Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

VDB Diagnostics geometry node

Tests VDBs for Bad Values and Repairs.

Since 16.0

The VDB Diagonistics node has a suite of tests to validate and correct common errors in VDB nodes. For most errors, it provides an option of marking the troublesome voxels and/or repairing them.



Which input VDBs to examine.

Mark in Mask Grid

For tests set to Mark, output a mask VDB that highlights problematic regions in input VDBs.

Mark as Points With Values

For tests set to Mark, output a point cloud that highlights problematic regions in input VDBs.

Respect Grid Class

If disabled, apply fog volume and level set tests to all VDBs, not just VDBs classified as fog volumes or level sets.

Validate Fog Volumes

Verify that VDBs classified as fog volumes are valid fog volumes.

Validate for SDF CSG and Fracture

Verify that SDF VDBs meet the requirements for CSG and fracture operations.

Validate for SDF Filtering and Renormalization

Verify that SDF VDBs meet the requirements for filtering and renormalization.

Validate for SDF Advection and Morphing

Verify that SDF VDBs meet the requirements for advection and morphing.

Finite Values

Verify that all values are finite and non-NaN.

Uniform Background

Verify that all inactive voxels are set to the background value.

Values in Range

Verify that all scalar voxel values and vector magnitudes are in the given range.


Minimum and maximum allowed values (inclusive)

Symmetric Narrow Band

Verify that SDF inside and outside values are of equal magnitude.

Minimum Band Width

Verify that interior and exterior narrow band widths are sufficiently large.

Closed Surface

Verify that SDFs represent watertight surfaces.

Gradient Magnitude

Verify that the SDF gradient has magnitude one everywhere (within a given tolerance).

Inactive Tiles

Verify that SDFs have no active tiles. These would represent constant regions that should not occur in an SDF.

Uniform Voxel Size

Verify that SDFs have uniform voxel sizes.

Background Zero

Verify that all inactive voxels in fog volumes have value zero.

Active Values in [0, 1]

Verify that all active voxels in fog volumes have values in the range [0, 1].

Geometry nodes