This enum contains the possible types for a flag metadata stored on a pdg.WorkItem attribute.
Values ¶
The attribute has no flags set.
The attribute has all flags set.
The attribute is marked as not being copied onto downstream work items.
The attribute value will be exported to the environment when the work item is executed out of process.
The attribute value can only be read, not modified.
The attribute is a built in created by PDG.
The attribute refers to an operator path.
The attribute refers to a file path that should be transferred to the remote scheduler directory when the work item cooks.
The attribute is copied onto internal dependents within the same node, if they don’t already have a value for the same attribute.
The attribute does not cause work items to be dirtied when its value changes during item regeneration. Attribute adds/deletes, or changes to other attributes or work item intrinsics, will still cause the work item to be dirtied.
The attribute is not saved or serialized, e.g. when writing a work item to JSON or saving a graph.
The attribute is bound to the life time of a work item. This flag is only valid for attributes stored on a pdg.Graph instance.
The attribute refers to a file that should be treated as an extra input to the work item. If the file changes on disk between cooks, then any cached outputs for the work item are also invalidated.
The attribute contains value(s) that represents a timestamp. The value will be displayed as a date + time string in the attribute panel, instead of as a number. The underlying numeric value can still be accessed by expanding the attribute’s detail section in the panel. This flag is only valid for numeric attributes, i.e. integers and floats.
The attribute contains value(s) that represent a memory amount or file size. The value will be rounded and displayed with a KB, MB or GB suffix as needed, instead of as a number. The underlying numeric value can still be accessed by expanding the attribute’s detail section in the panel. This flag is only valid for numeric attributes, i.e. integers and floats.