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Full Version: Problem with Vdb and Copy to Points.
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Problem with Vdb and Copy to Points.
So my idea is to create a few clouds and then copy them randomly via Copy To Points.

What I want is to give the clouds the color based on the target points.

I get a nice result in the viewport, but rendering in Redshift has no color data.

I am aware I don't have the color channel for volumes. My question is, Can I transfer the color from the viewport and transfer it to the volume color channel, after the Copy to Point node?

Attaching reference image and scene.

Hopefully there is a workflow.
So I realize that it's possible to take the point Cd using Mantra.

Is it possible to do the same thing in Redshift, or if not? Is there any work around to make it work?
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