Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Agent Prep 3.0 geometry node

Adds various common point attributes to agents for use by other crowd nodes.

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Since 15.5

This node adds the following point attributes to the agent.


Name Class Type Description
agentrig_footchannels Point String Array

An array (tuple size 2) containing the Ankle Plant Channel and Toe Plant Channel for each of the agent’s Lower Limbs.

agentrig_footoffsets Point Vector Array

An array (tuple size 2) containing the Ankle Offset and Toe Offset for each of the agent’s Lower Limbs.

agentrig_head Point String Array

An array containing the name of the agent’s Head for each torso.

agentrig_eyeoffsets Point Vector Array

An array containing the Eye Offset for each Head.

agentrig_eyes Point String Array

An array containing the names of the eye joints in the skeleton.

agentrig_hips Point String Array

An array containing the name of the agent’s Hips for each torso.

agentrig_lowerback Point String Array

An array containing the name of the agent’s Lower Back for each torso.

agentrig_lowerlimbs Point String Array

An array (tuple size 4) containing the names of the agent’s Lower Limbs.

agentrig_restclip Point String

The name of the agent’s Rest Clip.

agentrig_upperlimbs Point String Array

An array (tuple size 3) containing the names of the agent’s Upper Limbs.



Rest Clip

The name of the clip where the agent is “resting”, meaning that the agent is static and oriented along the positive z-axis. This is used for look ats.

Upper Limbs

Specifies the number of upper limbs (e.g. arms) in the rig. The upper limbs are not currently used by the crowd solver.

Upper Arm

The upper arm transform.

Lower Arm

The lower arm transform.


The hand transform.


Specifies the number of torsos in the rig.


The hips transform. This is used for hip adjustment when applying terrain adaptation.

Lower Back

The lower back transform. This is used when leaning is enabled for terrain adaptation.

Eye Offset

Offset from the head joint (in local space) to the average eye position, used when adjusting the head joint for lookats.


An eye transform that is a child of the Head transform. Used when adjusting the skeleton for lookats.

Lower Limbs

Specifies the number of lower limbs (e.g. legs) in the rig. The lower limbs are used for terrain adaptation.

Upper Leg

The upper leg transform.


The knee transform.


The ankle transform.


The toe transform.

Ankle Plant Channel

Name of a channel in the agent’s clip catalog that indicates when the ankle should be planted. This is used when foot locking is enabled in the crowd solver.

Toe Plant Channel

Name of a channel in the agent’s clip catalog that indicates when the toe should be planted. This is used when foot locking is enabled in the crowd solver.

Ankle Offset

Offset from the ankle joint (in local space) to use when adjusting the leg for terrain adaptation. This can be used to ensure that the ankle’s position on the skin geometry is planted on the terrain, instead of the ankle joint’s position.

Toe Offset

Offset from the toe joint (in local space) to use when adjusting the foot for terrain adaptation. This can be used to ensure that the toe’s position on the skin geometry is planted on the terrain, instead of the toe joint’s position.

Additional Channels

Provides options to add additional channels to the agent’s animation clips, such as those used for the Ankle Plant Channel and Toe Plant Channel. This is an alternative to using the Additional Channels parameter on the Agent ROP and Agent SOP, and allows channels to be added after the clip (and agent primitive) has been created.

Modified Clips

Specifies the path to CHOP nodes which contain modified animation clips (such as extra channels describing when the feet are planted during the clip). The name of the clip is inferred from the string matched by ${CLIP}.

Create Foot Plant CHOP Network

Creates a CHOP network which, for each of the agent’s animation clips, uses the Foot Plant CHOP to create the Ankle Plant Channel and Toe Plant Channel for each of the agent’s Lower Limbs.

Load Clips

Toggles whether the Modified Clips are added to the agent’s definition.


Specifies whether to load the Modified Clips from the specified CHOP nodes, or to use the Clip Paths on disk.

Keep External References

When loading clips from disk, this parameter indicates whether the external reference should be maintained when the geometry will be saved. If the reference is maintained, then the original source of the clip needs to be available when the saved geometry is used. Otherwise, a copy of the clip will be inlined when saving out the geometry so that the original clip is no longer needed.

Reload Clips

Reloads the Modified Clips.

Agent Name

Base name of the agent.

Cache Directory

The parent directory of agent definition files.

Clip Paths

Filename pattern of cached clip files. The ${CLIP} local variable contains the name of the current clip being processed from the list of Modified Clips. As with the Agent SOP, ${AGENT} and ${CACHEDIR} can be used as a convenience to reference the Agent Name and Cache Directory parameters.

Cache Modified Clips to Disk

Saves the Modified Clips to disk using the paths specified by the Clip Paths parameter.



The agent primitives.



The modified agent primitives.

See also

Geometry nodes