Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Crowd MotionPath Edit geometry node

Deforms motion paths to match target positions.

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Since 20.0

This SOP deforms motion paths to match target positions for specific pinned points along the curves while preserving the paths' original local shape. This is useful for directly manipulating the paths of specific agents as an alternative to procedural tools such as Crowd MotionPath Follow and Crowd MotionPath Avoid.

The pinned points can be interactively edited using the viewer state. By default, the first and last points of each path are automatically pinned.

See SOP motion paths for more information on the SOP Crowds MotionPath toolset.


Reset All Changes

Removes all edits and restores the default set of pinned points.


Default Pin Weight

The weight of each motion path’s end point when creating the default set of pinned points, as well as any additional pinned points created via the viewer state. The deformed motion path is more likely to achieve the target position of pinned points with higher relative weights.

Start Point Weight

The weight of each motion path’s first point when creating the default set of pinned points. This is typically set to a higher weight than the other pinned points in order to preserve the initial position of the agent.

Scale Adjustment

Scale Adjustment

When turned on, maintains the original lengths of the motion paths according to the Scale Adjustment Weight. This should typically be turned on to prevent foot sliding from being introduced if the target positions are not reachable.

Scale Adjustment Weight

Specifies the importance of preserving the motion paths' original length versus reaching the pinned points' target positions. This should typically be set to a much larger value than the weights of the pinned points to avoid stretching the motion paths to reach the target positions.


Motion Paths

Polyline curves representing the paths of the agents over a time range.


A crowd of agents whose motion is represented by the Motion Paths.


Motion Paths

Polyline curves representing the paths of the agents over a time range.


A crowd of agents whose motion is represented by the Motion Paths.



This examples demonstrates how to generate motion paths from a simulated crowd, and use Crowd MotionPath Edit to interactively adjust the paths of specific agents.

See also

Geometry nodes