Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Soft Peak geometry node

Moves the selected point along its normal, with smooth rolloff to surrounding points.

On this page

Unlike the Peak node, Soft Peak takes into account a rolloff function and a radius of influence. The points within radius distance to the selected point or group will be displaced by an amount proportional to the distance, similar to the Soft Transform node



Subset of points to translate.


Distance along normal by which to translate.

Distance Metric

Method for measuring which points are within the soft radius.


The shortest distance to a point in the group following a path along edges.


The shortest distance to a point in the group following a path along the surface.


The 3D distance to the closest point in the group.

Radius with Connectivity (deprecated)

The 3D distance to the closest point in the group, as long as there is a connected path contained entirely within the Soft Radius.


Lead Point Attribute is used to determine which normal each point should follow, and Distance Attribute determines how much each point is translated. Only points in the input group will be translated, even if other points have valid values in the attribute.

Apply Rolloff

If Distance Metric is Attribute, apply a rolloff to the distance output by treating the Distance Attribute as raw distances. A value of zero will be fully transformed, while higher values will be transformed less. Only points whose values are less than or equal to Soft Radius will be affected. If this is toggled off, the Distance Attribute value is treated as if it has already been rolled off, and the transform is multiplied by the value. A value of one will be fully transformed while smaller values will be transformed less.

Distance Attribute

If Distance Metric is Attribute, this specifies the point attribute containing the values that modify the amount each point in the group is transformed by. If Apply Rolloff is true the values are treated as raw distances and will be rolled off to between zero and one, otherwise the transform amount is multiplied by the value.

Soft Radius

Area of influence.

Soft type

The type of rolloff for soft modifications. This affects how much influence your direct edits have on other points/faces with the soft radius, based on their distance.


Linear falloff: the amount of influence decreases linearly with distance.


Slow falloff: direct edits affect distant points/faces more than with Cubic.


Quick falloff: direct edits affect distant points/faces less than with Quadratic.


Calculate falloff according with the metaball density function you specify in the Kernel function parameter.

Tangent Angles

Angles of the cubic rolloff function’s tangents. The first value applies to the tangent farthest from the source point, the second applies to the tangent closest to the source point.

Kernel Function

Metaball kernel to use when rolloff Type is “Meta-ball”.

Lead Point Attribute

If Distance Metric is Attribute and Translate Along Lead Normal is true, this specifies the point attribute containing the point index of the whose normal should be translated along. A value of -1 will cause the point to be translated along its own normal.

Translate Along Lead Normal

Translate points within the radius along the normal of the point in Group closest to them. Otherwise translate along their respective normals, giving a mushrooming effect.

Recompute Point Normals

Recomputes point normals if they exist.

Visualize Falloff

When to output the soft radius falloff as a vis_falloff point attribute.


Never create or write to the vis_falloff attribute.


Always create and write to the vis_falloff attribute.

When Viewport Tool Is Active

Only create or write to the vis_falloff attribute temporarily when the viewport tool for this node is active.



The number of points.


The number of primitives.

See also

Geometry nodes