Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Extrude Volume geometry node

Extrudes surface geometry into a volume.

This operation is used to create a volume out of surface geometry. This can be useful for creating physical objects such as terrain features.

The second output provides the base of the extrusion. This can be feathered and lifted to form a collision object when this is used to be build a sand or liquid volume.



The amount by which the geometry is extruded.

Positive values indicate an extrusion above the given surface, negative values an extrusion below it.

Base Normal

The direction in which the extrusion takes place.

Flatten Base

Whether or not the surface resulting from the extrusion is made into a flat plane.

Base Padding

Amount to grow the final ring of the base. Expressed as a fraction, so 0.1 means 10% bigger.

Base Lift

Amount in distance to lift up the final ring of the base.

Top Group

Primitive group for the polygons forming the top, original surface, of the extrusion.

Base Group

Primitive group for the polygons forming the base of the extrusion.

Side Group

Primitive group for the polygons forming the sides of the extrusion.

Top Boundary Group

Edge group for the edges bordering the top and side of the extrusion.

Base Boundary Group

Edge group for the edges bordering the base and side of the extrusion.

See also

Geometry nodes