Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Test Geometry: Capybara geometry node

Creates a capybara, which can be used as test geometry.

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Since 20.0

Test geometry provides some built in geometry to prototype and experiment with. Not only does it provide a more interesting starting point than a torus, but it is also more representative of the sort of geometry your effect will have to deal with: multiple components, holes, and not perfect geometry.

The capybara is a cute oversized rodent equipped with bones and muscles. This provides a starting point for experimenting with rigging and muscle systems. The skin also has capture weights, so you can send Cappy on some adventures even without starting up the simulators.

Many are surprised that Cappy is bipedal; but they shouldn’t be, for Cappy demonstrated excellent brachiation on the monkey bars in our test environment! And, as we all know, brachiation is an exaptation to bipedalism, so this powerful walk cycle should come as little surprise.



Position of the center of the feet.


Rotation of the geometry about its center.

Uniform Scale

Uniform scaling.


Which geometry to output from the first output.

Skin Surface

The surface of the capybara with capture weights.

Muscle Surface

Semi-anatomical muscles surfaces.

Bone Surface

Semi-anatomical bones with rigidly captured weights.

Add Shader

Whether to attach a default shader to render the Capybara with embedded texture maps.

Apply Normal Map

Enables normal maps in embedded shader. Normal maps make for a more interesting capybara, but trigger runtime tangent computation that is slow.

Apply Subsurface

Enables subsurface scattering for the skin. This creates the glow from light entering the skin, but will require more samples to create a final rendered image.


The capture pose and animation pose outputs can be wired to a Joint Deform to get an animated capybara.

Output Motion Clip

Output a motion clip on the third output rather than a single pose. A Motion Clip Evaluate SOP must be used to pick a specific pose for deformation; but this allows layering of the clip with other motion clip tools.

Animation Clip

Animation for the third output.


A looping cycle of a brave capybara walking in place.


Which frame to extract for the animation pose.

Apply Locomotion

Makes the Capybara move forward as it walks.

Number of Loops

The number of loops of the walk cycle to play.


Rest Geometry

Skin geometry with capture weights (boneCapture point attribute).

Capture Pose

Rest skeleton geometry.

Animated Pose

Animated skeleton geometry.

See also

Geometry nodes