Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Cloth Deform geometry node

Deforms geometry captured by the Cloth Capture SOP.

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Since 12.0

High resolution geometry that is used to render cloth usually isn’t suitable for direct cloth simulation. It is recommended that you use cleaner, lower-res version of your cloth for the simulation and then transfer the motion to the hi-res geometry. The Cloth Capture and Cloth Deform tools allow you to do this.

The Cloth Capture tool assigns weights to the points in the hi-res geometry. These weights determine the influence of each lo-res point on each hi-res point. The Cloth Deform tool transfers the simulated movement of the lo-res geometry to the hi-res geometry using the weights that were generated by the Cloth Capture tool.

The Cloth Capture/Deform tools can be seen as a single deform tool spread out over two SOPS. They were designed as two separate SOPs because the Cloth Capture tool allows you to manually modify the weights.

The following image shows the lo-res geometry (underneath) transferring the deformation to the hi-res geometry (on top).



Optional point group to limit the points which are deformed. If empty, all points are deformed.

Rest Group

Specifies the primitive groups used for deforming from the second input.

Visualize Weighting

If on, this will generate point color attributes reflecting the wire capture weights.

Visualize Mode

This specifies the gradient used for visualization.


Utilizes the entire color spectrum where they range from blue (0) to red (1).

White to Red

Provides a gradient which varies from white (0) to red (1).


Provides a gradient which ranges from black (0) to white (1).


Ranges from black (0) to red, yellow, then white (1).

Zero Weight Point Color

This specifies the color used for points which are not affected by any capture primitives when using the Multiple Primitive visualize type.


CaptureDeform Example for Cloth Deform geometry node

This example demonstrates how you can use the Cloth Capture and Cloth Deform nodes to transfer the simulation from a low-res piece of cloth to a hi-res piece of cloth.

See also

Geometry nodes