V direction (e.g. a NURBS tube). It caps faces by appending a separate face or hull cap.


U Caps

Preserve NURB Shape U

Clamps surface at point of capping.

First U Cap

Type of cap to create:

No end cap

The hull is left unmodified at this end.

End cap faceted

A face with unique points is created.

End cap shared

A face with shared points is created.

End cap rounded

The hull is extended with a number of rows whose profiles are circular.

End cap tangential

The hull is extended with a number of rows whose profiles are tangential to the original hull.


Number of cross-sections in the cap.


Height of the rounded cap.

Last U Cap

Type of cap on the other end.


Number of cross-sections in the cap.


Height of the rounded cap.

V Caps


Similar to U Caps tab, but builds caps in the other direction.


CapCarousel Example for Spline Cap geometry node

This example shows how to cap two designated areas of a geometry by creating groups.

Two Group SOPs are used to create two groups, group_bottom and group_middle. These groups are created using Number Enable. The Pattern number corresponds to the primitive number, which you can see by turning on primitive numbers.

Two Cap SOPs are used to cap the two groups. By capping either the First V Cap or Last V Cap, you can select which end of the group you want to cap.

CapTubeExamples Example for Spline Cap geometry node

This example contains different variations on how to cap a tube.

There are three geometry types that are able to be capped – NURBS, mesh, and Bezier.

Each geometry type contains examples of different cap types – faceted, shared, rounded, and tangential.

For a better description of cap types, please open the help card in the Cap SOP.

See also

Geometry nodes