Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

RBD Cluster 2.0 geometry node

Combines fractured pieces or constraints into larger clusters.

Since 18.0

This SOP combines fractured pieces into larger clusters, either by adjusting the name attribute or by grouping the intracluster and intercluster constraints. The optional incoming cluster attribute on the constraint geometry points can be further refined with the Add Cluster Noise and Random Detach parameters.



Specifies the constraint points to cluster.

Cluster Type

Specifies how to apply the clustering to the input geometry.

Combine Pieces

Adjusts the name primitive attribute to combine pieces into clusters. This will result in fewer objects in the simulation. The constraint geometry is also updated to reflect the new pieces.

Group Constraints

The input geometry is not modified, but primitive groups are added to the constraint geometry to identify constraints between clusters, internal constraints in a cluster, etc. This can be used with the RBD Constraint Properties SOP to, for example, create stronger constraints between pieces in the same cluster. With this approach, the clustered chunks may be broken apart during the simulation by breaking the constraints within a cluster.

Cluster Name Prefix

The prefix applied to the name of each clustered piece.

Fuse Clustered Pieces

Fuses together each cluster’s pieces according to the Distance threshold, and removes the interior faces between those pieces.

Interior Group

A group containing the interior polygons of the fractured geometry (e.g. the Interior Group from Voronoi Fracture).

Snap Distance

The maximum distance to fuse points together.

Dissolve Exterior Cluster Edges

After fusing, dissolves exterior edges that are shared by primitives from different source pieces. This can be useful for removing fracture lines from clustered pieces.

Intracluster Group

The name of the group containing constraints between pieces in the same cluster.

Cluster to Cluster Group

The name of the group containing constraints between pieces in different clusters.

Cluster to Piece Group

The name of the group containing constraints between a piece that is in a cluster and a non-clustered piece.

Piece to Piece Group

The name of the group containing constraints between non-clustered pieces.

Cluster Attribute

The name of an integer point attribute on the input constraint geometry.

Cluster Noise

Adds cellular noise to the input points of the constraint geometry. The default behavior is to preserve the existing values of the Cluster Attribute if it exists on the input constraint geometry.


The offset of the cellular noise added to the input points.


The jitter of the cellular noise added to the input points.


The size of the cells for the noise added to the input points. This roughly corresponds to the size of the clusters.

Random Detachment

Randomly detach pieces from clusters.

Detach Seed

The random seed used for detachment.

Detach Ratio

The probability that a particular piece will be detached.

See also

Geometry nodes