Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

Runs a dynamic Bullet simulation.

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Since 18.0

The RBD Bullet Solver is a wrapper around a DOP network to simplify the running of Bullet simulations. Like most RBD SOPs, it is based on a three input SOP, with 2 additional inputs.

The first input is the render geometry. It will be used as simulation geometry if none is provided in the third input.

The second input is the constraint geometry, used to instantiate dynamic constraint relationships between simulated pieces. These can be created when fracturing the geometry using an RBD Material Fracture SOP or created explicitly using the RBD Constraints From Lines, RBD Constraints From Curves, or RBD Constraints From Rules among other methods. They need a name point attribute connecting them to their respective pieces and a constraint_name primitive attribute matching the constraint relationship DOP’s data name, and can have primitive attributes to define their behavior during the course of the simulation. You can also use the RBD Constraint Properties SOP to set these up.

The third input is the proxy geometry, a simplified representation of the render geometry, better suited for fast simulations. It will be used as the simulation geometry when provided.

The fourth input provides the collision geometry. Packed geometry is recognized and can be configured with the RBD Configure SOP to drive their behavior individually. Some pieces could be animated, some pieces set to deform, while others may be set to use spheres as geometry representation.

The fifth input provides the guiding geometry. This can either be packed geometry or a mesh that can be split into various parts by connectivity which will can be packed into discreet pieces. If the simulation geometry isn’t packed, it will be converted to packed fragments internally for simulation. The RBD Configure SOP can be used to pack and set attributes on the simulation geometry and collision geometry to drive the various bullet objects' behavior. For more information, see the Guided simulations help page.


The guide geometry will use transformation matrices from its various pieces to drive the guided pieces. For packed objects, their intrinsic transforms are used. Unpacked geometry will be packed per name attribute (if available else per connectivity) on the capture start frame and transformed onward. A single deforming mesh as guide geometry will therefore need to first be broken up into various clusters in order to satisfy the requirements for guiding to work as expected.

You can dive into the solver to add DOP nodes to apply special forces and other SOP Solvers. This feeds into the rigid body solver DOP’s pre-solve input and can be used to customize the behavior of the simulation and extend the node’s default capabilities.

If using collisionignore, the simulation geometry object can be referred to as rbd_object, the fourth input’s object can be referred to as collision_object, and the generated ground plane or heightfield as groundplane.

When adding impacts, the impact points are available via a named null OUT_IMPACT_POINTS that can be retrieved with an object merge.

Many visualizer options are available to get instant feedback on the simulation and the constraints to help tune constraint breaking thresholds. Additionally, a viewport inspector, accessible via a right-click context menu option in the viewport when the node state is active, allows you to inspect any particular primitive’s attributes by simply hovering over it. In order to get constraint information from the viewport inspector, set the RBD Bullet Solver SOP’s output for view flag to Constraint Geometry.

Name attribute types

It’s very important that the RBD Bullet Solver SOP receives consistent name attribute types. If you mix point and primitive name attributes, the solver is unlikely to be able to reconcile this mismatch and will either fail completely or give you erroneous results.

Always check the incoming geometry (by middle-clicking on the node) for a primitive name attribute. The only time you should see point name attributes is if you are dealing with Packed Fragments, in which case point name attributes are expected.

Be careful about having both point and primitive name attributes or any case where some geometry has name attributes and some do not. Unpacking with the Unpack SOP or the RBD Unpack SOP, will prefer point attribute names over prim attribute names. If you mix and match these attribute types, have inconsistencies in the name attributes for points and prims, or have some geo with no name attributes at all, you could lose all your prim names and end up with empty strings instead, or end up with an obscure dataset.

The RBD Bullet Solver SOP attempts to find empty names on either points or prims and will assume the name from their counterpart. However, it’s best to avoid this case.

Visualizers and viewport tools

The RBD Bullet Solver provides a number of visualizers to help tune and debug the RBD simulation. When the node state is active, various guide geometries can be displayed (bullet geometry representation, guide preview, etc), constraint information can be displayed as a histogram with information about the min and max values and a viewport inspector can be activated to help with reading attribute values for the primitive under the mouse pointer.

