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Full Version: Olny a few menus when I press Tab in the Material Libaray
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Olny a few menus when I press Tab in the Material Libaray
Hi, I'm using houdini apprentice version, and is it normal that there are only a few menus available when I press TAB in the Material Library in the Solaris Stage of the Houdini Apprentice version, unlike the paid version?

I can't create any general materials, nodes like Principled shader, Texutre, Invert...and many other things.

Somebody might say "You can create it in the MaterialNetwork of the object level, and copy/paste it into your MaterialLibray."

I know that, but I just want to know if it's because it's a non-commercial version.
Tab menu nodes are now filtered by material type. Create a material builder of the type you need and dive inside it. If you enter the menu then, you'll see every compatible node. The Principled shader can be found in the Vex material builder.
Tab menu nodes are now filtered by material type. Create a material builder of the type you need and dive inside it. If you enter the menu then, you'll see every compatible node. The Principled shader can be found in the Vex material builder.

This helps a lot. Thank you.
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