Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Map Points geometry node

Stores a reference on a point to a point in another geometry.

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Since 18.5

This node is used to store a reference to a point in the reference geometry found on the second input to a point on the geometry on the first input.

This reference can be either an integer or a string that refers to either a point number or an arbitrary attribute on the second input’s geometry.



Output Attribute Name

The name of the attribute on the first input in which to store the mapping.

Reference Type

Point Number

The attribute stored will be an integer corresponding to a point index on the second input geometry.

Attribute Value

The attribute stored will be either an integer or a string that matches an attribute value on the second input geometry.

Use MotionClip Topology

Targets Group

When enabled a point group will be created on the second output geometry of the points that have been mapped to within this node. This is useful if you wish to isolate or otherwise manipulate only these points downstream,

Align Guides


Used only to allow you to align the skeletons in the viewport whilst performing the mapping operation, these parameters do not modify the geometry in any way.

Rest Pose Attribute

The name of the matrix4 point attribute contained the rest pose for both skeletons. If present, this will be used to display the skeleton in the viewport when performing the mapping.


Align the translation of the two skeletons in the viewport.

Scale to Fit

Scale the second input geometry to match the size of the first input geometry in the viewport.

Target Guide Offset

A translation offset for the second input geometry in the viewport.

Import Mappings

Import a .json or .xml file to populate the Mappings from.

The .json file is expected to have the same syntax that the Export Mappings option generates. The .xml file is expected to have the following syntax:

A root element config_root. A child element called match_list under which the skeleton data will be stored.

The skeleton data should be in form of one element, called item, per point. This element must have a value, which represents the name of the point and a key attribute, which represents a conceptual argument that will be used to match this item to another item from a different .xml file. Example of point item: <item key="RightUpLeg" value="thigh_r"/>.


When choosing to import a .xml file, you will be asked to first choose the file for the Target Skeleton and then choose another file for the Source Skeleton. As mentioned above, the way the matching works for .xml files is by looking up each element in both files, finding the elements that share the same key and, if the value of that element is not empty, perform the matching. Naturally, this means that the key must be unique per file - there can not be 2 items with the same key or the mapping might produce unexpected results.

Export Mappings

Export the current Mappings to a .json file.

The exported file will contain a mappings dictionary that will have a key for each point in the Target Skeleton. Each of these keys, in turn, are a dictionary of their own containing two distinct keys:

reference: stores the mapping reference as dictated by the Reference Type parameter(ptnum when Reference Type is set to Point Number, value of the Reference Attribute parm when Reference Type is set to Attribute Value)

value: stores the mapped point on the Source Skeleton in a form dictated by the reference key(point number or attribute value)

Auto Map Inline Points

Attempt to find reasonable mappings in between those specified by the user.


A list of point pairs mapping points on the first input geometry to points on the second input geometry.


Target Skeleton

The geometry onto which we will set the point attribute specified in Output Attribute Name.

Source Skeleton

The geometry that the Target Skeleton will be mapped onto.


First Output

The geometry on the first input with the mapping stored on the point attribute specified in Output Attribute Name.

Second Output

A unmodified copy of the second input geometry.

See also

Geometry nodes