Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

MotionClip Pose Delete 2.0 geometry node

Removes the specified poses from the MotionClip.

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Since 18.5

This SOP selects a set of the poses from the MotionClip, and either deletes the poses or deletes a group of joints from the poses. This selection can be made by specifying a frame range, a pose group, or an increment, and then optionally inverting that selection.

The set of poses in the selection always excludes the rest pose of the MotionClip.


This viewport state allows you to visualize a MotionClip or its evaluated poses over time using a color ramp, and is available for every MotionClip SOP that outputs a MotionClip.

MotionClip viewport state interaction

You can select individual joints from the current pose in the MotionClip viewport state. For the selected joints, you can then use the Evaluate Pose mode to view just the current pose, its selected joints, and the motion trails for those joints.

rFoot and lFoot joints selected, Mode = Evaluate Pose, Color = White to Red
MotionClip viewport state toolbar


Determines the MotionClip information that is displayed in the viewport.


Displays all the MotionClip’s poses.

Mode = MotionClip

Evaluate Pose

Displays a single MotionClip pose at the current time.

Mode = Evaluate Pose

Transparent MotionClip

When turned on, the MotionClip’s poses are displayed as fainter lines, making it easier to see the scene behind the MotionClip, as well as the evaluated pose.


Applies the selected color ramp preset to the MotionClip’s visualization in the viewport. This color ramp helps to visualize changes to the MotionClip or individual poses over time.

Mode = Evaluate Pose, Color = White to Red

Extend Color

Determines how the poses outside of the MotionClip’s defined animation start and end range are visualized in the viewport.


Holds the color values at the ends of the range.

Mode = MotionClip, Color = Plasma, Extended Color = Hold


Poses outside the animation start and end range are colored gray.

Mode = MotionClip, Color = Plasma, Extended Color = Gray


Hides the poses outside the animation start and end range.

Mode = MotionClip, Color = Plasma, Extended Color = Hide


Joint Group

If set, instead of deleting the entire pose, only the specified group of joints are deleted from each selected pose.


This can be useful for removing the animation on a set of joints during a portion of your animation to avoid the need to counter animate.

Delete Non Selected Joints

When turned on, all joints that are not included in Joint Group are deleted from each selected pose.

Selection Mode

The method used to select the set of poses to delete.

Frame Range

These parameters are used to specify a frame range over which to select poses, as well as a repeating pattern of N frames to select, and M frames to not select.

These parameters are available when Selection Mode is set to Frame Range.

Clip Range

The source used to define the frame range in which to select poses.

Use clipinfo Detail Attribute

The frame range is obtained from the clipinfo detail attribute of the input MotionClip.

Custom Frame Range

The frame range is obtained from the Frame Range parameter.

All Frames

Poses at any frame can be selected. The Select _ of _ Frames parameter can be used to refine the selection.

Frame Range

Only poses in this frame range can be selected for deletion.

This parameter is available when Clip Range is set to Custom Frame Range.

Select Poses Outside Range

When turned on, poses outside of the Frame Range are included in the selection.

This parameter is available when Clip Range is set to Use clipinfo Detail Attribute or Custom Frame Range.

Select Every Nth Frame

When turned on, every pose in the MotionClip that is a multiple of Frame Step before or after Frame Offset is selected.

Frame Step

The number of frames between each selected pose.

This parameter is available when Select Every Nth Frame is turned on.

Frame Offset

A frame is included in the selection if it is a multiple of Frame Step frames away from this frame.

This parameter is available when Select Every Nth Frame is turned on.

Select _ of _ Frames

Starting 1 frame before the Frame Range and ending at the end of the Frame Range, for every period of (number in the right field) frames, only poses within the first (number in the left field) frames after the start of the period are selected.

If Clip Range is set to All Frames, frame 0 is the initial starting point of the range, and the pattern extends indefinitely.

