Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Crowd MotionPath Evaluate geometry node

Evaluates motion paths at a specific frame.

On this page
Since 20.0

This SOP evaluates motion paths to determine the primitive transform and animation clips to apply to each agent at the specified frame. This can be used to play back or render the animation described by the motion paths.

See SOP motion paths for more information on the SOP Crowds MotionPath toolset.



The frame to evaluate the motion paths at.


This is typically set to the current scene frame ($FF), but other expressions could be used to retime the animation playback. The Crowd MotionPath Retime SOP provides more flexible options for retiming the motion of specific agents.


Motion Paths

Polyline curves representing the paths of the agents over a time range.


A crowd of agents whose motion is represented by the Motion Paths.



A crowd of agents whose motion is represented by the Motion Paths.



This examples demonstrates how to bring agents following SOP-level animation into the crowd solver. These agents can be used for avoidance with simulated agents, or turned into ragdolls.


This examples demonstrates how to generate motion paths from a simulated crowd, and use Crowd MotionPath Edit to interactively adjust the paths of specific agents.


This example demonstrates how the Crowd MotionPath Avoid SOP can be used to apply avoidance between neighboring agents and against obstacles, and also uses the collisionignore attribute to build more complex avoidance rules and collision filtering between different groups of agents.


This examples demonstrates how to deform motion paths to follow guiding curves, along with more advanced options such as following closed loops and using attributes to control which curves are followed by each agent.


This example demonstrates how to use the Crowd MotionPath Layer SOP to layer a clip onto the upper body of an agent. The clip is activated when the agent is inside a bounding object.


This example demonstrates how to use the Crowd MotionPath Transition SOP to blend between animation clips, including intermediate transition clips defined by a clip transition graph

See also

Geometry nodes