Viewport Inspector

The viewport inspector displays attribute values about the output primitive under the mouse pointer. To view information about the various outputs, switch the Bullet Solver node’s output for view flag to the desired output. For example, to view information about constraints, switch the Bullet Solver node’s output for view flag to “Constraint Geometry”. You can use the 1, 2 or 3 hotkeys in the viewport to switch between “Geometry”, “Constraint Geometry” or “Proxy Geometry” respectively, or press 4 to toggle between them.

To view attributes that are generated by the DOP network, you will need to first transfer those attributes to the geometry. In the Advanced tab’s Output section, select the attributes to transfer and enable them on either the Geometry or Proxy Geometry. You can specify which attributes to display information about on the Inspector’s Attributes parameter.



Reset Simulation

Clears the entire simulation caches.

Start Frame

The frame on the Houdini playbar that the simulation should begin.


Bullet World Scale

Scales the bullet world by this number and scales output geometry by the inverse of this number. This helps with issues that can arise with tiny pieces.

Simulation geometry attributes that are scale dependent are scaled accordingly (density, velocity, accelmax, speedmin, speedmax, bullet_collision_margin, bullet_shrink_amount).

Constraint geometry attributes that are scale dependent are scaled accordingly (restlength, strength, plasticthreshold). Forces and thresholds are scaled accordingly where applicable.


When scaling the bullet world, constraint VEXpressions are run in the scaled world, so geometry lookups will need to take that into consideration. Similarly, custom forces applied in the editable forces subnet will need to be aware of the scale.

Time Scale

Scales the effective time of the Bullet solve. This can be used to create bullet-time like effects where the physics of the Bullet solver runs at a different rate than the Houdini playbar. A value of 2 will cause objects to fall twice as fast, and 0.1 will slow it to a tenth the speed.


Global Substeps

Controls global substeps at the simulation level, as opposed to the Bullet-specific substeps. Global Substeps are best used when you need to export the substepped geometry. They will use more memory per frame, however, all the substeps will be kept rather than just the final values each frame.

  • Increasing the number of Global Substeps can be useful if you want custom solvers (i.e. in the dive target) to be substepped.

  • The Bullet Substeps are performed for each global substep, so you may want to decrease the number of Bullet Substeps accordingly when increasing the number of Global Substeps to avoid increasing the total number of Bullet Substeps.

  • If you only want to perform more Bullet Substeps, it’s more efficient to use one global substep and increase the number of Bullet Substeps.

Bullet Substeps

The number of substeps for each simulation step, used by Bullet internally. Increasing this number will increase the resolution of the simulation.

Increasing the number of substeps is one way to help fix problems of collisions not being detected for quickly moving objects.

Constraint Iterations

The more iterations you use, the more accurate the constraint and collision handling will be.

Solve on Creation Frame

Solve on simulation start frame.

Emit RBDs

When this checkbox is turned on, input simulation geometry and constraint geometry available at the current frame will be added to the simulation. A suffix "_" + int(frame * 100) will be appended to their names. For example, piece0-1 at frame 1 will be renamed piece0-1_100, while piece0-1 at frame 2.5 will be renamed piece0-1_250.

Replicate RBDs

When this checkbox is turned on, RBD pieces that are duplicated (or re-emitted) during the course of the simulation will be output correctly. Replicated RBDs with a non-unique name attribute will have a "_r" + replica number suffix appended to their name. For example, if the RBD with a piece0 name is replicated 3 times, the 3 new RBD pieces will be named piece0_r1, piece0_r2 and piece0_r3.

Cache Memory (MB)

Specifies how much memory in megabytes can be consumed by the cache for this simulation. Once this limit is exceeded, old cache entries are deleted.



Collision Padding

A padding distance between shapes, which is used by the Bullet engine to improve the reliability and performance of the collision detection. You may need to scale this value depending on the scale of your scene. This padding increases the size of the collision shape, so it is recommended to enable Shrink Collision Geometry to prevent the collision shape from growing.

This option is not available for Plane geometry representations.



The mass of an object is its volume times its density.

Rotational Stiffness

An object will often acquire a spin when it receives a glancing blow. The amount of spin acquired depends on the shape and mass distribution of the object, known as the inertial tensor.

The Rotational Stiffness is a scale factor applied to this. A higher stiffness will make the object less liable to spinning, a lower value will make it more ready to spin.


The elasticity of the object. If two objects of bounce 1.0 collide, they will rebound without losing energy. If two objects of bounce 0.0 collide, they will come to a standstill.


