Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Character Blend Shapes Add geometry node

Adds blend shapes to a character’s skin geometry.

Since 19.0

This node takes either a sequence of named packed primitives containing blend shapes, or a single unpacked blend shape, and adds them to a character’s skin geometry. If a blend shape with the same name already exists on the skin geometry, it will be overwritten.

You can create the sequence of named packed primitives from a geometry stream with the Merge Packed SOP or from a series of files with the File Merge SOP set to output packed geometry. You can also use the Name SOP to rename each of these primitives in bulk to the name stored in the name attribute.


Skin Name

The name of the skin geometry to apply the blend shape to. The skin name is provided by the primitive name attribute of the character mesh.

If this field is empty, the skin of the first input primitive is used.

Remove Unchanged Points

When turned on, only the points within each blend shape that differ from the base mesh are kept. When turned off, the input primitives are directly instanced.


You can use the Raw parameter on the Character Blend Shapes Extract SOP to get the contents of a blend shape primitive.

Unpacked Shape

When turned on, adds the specified input as a single unpacked blend shape.

Add as In-Between Shapes

When turned on, adds the input as in-between shapes.

Hero Shape Name

The hero blend shape to add the in-between shapes to. In-betweens will have the same skin name, blend shape channel, and blend shape name as their hero shape.

This parameter is only available when Add as In-Between Shapes is turned on.

Weight Attribute

Specifies an attribute on the input packed primitives that will determine each shape’s in-between weight position. If the weight attribute is absent or invalid (0 or 1) on a primitive, the primitive will not be added.

This parameter is only available when Unpacked Shape is turned off, and Add as In-Between Shapes is turned on.


Specifies the weight position of the in-between shape when the input is a single unpacked blend shape.

This parameter is only available when Unpacked Shape and Add as In-Between Shapes are turned on.

See also

Geometry nodes