Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Attribute Adjust Array geometry node

Modifies array attribute values.

Since 20.5

This SOP provides several common operations for editing arrays, reducing the need to create VOP networks or write VEX code.



Attribute Name

The name of the attribute to create or modify. If the attribute does not exist, it will be added to the selected Attribute Class.

Attribute Class

Element type for the destination attribute (specified by Attribute Name).

Attribute Type

Defines the value type of the array to be modified. Supported array types are String, Integer, Float, Vector2, Vector3, and Vector4.

Set Values

Adds, removes, overrides, or replaces elements in an array.

Number of Entries

The number of operations that modify the array.


When turned on, applies the array operation selected in the drop-down menu. In the textbox beside the drop-down menu, specify the group of geometry elements that are affected by the array operation.

The available array operations are:


Appends or inserts a set of elements into the array.


Removes the entries at the specified indices from the array.


Replaces the elements at the specified indices with new entries.


Replaces the entire array with new elements.

Insert At

When Operation is set to Add, this defines where in the array the new elements are added.


Adds the elements in front of all the existing array elements.


Appends the new elements.


Inserts the elements at the specified Index.

Before Value / After Value

Inserts the values before or after the Value in the array. This option only applies for integer or string arrays.


When Operation is set to Add, and Insert At is set to Index, this defines the index at which to insert the new array element.


When Array Type is set to String or Integer, and Insert At is set to Before Value or After Value, this is the existing array value to insert the new element before/after.


When Operation is set to Add or Override, these are the values to append, insert, or replace in the array.


When Operation is set to Add or Override, this is the new value to add, insert, or replace in the array.


When Operation is set to Remove or Replace, these are the indices of the array to remove or replace.

Find Indices by Values

When turned on, and Operation is set to Remove or Replace, the specified wildcard pattern or value is used to find the entries to modify in the array. This only applies for integer and string arrays.


When Array Type is set to String, and Operation is set to Replace, this is the wildcard pattern that defines what to replace in the entry found by Find Indices by Values.


When Array Type is set to String, and Operation is set to Replace, this is the wildcard pattern that defines the replacing value in the entry found by Find Indices by Values.



When turned on, sorts the arrays based on value.


When turned on, reverts the order of the array.



The number of color options for tags. This is used by the Attribute Adjust Array viewer state to help differentiate different string array entries.


A wildcard pattern that specifies the string array entries to set to the specified color.

See also

Geometry nodes