The coefficient of friction of the object. A value of 0 means the object is frictionless. This governs how much the tangential velocity is affected by collisions and resting contacts.

Overwrite Attributes


The specified point attributes are copied from the input geometry to the simulation geometry at each frame. This can be useful to animate attributes such as active at the SOP level to activate pieces at a particular frame.


Linear Threshold

The sleeping threshold for the object’s linear velocity. If the object’s linear speed is below this threshold for a period of time, the object may be treated as non-moving.

Angular Threshold

The sleeping threshold for the object’s angular velocity. If the object’s angular speed is below this threshold for a period of time, the object may be treated as non-moving.


Collision Geometry

Collision Geometry

Enables the collision object.

Collision Type

Specify, if the collision object is animated, deforming or static.


Static objects don’t move or deform. Their mass is considered infinitely big.


This is the correct mode for keyframed objects.


Deforming objects are animated on point level, for example, cloth or soft bodies.

Collision Shape

The shape used by the Bullet engine to represent the object.

Convex Hull

The default shape for the object. The Bullet Solver creates a collision shape from the convex hull of the geometry points.


The Bullet Solver converts the geometry to polygons and creates a concave collision shape from the resulting triangles. This shape is useful when simulating concave objects such as a torus or a hollow tube. However, it is recommended to only use the concave representation when necessary, since the convex hull representation typically provides better performance.


The bounding box of the object.


The bounding capsule of the object.


The bounding cylinder of the object.


Creates a complex shape consisting of Bullet primitives (including boxes, spheres, and cylinders). You will need to use the Bake ODE SOP.


The bounding sphere of the object.


A static ground plane.



The elasticity of the object. If two objects of bounce 1.0 collide, they will rebound without losing energy. If two objects of bounce 0.0 collide, they will come to a standstill.


The coefficient of friction of the object. A value of 0 means the object is frictionless.

This governs how much the tangential velocity is affected by collisions and resting contacts.

Overwrite Attributes


The specified point attributes correspond to the solver node’s fourth input. The attributes are copied from the input geometry to the simulation geometry at each frame. This can be useful to animate attributes such as active at the SOP level to activate pieces at a particular frame.

Ground Collision

Ground Type

Choose, which type of ground collision you want to use.


No ground plane will be added.

Ground Plane

Adds a ground plane to the simulation.

Height Field

Adds a heightfield static object to the simulation.

Height Field

SOP path to the height field geometry.

Use Deforming Geometry

Enable deforming heightfield geometry.


The location of the center of the ground plane.


The rotation of the ground plane.



The elasticity of the object. If two objects of bounce 1.0 collide, they will rebound without losing energy. If two objects of bounce 0.0 collide, they will come to a standstill.


The coefficient of friction of the object. A value of 0 means the object is frictionless.

This governs how much the tangential velocity is affected by collisions and resting contacts.

Dynamic Friction Scale

An object sliding may have a lower friction coefficient than an object at rest. This is the scale factor that relates the two. It is not a friction coefficient, but a scale between zero and one.

A value of one means that dynamic friction is equal to static friction. A scale of zero means that as soon as static friction is overcome the object acts without friction.




Turn on this checkbox to use gravity for your simulation.


The amount of force to apply to a unit-massed object. Because the force is scaled by the mass, objects will undergo this acceleration.

If your units are meters, seconds, and kilograms, -9.81 is a good value for Earth’s gravity. If your units are feet, seconds, and pounds, -32 is a good value for Earth’s gravity.



Turn on this checkbox to use drag for your simulation. Drag works similar to air friction and can decelerate moving objects.

Add Drag

Enable the POP Drag DOP.


Air Resistance

How strong of an influence to have on the particle. Higher values will cause it to match the wind velocity faster. This is also used to do a weighted average when competing winds are applied to the same particle.

Wind Velocity

The speed which the particles will be dragged to. If it is zero, they are dragged to a stop. Otherwise, it defines a wind speed which the particles will accelerate to.

Ignore Mass

Ignores any mass on the RBD pieces.

Since forces are stored as force rather than accel (acceleration), this is done by multiplying the force by the mass attribute. This will then be canceled out by the solver.

airresist will also be similarly multiplied.

Ignoring mass ensures that small pieces of an RBD object move at the same speed as big pieces. This makes for a more controllable simulation.

