Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

VDB Collider 1.0 geometry node

Defines VDB colliders to bounce or kill dynamic objects.

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Since 20.5


The VDB Collider can define colliders to be used by the MPM Solver and Vellum Solver in the context of a simulation. This node can create a VDB from a mesh or be provided with one directly.


Geometry to use as a Collider

Polygon mesh or VDB to use as a collider.


Collider Type

The different types of VDB collider supported.


Represented by a single VDB surface in memory throughout the simulation. It is sourced once and never changes. This is the most efficient collider type.

Animated (Rigid)

Represented by a single VDB along with a transformation matrix. Only the rigid transformation is updated per frame as the VDB surface never changes. It is the most efficient of the animated colliders and it is extremely accurate as the transformation is interpolated between frames for each substep.

Animated (Deforming)

Represented by a pair of surface and vel VDBs that must be updated on each frame. This should only be used over the Animated (Rigid) type when actual deformation is taking place. The fields are also interpolated between frames to yield better results which requires two pairs of VDB to be uploaded on the OpenCL device per frame.

Use Input Animation

Apply incoming animation to the generated VDB collider.


Partitions the incoming geometry such that each piece is treated as its own VDB collider.


The geometry is treated as a whole and will result in a single VDB collider.

Name Attribute

The name attribute is used to partition the geometry and generate multiple VDB colliders.

3D Connectivity

3D connectivity is used to partition the geometry and generate multiple VDB colliders.

Collision Response

Defines how the collider will affect the dynamic object on contact.


Bounce or stop the dynamic object depending on its material description.


Delete dynamic object’s points.


This can be used to dynamically cut the dynamic object as the simulation runs without resistance.

Reference Frame

Defines the frame to represent the collider at rest in the context of Static and Transformed types.


Defines if the collider should be considered or ignored.


Create VDB from Polygons

Allows the creation of the VDB inside the node.

Voxel Size

The voxel width of the VDB.

Exterior Band Voxels

The width of the exterior (distance >= 0) portion of the narrow band.


The amount to move the surface in or out after creating the VDB.

Compute Velocity

Allows internal velocity computation for animated meshes.

Fill Interior

Fills the inside of the VDB surface for more accurate collision detection.

Invert SDF

Inverts the sign of the VDB surface to simulate the dynamic object trapped inside the collider.



Amount of friction applied from the collider to the dynamic object in contact.


Allows projection of the dynamic object’s velocity even when moving away from the collider surface. This prevents the dynamic object from detaching from the collider, making it sticky if friction is high enough. If the dot product between the collider’s normal vector and the relative velocity of the dynamic object is smaller than this value, its relative velocity gets projected onto the collider surface.


Trail Velocity

Visualize of deforming colliders' velocity field.

Trail Count

The amount of points to trail through the velocity field.

See also

Geometry nodes