Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Capture Mirror geometry node

Copies capture attributes from one half of a symmetric model to the other.

A correspondence is established between each point of the source side of the model (the side in which the arrow is on) with the closest mirrored point on the destination side. This allows you to paint capture weights (using the Capture Layer Paint SOP) on one half of a character, and have those weights applied to the other half.

Before mirroring capture weights, your skin geometry must be captured to bones or metaballs using the Bone Capture SOP, the Bone Capture Proximity SOP, or the Capture Metaball SOP. Both the source (From) and destination (To) regions or metaball groups have to be specified in this initial capture.

The From and To fields specify a list of capture regions or metaball groups that are to be mirrored. Both the from and to list orders are important; capture regions are matched by their orders in their respective lists. For example, to mirror the right arm to the left arm one might have:

From: "ruparm/cregion 0" "rlowarm/cregion 0" "rhand/cregion 0"

To: "luparm/cregion 0" "llowarm/cregion 0" "lhand/cregion 0"

Pattern substitution rules may be used for the From and To parameters, please see the examples in Attrib String Edit.



Specifies a subset of points to affect.

Use Group As

Specifies whether the Group field specifies the set of source or destination points.

Capture Type

Whether to use Bone Capture, Muscle Capture or Metaball Capture when mirroring. That is, whether to mirror the boneCapture, muscleCapture or metaCapture attributes.


How to treat unspecified capture regions. These also change the behavior of the capturing. Each choice is associated with a different workflow.

Copy Unmirrored Captures

With this option, the destination point’s capture weights are replaced by the source point’s weights. Any bone or metaball object listed in the From parameter is changed to the corresponding object in the To parameter, and vice-versa. This operation is only done to one side of the model, the side the mirror arrow points away from.

This choice is best when one has one side of the model properly weighted and wishes to recreate the weights on the other side.

Leave Unmirrored Captures

This option processes all selected points. Each point’s weights for bones or metaball objects specified in the To parameter are deleted, and then the mirror point’s From bone or metaball weights are copied in after they've undergone the From->To conversion.

This choice is best when one has the From objects properly weighted and wishes to make the To bones symmetric copies. It does not affect the weights for unlisted bones or objects.

Average Weights

This option processes all selected points. Each point’s weights are added to the weights of its mirror point after the mirror point’s bones or metaball objects have undergone the from->to and to->from conversion. The point’s capture weights are then normalized.

This choice is best when combining the above workflows. It ensures a symmetrical weighting and does not damage cross-boundary feathering. One should note that all of the models weights are used - spurious weights will be spread to the other side of the model.


The origin of the reflection plane.


Distance to move reflection plane.


Direction of the reflection plane’s normal. This normal should face the source points when “Copying” unspecified capture regions.


This is a space delimited list of quoted relative paths of capture regions or metaballs to act as the source objects. If you're using bones, specify the bone’s name and the capture region primitive number (as in "ruparm/cregion 0"). If you're using metaballs, specify the metaball object’s name and the group name (as in "ruparm/muscle biceps"). If you're using muscles, then the names as specified in the Muscle ID parameter of the corresponding Muscle object.

Pattern matching rules can be used here, which are the same as the examples in Attrib String Edit.


To is specified using the same format as From, but specifies the destination bones or metaball object. The two lists form a one-to-one correspondence, so their order is important. If these regions aren’t already captured, this will be captured using their rest transforms.

Pattern matching rules can be used here, which are the same as the examples in Attrib String Edit.

Point Coloring

Whether to apply coloring to the incoming geometry by capture region.

Default Source Color

Leave the source geometry coloring as-is.

Color by Capture Region

Apply point coloring based on either the capture region’s assigned color or the metaball group’s assigned color.

Zero Weight Point Color

The color to apply to points when they are not weighted by any capture regions or metaball groups.

See also

Geometry nodes