Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Skeleton Blend 3.0 geometry node

Blends the poses of multiple skeletons

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Since 19.5

This SOP blends the transforms found on inputs. Both local and world space blending is supported, as well as difference blending or averaging.


First input

The rest pose (if difference blending), otherwise the first pose.

Other inputs

The other poses.


The distinction of a 'first' input only matters when difference blending.



The first input skeleton with the blend applied.



Specifies the group of the first skeleton’s joints that you want to blend.

Match By Attribute

When on, the SOP will match the points based on the attribute specified in Attribute To Match.

Attribute To Match

The attribute that you want to use to match up the points on the inputs.

Blend To Pose

When there is no second input provided, you have the option to blend the current joint transforms to an attribute given by the Pose Attribute parameter.

Pose Attribute

When there is no second input provided, specifies the name of the point attribute containing the transforms with which to blend.

Pose Weight

Controls the weight of the blend when Blend To Pose is enabled.

Pose Components

Determines which components of the transform are blended when Blend To Pose is enabled.

Difference Blending

When turned on, the differences in the poses are added. When turned off, the poses are averaged.

World Space

When turned on, the blend takes place in world space. By default, this option is turned off.


Blending between poses in world space will very likely result in changes in the distance between joints because the points follow a straight line in world space as the transforms blend from one to the other. You will only notice the difference when the Bias is set to anything other than 0 or 1.

Blend Masking

Set the masking behaviour for blending.

No masking

Sets a single blend weight for all joints from the slider.

Set From Attribute

Selects blend weight for individual joints from a provided attribute.

Scale From Attribute

Selects blend weight for individual joints from a provided attribute and scales it by the slider value.

Mask Attribute

Attribute used to dictate the local weight of the blend. If this attribute is not found on an input, the slider value is used instead.

From Each Input

Reads the mask attribute from, and applies it to, each input.

From First Input

Reads the mask attribute from the first input and applies it to every input.

Update Channel Names From Inputs

Updates Blends based on the input nodes and their names.


Controls the contribution of the geometry inputs as well as which components to blend.

Per-Blend Mask Options

Determines the masking behavior per geometry input.

No Mask

Use the slider value, ignoring the default mask.

Default Mask

Use the default mask set above.

Custom Mask

Set a custom masking behavior and attribute for this input.

See also

Geometry nodes