Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Volume Vector Join geometry node

Merges multiple scalar Volumes into a vector Volume..

This combines multiple scalar volumes into one vector volume, where each voxel of the originals contribute to a different component of the resulting vector.

Each of the input volumes must have the same resolution and transform.


To reverse the join, use Volume Vector Split node



Normally the vector-size is determined by the number of valid volumes that match the groups. Instead the vector size can be explicitly provided. Extra matching volumes will be ignored, and missing will be filled with zero.

X Group

Volumes to use for the x-component.

Y Group

Volumes to use for the y-component.

Z Group

Volumes to use for the z-component.

W Group

Volumes to use for the w-component.

Keep Source Volumes

Normally the volumes that are joined are removed from the geometry. Instead, they can be kept.

See also

Geometry nodes