Use VEXpressions

Use VEX expressions to modify the drag parameters.

Drag Spin

Drag Spin

Turn on this checkbox to use drag spin for your simulation. Drag spin works similar to air friction and can decelerate spinning and rotating objects.

Spin Resistance

How quickly the particle should match the goal spin speed.

Goal Axis

The desired axis for the particle to spin around in its rest state.

Goal Spin Speed

How fast (degrees per second) the particle should spin around the given axis when it has reached its rest state. If this is zero, it will drag the spin to a stop. If it is positive, it will spin-up or down until it matches this.

Axis Relative to Particle’s Orientation

The provided goal axis will be rotated into the particle’s own reference frame. Thus a value of (0, 1, 0) will be up in the space of the particle rather than in world space.

Use VEXpressions

Use VEX expressions to modify the drag spin parameters.


Break Thresholds

Break Thresholds

Turn on this option to enable break thresholds on solver level.

Number of Breaks

This controls the number of breaking conditions which can be run on various constraint groups. Click the + and - buttons to add and remove breaks. Press Clear to remove all breaks at once.

Constraint Names

Constraint names for which constraint breaking will be computed.


Glue constraints are the only constraints that have implicit breaking so have not been added to the default constraint names.


Constraint primitives to be evaluated for breaking.


Delete Constraints

Constraint geometry with attribute values above the specified threshold will be deleted.

Switch to Next Constraint

Constraint geometry with attribute values above the specified threshold will switch to their next_constraint_name if available or deleted.

At Frame

Break constraints at the specified frame.

From Frame

Breaking will only be evaluated from the specified frame onward.

Angle Threshold

The angle (in radians) beyond which a constraint will break.

Angle Attribute

The name of the attribute used to multiply the angle threshold with.

Distance Threshold

The distance between anchor points beyond which a constraint will break.


The restlength is subtracted from the constraint distance to avoid automatically breaking long constraints. In order to have a distance threshold relative to restlength, set the Distance Threshold to 1 + <factor>, enable scale by attribute, and set the Distance Attribute to restlength. For example, to automatically break constraints that stretch 10% of their length, set the distance threshold to 1.1.

Force Threshold

The force beyond which a constraint will break.


As of Houdini 18.0, glue constraints update the force attribute on the constraint geometry such as it represents the length of the delta between the 2 constrained pieces' forces, multiplied by their average mass. To break glue constraints based on force relative to their strength, set the force threshold to 1, enable scale by attribute, set Force Attribute to strength.

Impact Threshold

The impact beyond which a constraint will break.

Torque Threshold

The torque beyond which a constraint will break.

Plastic Flow Threshold

The linear plastic flow beyond which a constraint will break.


Only available on soft constraints with linear plasticity enabled.

Angular Plastic Flow Threshold

The angular plastic flow beyond which a constraint will break.


Only available on soft constraints with angular plasticity enabled.

Use VEX Snippet

When turned on, you can manipulate the constraint geometry primitives with a VEX snippet. This is similar to adding a Geometry Wrangle DOP in the dive target.

VEX Snippet SOP Path

The SOP path to the VEX snippet you want to use for manipulating constraint geometry primitives.

Override Attributes

Enable Attribute Updates from SOPs


The specified point attributes are copied from the input geometry (solver’s second input) to animated constraints geometry at each frame. This can be useful to animate attributes such as active at the SOP level to activate pieces at a particular frame.

Export Broken Constraints

Constraints that are broken by the solver are deleted from the constraint geometry by default. This option keeps those constraints in the geometry, in a primitive group named broken. This can be useful for driving secondary effects based on which constraints have broken.


=== Enable Guides ==

Enable Guides

Enables simulation guiding.

Guide Method

Choose between a direct velocity (v) and angular velocity (w) update or a target velocity (targetv) and target angular velocity (targetw) update method to use when guiding.


Updates v and w directly. This is the most precise way of guiding, however it can lead to jittering when collisions get in the way.

Target Velocity

Updates targetv and targetw attributes, used in combination with the Air Resistance and Drag parameters, to compute a force that will move the object towards the desired velocity and a torque that will move the object towards the desired angular velocity. This is more forgiving that the direct v and w updates and helps eliminate jittering as pieces are allowed to deviate further from their guided positions and orientations. The solver’s implicit drag option needs to be on for this to work properly.


