Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Mocap Import geometry node

Parses and imports motion capture data as geometry.

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Since 18.5

The Mocap Import SOP node parses and imports motion capture data as geometry. It can parse Biovision (.bvh), Acclaim (.asf, .amc), and Motion Analysis (.trc) data. This node creates an animated wireframe SOP skeleton using the position data and world transformation matrices from the motion capture joints.



File Type

Determines which motion capture format the node uses to parse the motion capture data.

Acclaim (.amc; .asf)

Parses the motion capture data using the Acclaim format.

BioVision (.bvh)

Parses the motion capture data using the BioVision format.

Motion Analysis (.trc)

Parses the motion capture data using the Motion Analysis format.

Acclaim (.amc; .asf)

These parameters are only available when File Type is set to Acclaim (.amc; .asf).

Acclaim Skeleton File

Specifies the Acclaim skeleton description file to import.

Acclaim Motion Capture File

Specifies the Acclaim motion data file to import.

Align Nodes with Axes

If this is enabled, each node will be rotated so that its initial orientation is equal to the node’s 'axis' which is defined within the Acclaim Skeleton File.

Add Leaf Nodes

If this is enabled, additional nodes will be added after the leaves of the skeleton defined within the Acclaim Skeleton File.

These new leaf nodes represent the bones which are defined by the 'offset' value of the leaves within the Acclaim Skeleton File.

BioVision (.bvh)

These parameters are only available when File Type is set to BioVision (.bvh).

BioVision Motion Capture File

Specifies the BioVision skeleton description and motion data file to import.

Motion Analysis (.trc)

These parameters are only available when File Type is set to Motion Analysis (.trc).

Motion Analysis TRC File

Specifies the Motion Analysis motion data file to import.

Motion Analysis Parent File

Specifies the Motion Analysis skeleton description file to import.

Import All Nodes

When on, the Mocap Import node imports all the nodes defined in the Motion Analysis TRC File, even if they are not defined in the Motion Analysis Parent File. You can also designate one of the imported nodes as the root node using the Root Node parameter.

Clip Name

Specifies a name for the animation clip. This is saved to the clipinfo detail attribute.

Root Node

Specifies the node that is treated as the root node when creating the SOP skeleton.

Compute Rotations using Forward Kinematics

When on, the node recomputes the rotations of the SOP skeleton’s nodes using forward kinematics.

Configuration Attribute

If this is enabled, a dictionary point attribute with this name will be created on the skeleton. For all file types, the rotation order which was used to compute the 'transform' attribute of the node will be in this dictionary. When File Type is set to Acclaim (.asf; .amc), rotation and translation limits are also included in this dictionary based upon the 'limits' defined within the Acclaim Skeleton File.


Sets the color of the wireframe skeleton.


Sets the universal scale for the motion capture data.

Frame Rate

When on, specifies the frame rate of the motion capture data. When off, the node uses the frame rate specified in the motion capture data file.


Specifies which type of pose to output for the skeleton.


Outputs the animated poses using the parameter values on the Timing tab.

Rest Pose

Outputs the default pose without animation.


Forces a full reload of the motion capture data.



The time units for specifying animation parameters.

By Time

The timing parameters below will be specified in seconds.

By Frame

The timing parameters below will be specified in frames.


The time (in seconds) to import the animated pose from.

Animation Start

The time at which the source animation starts, when Method is set to By Time. Earlier poses will be clamped to this value. When turned off, this value is taken from the source animation where available. If it has no range information, Houdini’s scene start ($TSTART) value will be used.

Note that no clamping is done when this is turned off.

Animation End

The time at which the source animation ends, when Method is set to By Time. Later poses will be clamped to this value. When turned off, this value is taken from the source animation where available. If it has no range information, Houdini’s scene end ($TEND) value will be used.

Note that no clamping is done when this is turned off.

Playback Start

The destination time at which the specified animation will begin to playback, when Method is set to By Time. When turned off, Houdini’s scene start ($TSTART) value is used.


The frame number to import the animated pose from.

Animation Start

The frame at which the source animation starts, when Method is set to By Frame. Earlier poses will be clamped to this value. When turned off, this value is taken from the source animation where available. If it has no range information, Houdini’s scene start ($FSTART) value will be used.

Note that no clamping is done when this is turned off.

Animation End

The frame at which the source animation ends, when Method is set to By Frame. Later poses will be clamped to this value. When turned off, this value is taken from the source animation where available. If it has no range information, Houdini’s scene end ($FEND) value will be used.

Note that no clamping is done when this is turned off.

Playback Start

The destination frame at which the specified animation will begin to playback, when Method is set to By Frame. When turned off, Houdini’s scene start ($FSTART) value is used.


Sets the speed factor for the playback of the animation. This is applied after any clamping is performed by the Animation Start and Animation End parameters.



An animated skeleton with data parsed from the motion capture files.



This detail attribute records the current animation range and sample rate, as well as the original animation range and sample rate of the imported animation.

See also

Geometry nodes