Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Spline Fit geometry node

Fits a spline curve to points, or a spline surface to a mesh of points.

On this page

Any type of face or surface represents a valid input. The Fit op looks only at the control vertices (CVs) of the primitives, treating the CVs as data points to run the fit through. For example, if a cubic NURBS surface and a mesh have the same number of rows and columns and identical points, they will yield an identical fit because the Spline bases of the input NURBS surface are ignored.

The Fit op generates two types of outputs: primitives that roughly follow the path of the data points without necessarily going through the data points; and primitives that touch all the data points. The first type, known as “approximation”, is used primarily to extract a lean, smooth shape from a heavy data set, lending itself well to data reduction. The second type, known as “interpolation”, often serves as a smoothing tool for paths that must go through specified target positions.




Fitting style: by approximation or by interpolation.

Primitive Type

Type of output spline primitive: NURBS or Bezier.


Type of surface generated when input is a mesh:


Creates horizontal lines, which are display curves.


Creates vertical lines, which are display curves.

Rows & Cols

Creates both rows and columns, all display curves.


Builds the surface with triangles (not used).


Creates four-sided quadrilaterals.

Alt. Triangles

Creates the surface with alt. triangles (not used).

U Order

Order of fitted spline in the U direction.

V Order

Order of fitted spline in the V direction.



Primary precision factor in fitting.


Allows for more or less roundness in the shape.

U Multiple Knots

Enables preservation of sharp turns of the data in U.

V Multiple Knots

Enables preservation of sharp turns of the data in V.



Establishes the interpolation method:


Yields as many CVs as data points.


Yields more CVs than data points but the fit is tighter.


Similar to Global, only the basis reflects data directly.

NOTE: All float attributes will affect the basis of the interpolation, not just P.

U Data Parameter

Specifies the data parameterization in the U direction:


Uses evenly spaced parameter values.

Chord Length

Parameter values based on relative distances between data.


Similar to Chord Length, better suited for sharp corners.

V Data Parameter

Specifies the data parameterization in the V direction:


Uses evenly spaced parameter values.

Chord Length

Parameter values based on relative distances between data.


Similar to Chord Length, better suited for sharp corners.

U Wrap

Optionally close the generated spline in the U direction.

V Wrap

Optionally close the generated spline in the V direction.

Fit Corners

Enables corner preservation if the scope is Local.


FitCurves Example for Spline Fit geometry node

This is an example of how to use the Fit SOP to fit a NURBs curve to a basic polygon curve.

Fitting builds a new NURBs or Bezier curve through the input geometry’s points.

There are two methods for doing this:

Interpolation fitting outputs the same number of cv’s as the input curve (Original Polygon Curve).

Approximation fitting reduces the number of cv’s, while approximating a curve through the input points.

Play the animation to see how these two methods affect the resultant curve over time.

FitSurfaces Example for Spline Fit geometry node

This contains examples of fitting a Polygon Mesh to a NURBS surface through the use of the Fit SOP. There are two methods of fitting:

  • Approximation, which generates primitives that roughly follow the path of the data points.

  • Interpolation, which generates primitives that touch all the data points.

Geometry nodes