Blend amount to lerp guided velocity and angular velocity with natural velocity and angular velocity. Lowering this value results in a soft dampened spring-like constraint and can help reduce some jittering that may occur when guided velocities and angular velocities struggle with collisions.

Release Thresholds


Linear Threshold

When the distance between the computed guided position and the resulting post-solve position is greater than the linear threshold multiplied by guide strength, the piece will become unguided.

Angular Threshold

When the angle (in degrees) between the computed guided orientation and the resulting post-solve orientation is greater than the angular threshold multiplied by guide strength, the piece will become unguided.

Distance Threshold

When the difference between the distance of the guide piece to the bullet primitive and their distance at rest increases beyond the distance threshold multiplied by guide strength, the piece will become unguided.


Linear Threshold

When the accumulated distance between the computed guide position and the resulting post-solve position is greater than the distance threshold multiplied by guide strength, the piece will become unguided.

Angular Threshold

When the accumulated angle (in degrees) between the computed guide orientation and the resulting post-solve orientation is greater than the angular threshold multiplied by guide strength, the piece will become unguided.

Distance Threshold

When the accumulated difference between the distance of the guide piece to the bullet primitive and their distance at rest increases beyond the distance threshold multiplied by guide strength, the piece will become unguided.

Remove Intra-Guided Constraints

Remove Intra-Guide Constraints

Deletes constraints between pieces belonging to different guide clusters.


constraints between guided and unguided pieces are unaffected.

Constraint Group

Constraint geometry primitives to consider when removing intra-guide constraints.


Show Collision Shape

Turn this option on to display the collision geometry.


Post-Guide VEXpression

Post-Guide VEXpression

Runs a VEX snippet after the guiding computation has occurred. This enables you to modify the computed velocity or target velocity for better control over the resulting guided behavior.

VEXpression Group

Only affect a group of bullet packed primitives. By default, the guided group is selected to only affect primitives currently being guided.


Visualize Geometry

Visualize Geometry

Displays the bullet geometry representation used by the solver.


This can impact the performance of the simulation quite dramatically so is recommended to only use for debugging purposes at the start of the simulation.

Show Active (Green)

Displays active pieces as a green wireframe overlay.

Show Sleeping (Red)

Displays sleeping pieces as a red wireframe overlay.



Turn on this option to create an infinite ground plane for collision.

Show Ground as

The ground plane’s visualization can be Wireframe or Shaded.

Collision Geometry

Show Geometry

When turned on you will see the geometry of the objects, wired to the solver’s fourth input. You can change the display color under Color.

Show Collision Shape

Turn on the checkbox for a flat shaded representation of the objects, wired to the solver’s fourth input.


Choose a color from the picker or define a RGB value to dye the collision geometry.

Constraint Geometry

Constraint Geometry

Turn on the display of the constraint geometry.

False Color Mode


No color is applied to the constraint geometry.


A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of angle values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.

Angular Plastic Flow

A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of angular plastic flow values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.


A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of distance values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.


A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of force values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.


A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of impact values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.

Plastic Flow

A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of plastic flow values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.


A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of torque values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.

Constraint Name

Information about the constraint names is displayed in the upper left corner showing the color assigned to each primitive with a given constraint_name attribute. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.


A histogram is displayed in the upper left corner showing the range of user defined attribute values across the constraint geometry, with information about the minimum and maximum values. Constraint geometry is colored accordingly.

Show Guides

Displays the guide geometry to represent the constraints (e.g. the same as what you would see from the Constraint Network DOP). This displays different geometry depending on the constraint type - for example, soft constraints display geometry to indicate the position and orientation of each anchor.

Guide Radius

Scales the size of the guide geometry.


Show Guided (Blue)

Displays guided pieces as a blue wireframe overlay.

Show Guide Capture

Displays the guided geometry transformed by the guide (no simulation). The hue represents the guide clusters, the value represents the strength attribute value. In this mode, the viewport inspector will display information about the guide.

Guide Capture Frame

Applies a timeshift to the guided capture geometry to visualize the guide influence at the given frame.

Guide Capture Blend

Displays the guided geometry transformed by the guide (no simulation). The hue represents the guide clusters, the value represents the blend attribute value.