For example, with Select _ of _ Frames set to 3 and 5, and Frame Range set to 1-15, a pose at frame F is selected if it falls within one of the following ranges: 0<F<=3; 5<F<=8; or 10<F<=13.

This parameter is available when Select Every Nth Frame is turned off.


This can be used to select every pose in the range except poses at every Nth frame by using the action button to set the first field, and setting the second field to N.


Float values can be used but no new poses are created.

Include Range Start

Determines whether a pose at the start of the frame range is selected.


It is selected if it matches the pattern defined by the other parameters.


It is always selected.


It is never selected.

This parameter is available when Clip Range is set to Use clipinfo Detail Attribute or Custom Frame Range.

Include Range End

Determines whether a pose at the end of the frame range is selected.


It is selected if it matches the pattern defined by the other parameters.


It is always selected.


It is never selected.

This parameter is available when Clip Range is set to Use clipinfo Detail Attribute or Custom Frame Range.

Delete Non Selected

When turned on, all poses that are not included in the selection are deleted.

Frame Pattern

These parameters are available when Selection Mode is set to Frame Pattern.


All the samples specified in this pattern are selected for deletion. Frames is a series of space-separated patterns that specify frames and frame ranges.

Each pattern must be one of the following:


All frames.


An individual frame.


Frames from ‹n› to ‹m› (inclusive). If ‹m› is less than ‹n›, only ‹n› matches.


Frames from ‹n› to ‹m› (inclusive), skipping every ‹step› frames.


Every frame not matching ‹pattern›. ‹pattern› must match one of the previous patterns.


Removes frames matching ‹pattern› from previous patterns in the list. ‹pattern› must match another pattern in this list.

Delete Non Selected

When turned on, all poses that are not included in the selection are deleted.

Pose Range

These parameters are used to define a range of indices over which to select the poses, and the number out of each set of N poses to select.

These parameters are available when Selection Mode is set to Pose Range.

Pose Range

When turned on, only poses at primitive indices within this range can be selected. When turned off, any pose can be selected.

Select Poses Outside Range

When turned on, poses outside of the Pose Range are included in the selection.

This parameter is available when Pose Range is turned on.

Select Every Nth Pose

When turned on, every pose in the MotionClip that is a multiple of Pose Step before or after Pose Offset is selected.

Pose Step

The number of poses between each selected pose.

This parameter is available when Select Every Nth Pose is turned on.

Pose Offset

A pose is included in the selection if it is a multiple of Pose Step poses away from this pose index.

This parameter is available when Select Every Nth Pose is turned on.

Select _ of _ Poses

Selects only the first (number in the left field) poses for every set of (number in the right field) poses following the start of the Pose Range.

This parameter is available when Select Every Nth Pose is turned off.

Include First Pose

Determines whether the first pose in the range is selected.


The first pose is selected if it matches the pattern defined by the other parameters.


The first pose is always selected.


The first pose is never selected.


When Delete Non Selected is turned on, set Include First Pose to Always to ensure that the animaton at the start of the MotionClip does not get truncated.

Include Last Pose

Determines whether the last pose in the range is selected.


The last pose is selected if it matches the pattern defined by the other parameters.


The last pose is always selected.


The last pose is never selected.


When Delete Non Selected is turned on, set Include Last Pose to Always to ensure that the animaton at the end of the MotionClip does not get truncated.

Delete Non Selected

When turned on, all poses that are not included in the selection are deleted.

Pose Group

These parameters are available when Selection Mode is set to Pose Group.

Pose Group

The group of poses to be deleted.

Delete Non Selected

When turned on, all poses that are not included in the selection are deleted.



The MotionClip to be adjusted.



The MotionClip with the specified frames deleted.


SimpleMotionClipPoseDelete Example for MotionClip Pose Delete geometry node

This example demonstrates how to use the MotionClip PoseDelete node to remove a series of frames from a motion clip.

See also

Geometry nodes