Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Group Promote geometry node

Converts point, primitive, edge, or vertex groups into point, primitive, edge, or vertex groups.

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Since 16.0

Converts between different types of groups. When converting groups, you can use wildcards to convert several groups that match the specified pattern. For more information about pattern substitution rules, see Attrib String Edit.


Number of Promotions

The number of group promotion rules to apply. Promotions are applied in sequence, so if a group was promoted by an earlier rule and matches a later rule, it may be re-promoted.

Convert From

Source group type.


Newly created group type.

Group Name

Group to convert.

New Name

The new name of the converted group. Leave this empty to keep the name of the original group.

Keep Original Group

When turned on, does not remove the original group type.

Include Only Elements on the Boundary

When turned on, removes elements from the output group that are not on the boundary. Groups are first converted to the output type, then only the elements on the boundaries of these converted groups are included.

Include Unshared Edges

When turned on, geometry edges that are only referenced by a single polygon will be included in the boundary group.

This parameter is only available when Include Only Elements on the Boundary is turned on.

Include All Unshared Curve Edges

When turned on, unshared edges on curves will be included in the boundary group. To select only the end points of curves and the unshared edges of closed polygons, turn on Include Unshared Edges, and turn off Include All Unshared Curve Edges.

This parameter is only available when Include Only Elements on the Boundary and Include Unshared Edges are turned on.

Connectivity Attribute

This parameter is only available when Include Only Elements on the Boundary is turned on.

When Connectivity Attribute is turned on, the boundaries of the supplied attribute(s) are treated as group boundaries. Any connected region boundaries overlapping with the output group will also be included in the resulting boundary group.

By default, Connectivity Attribute is set to uv. However, you can use any attribute to specify connectivity. If the attribute is on either vertices or primitives, the resulting boundary group will include edges with attributes that differ across the edge. If the attribute is on points, the resulting boundary group will include edges that separate the connected regions of points.

When more than one attribute is specified, each attribute will be used to separately specify connectivity, and the boundaries will be the union of all the connected region boundaries.

Include All Primitives Sharing Attribute Boundary Points

When turned on, all primitives that have at least one point on the attribute boundary will be included in the result. Otherwise, primitives will be required to share an edge with the attribute boundary to be included.

This parameter is only available when Include Only Elements on the Boundary is turned on and the To type is Primitives.

Include Only Elements Entirely Contained in Original Group

This parameter is only available when Include Only Elements on the Boundary is turned off and the To type is Primitives, Edges, or Vertices.

When converting from a point or edge group to a primitive group, only primitives that have all their points or edges in the original point group will be included in the resulting primitive group.

The same thing applies when converting from a point or primitive group to an edge group - only edges with both points in the original point group will be added to the new edge group.

When converting from an edge group to a vertex group, only the vertices at the beginning of each edge will be included. In other words, each vertex is associated only with outgoing edges when this option is turned on.

Include Only Primitives Sharing an Edge with Original Group

When converting from a point, vertex or edge group to a primitive group, only primitives that have at least one edge contained in the original group will be included in the resulting primitive group.

When the Convert From type is Points it will check to see if the end points of the edge on the primitive are included in the original group, and when the Convert From type is Vertices it will check to see if the end vertices of the half-edge on the primitive are included in the original group.

This parameter is only available when Include Only Elements on the Boundary is turned off and the To type is Primitives.

Remove Degenerate Bridges

When turned on, removes degenerate bridge elements.

This parameter is only available when the To type is Points, Edges, or Vertices.

Output as Integer Attribute

When turned on, converts the output group to an integer attribute with values 0 (not in the group) and 1 (in the group), and then deletes the group.

This parameter is only available when the To type is Primitives, Points, or Vertices.


Input Geometry

The geometry on which to create the groups.

See also

Geometry nodes