Show Guide Neighbor Count

Displays the guide neighbor count as a ramp of colors from red to blue. Black represents no guide neighbors, white are pieces for which use guide neighbor count is disabled.

Impact Data

Impact Data

Turn on the impact data analysis parameters.

Time Threshold

The minimum amount of time (in seconds) between recorded impact points. Higher values give fewer impact points and bigger gaps in time.

Impact Threshold

The minimum amount of impact force for recorded impact points. Higher values only create points for stronger impacts and ignore weaker impacts.

Distance Threshold

The minimum distance between recorded impact points. Higher values give fewer impact points and bigger gaps in space.

Force Impact Object

Only create impact points for collisions with this DOP object.

Fetch Impacts

Create an object merge SOP to import the impact points.



Specify the list of attributes to display in the viewport through the inspector.

Font Size

Specify the font size for the inspector text.

Float Precision

Specify the float precision used to display attribute values.


Bullet Solver

Sleeping Time

When an object’s speed has been below its linear and angular speed thresholds for this amount of time, the object is eligible to be deactivated and put to sleep. This can improve performance for simulations where there are some stationary objects.


An object can only be put to sleep once any nearby objects and objects it is constrained to are also eligible to be put to sleep.

Contact Breaking Threshold

Distance threshold used by the Bullet engine when determining whether a cached contact point should be discarded. Adjusting this value according to the scene scale may also improve performance, as it influences the margin added to objects' bounding boxes.

Use Implicit Drag

Applies a more accurate damping for the drag described by the targetv and airresist point attributes, instead of applying it as an explicit force. This also affects how the targetw and spinresist attributes are applied for angular drag.

Split Impulse

Tries to make interpenetrating objects split without adding velocity (to keep objects from explosively flying apart).

Errors when solving positional and velocity constraints can introduce some extra energy to the system. Although this option removes most of the extra energy, it degenerates quality a little bit, in particular for stable stacking.

Penetration Threshold

Split Impulse only applies when objects interpenetrate by more than this distance. This number should be negative (representing less than 0 distance between the objects).

Split Impulse ERP

Overrides the Error Reduction Parameter for contact constraints where the penetration distance is within the Penetration Threshold and Split Impulse is enabled.

Constraint Solver

Constraint Solver

Specifies which constraint solver Bullet will use to resolve collisions and constraints. Both solvers parallelize the workload, but differ in the strategy they use to do so. Parallel Gauss-Seidel (Islands) will be faster in cases that involve many small “islands” of interacting objects (for example, a large number of small separate book stacks), whereas Parallel Gauss-Seidel (Graph Coloring) should perform better when such “islands” are few and large (such as a huge collapsing building).

Although results obtained with these solvers will generally not be identical, qualitative differences should be minor.

Solve Tolerance

Allows the constraint solver to terminate before performing the full number of Constraint Iterations if it is close enough to the solution. Larger values can increase performance at the cost of accuracy.

Contact CFM

Increasing the CFM (constraint force mixing) parameter will make contact constraints softer, and may increase the stability of the simulation. Contact constraints may be violated by an amount proportional to this parameter times the force that is needed to enforce the constraint.

Contact ERP

Specifies what proportion of the constraint error for contact constraints will be fixed during the next simulation step. If ERP (error reduction parameter) is set to 0, constrained objects will drift apart as the simulation proceeds. If ERP is set to 1, the solver will attempt to fix all constraint error during the next simulation step (however, this may result in instability in some situations). A value between 0.1 and 0.8 is recommended for most simulations.

Randomize Constraint Order

Specifies that the constraints should be randomly reordered before each of the Constraint Iterations. This may improve stability, but incurs a minor performance hit.

Ensure Islands are Independent

Specifies that the solver should ensure that changes to an island of interacting objects (including adding, removing, or repositioning objects) do not cause other islands to produce different simulation results, unless those changes cause the objects to interact. Otherwise, the solver only guarantees that resimulating with the exact same input to the solver will produce the same results. Enabling this option may incur a minor performance hit, and may change the simulation results slightly.

Emission Solver

Emission Cache Memory (MB)

Specifies how much memory in megabytes can be consumed by the cache for this simulation. Once this limit is exceeded, old cache entries are deleted.


Solve on Creation Frame

Solve on simulation start frame.


Overwrite with SOP

This flag will re-import the network whenever it is set, allowing a completely animated constraint behavior.


