Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Remove Inside Faces geometry node

This tool removes inside faces for objects that are intersecting.

This tool removes inside faces for objects that are intersecting. It does this without modifying any of the existing geometry like boolean does. (Except remove the occluded primitives) This tool only works on closed geometry.


Inside Faces

Remove Inside Faces

Enable / Disable the removal of inside faces.

Border Precision

This parameter controls the resolution of the internally generated VDB used for occlusion checks. Smaller values mean more precision, at a higher computation cost.

Border Threshold

This value allows you to offset where the tool considers the occluded primitives to start. Higher values mean that a primitive needs to be deeper inside the occluded part in order to be culled.

Clipping Surface

Clip Surface

When a second input is provided, this enabled/disabled clipping below that input surface.

Up Vector

This allows you to specify the up vector used to determine if a primitive is above or below the clipping surface input.

Geometry nodes