Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

PolyPatch geometry node

Creates a smooth polygonal patch from primitives.

On this page

The Polypatch op creates a smooth polygonal patch from a mesh primitive or a set of faces (polygons, NURBS or Bezier curves).


The mesh is built using the point number ordering of the input, not the point ordering within the polygons as may be expected. The Sort SOP can be used in By Vertex to get the point numbers to match the incoming topology.



Subset of input to use

Spline Type

Cardinal or B-Spline


How to connect the patch together:


Creates horizontal lines, which are open polygons


Creates vertical lines, which are open polygons

Rows & Cols

Both rows and columns, all open polygons


Build the grid with triangles

Alternating Triangles

Build the grid with alternating triangles


Four-sided quadrilaterals (default)

Inherit from Source

Same connectivity as the mesh source

U Wrap

The wrapping of the built patch.


Do not wrap in U/V


Wrap in U/V

If prim. does

Wrap in U/V if the input primitive does

U Clamp (First)

The clamping of the built patch.


Do not clamp the first/last end in the U/V direction


Clamp the first/last end in the U/V direction

If prim. does

Clamp the first/last end in the U/V direction if the input primitive does

Output Divisions

The number of divisions in the output surface. Use more divisions for a smoother surface.

Output Polygons

Force polygonal rather than mesh output


PolyPatchDNA Example for PolyPatch geometry node

This example demonstrates the use of the PolyPatch SOP to procedurally model complex forms.

Here, a DNA model is created.

See also

Geometry nodes