See the Glue Constraint Relationship DOP.


See the Bullet Soft Constraint Relationship DOP.


See the Hard Constraint Relationship DOP.


See the Cone Twist Constraint Relationship DOP.


See the Slider Constraint Relationship DOP.


Use Pre-Configured Setup

The guiding can be setup outside the RBD Bullet Solver using the RBD Guide Setup SOP.


The simulation geometry packed primitives to be guided.

Start Frame

The reference start frame where guiding attributes will be captured to the simulation geometry.

End Frame

End frame of the guide animation.

Release on End Frame

When the End Frame is reached, all pieces will be released from their guides.


Near Point

Guide names are based on proximity to guide pieces center of mass.

Near Surface

Guide names are based on nearest guide surface position.

Max Distance

Distance beyond which simulation geometry will not acquire a guide. When this value is -1 no maximum is used.


Guide strength.

Distance to Strength

Multiply the strength based on distance to guide geometry.


Specify the minimum and maximum distance for the Strength Multiplier.

Strength Multiplier

The strength multiplier to use when the distance to the guide piece falls between the Distance min and max.


Add a blend attribute to the simulation pieces which will be multiplied by the global blend value.

Transfer Attributes

Attributes to transfer from the guide piece to the RBD pieces.

Use VEXpressions

Use VEX expressions to modify guiding strength and blend attributes.

Guided Neighbors

Guided Neighbors

When a guided piece has no neighbors within its guide cluster, it will inherit the nearest piece’s guide target.

Points per Area

When finding pieces' neighbors, points are first seeded on the surface of all the objects. There must be enough points for close points to occur to detect close surfaces. This should be scaled down by the square of the geometry size. For example, if your geometry is 10× bigger, you should have 1/100 the points per area.

Search Radius

Specifies the maximum allowed distance when searching for nearby points.

Max Search Points

Specifies an upper limit on the number of nearby points that can be inspected. Lower numbers will improve performance, but run the risk that only points from the same piece will be detected rather than points on nearby pieces, causing neighbors to be missed.

Max Connections

Specifies an upper limit on the number of pieces that each seed point can be connected to. This may improve the detection of Adjacent Pieces from Surface Points. However, increasing this value will reduce performance.

Ensure Neighbor

When a guided piece has no neighbors within its guide cluster, it will inherit the nearest piece’s guide target.

Minimum Neighbors

When the number of connected neighbors within the same guide cluster drops below this number, the piece will become unguided. Pieces with no guided neighbors at rest will be ignored.


Impact Data

Impact Data

Turn on the impact data analysis parameters.

Time Threshold

The minimum amount of time (in seconds) between recorded impact points. Higher values give fewer impact points and bigger gaps in time.

Impact Threshold

The minimum amount of impact force for recorded impact points. Higher values only create points for stronger impacts and ignore weaker impacts.

Distance Threshold

The minimum distance between recorded impact points. Higher values give fewer impact points and bigger gaps in space.

Force Impact Object

Only create impact points for collisions with this DOP object.

Fetch Impacts

Create an object merge SOP to import the impact points.


Age Attribute

Adds an age point attribute to the objects, which tracks the time since the object was added to the simulation. An age attribute is also added to the constraint primitives. This attribute can be useful for driving custom forces, deleting objects after some time, etc.

Transfer Attributes

Transfer attributes to output simulation points.

Transfer to Geometry

Transfers the attributes listed above to the output geometry.

Transfer to Proxy Geometry

Transfers the attributes listed above to the output proxy geometry.


GuidedRBDBulletSolver Example for RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

This example demonstrates the use of the RBD Bullet Solver SOP guiding feature.

KatamariDamacy Example for RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

This example demonstrates the use of the RBD Bullet Solver SOP with custom forces, the new sticky constraints and dynamic constraint property editing.

MaterialFractureTutorial Example for RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

This example contains a setup that is used in the tutorial seen here: destruction/tutorials/intro_to_mbd_1

RBDAgeExample Example for RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

This example contains a setup that uses the age parameters(and Age-ing RBD feature)

RBDBulletSolver Example for RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

This example contains a number of various uses for the RBD Buller Solver SOP.

RBDBulletSolverEmission Example for RBD Bullet Solver geometry node

This example demonstrates the use of the RBD Bullet Solver SOP emissions feature.

See also

Geometry nodes