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Full Version: Features on Camera enhancement for composition principles
Root » Houdini Lounge » Features on Camera enhancement for composition principles
Guys, I know it's not that tough but can make a huge difference, if we can have a SOP which can automatically create some composition guide line based on camera frame size. Like rule of third, golden ratio etc. It would help novice artists to make their frame adjustment more effectively. Any bell on that? :wink:
How does karma's camera achieve a composite line like the cinima4d camera?
Ten years later,we still don't have this basic function
I can live without compositing linea like rule of therd by just drowing them on monitor xD

but i cant live without camera sequencer!

And i cant live without ready to use camera rigs for differen scenarios.

Of course inncamera lines for compositing are way better that ones drawn on pc monitor xD

Moar camera tool.please! We need it for making layout an animatics and all


You can take a look to this node: []

You can take a look to this node: []

It does not support H20
I see, I'll investigate what is happening with it in H20 (I'm the creator of the tool), for now, to force the refresh of the guides you can disable and enable the "Enable Guides" parm.

Hope it helps, sorry for the problem with H20 :P
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